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1、Unit8 Our dream单元教材分析本单元的话题是“我的梦想”。其主要教学内容是职业类名词和句型What do you want to be in the future? I want to be. 为了使学生更好地掌握本单元的句型和词汇,教师在教学过程中应启发学生联系实际多运用。并通过对“dream”这一话题的讨论,引导学生树立正确的价值观,心怀梦想并为实现自己的梦想而努力奋斗。 学习目标知识目标1. 能听得懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词及词汇dream, future, take care of, scientist, artist.2.能听得懂、会说、会读词汇care about, a

2、stronaut, spaceship, Moon, football player, World Cup, dancer, pianist, come true, brave, paint3.能听得懂、会说、会读日常交际用语及句型 What do you want to be in the future? I want to be 4.了解朗读中连读和失去爆破的基本要求5.会唱英文歌Im a little teacher.技能目标1、能够用正确表达一些职业名称。2、能够熟练运用所学词汇和句型表达自己的梦想。情感目标引导学生树立正确的价值观,心怀梦想并为实现自己的梦想而努力奋斗。学习重点:1.

3、 能够正确表述所学过的职业类名词。2. 四会词汇:dream, future, take care of, scientist, artist. 四会句型:What do you want to be in the future?I want to be 教学难点 能够熟练运用所学词汇和句型表达自己的梦想。课时安排 六课时第一课时 Story time 第二课时 Story time II, Fun time, 第三课时Grammar time, Checkout time(Listen and choose)第四课时Cartoon time, Checkout time(think and

4、write) 第五课时 Sound time, Song time. Checkout time(think and write) II, Ticking time第六课时练和补讲评中山路共同体六年级英语教案课时:6B81 课型:Story time 主备学校:中山路小学 审核人:茅君 集备主讲:陈玮 使用学校: 使用教师: 执教时间:【学习目标】1. 能理解并正确朗读课文。2. 能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词 。 3. 能听懂、会说、会读词汇 。 4. 能用句型 wants to be , wants to 来复述课文。【学习准备】1PPT2学案【自主导学】1. 常规预习 跟磁带朗读课文,理

5、解课文大意。 预习书上单词,想一想每个单词中元音字母的发音。2. 知识解析:有一类动词在末尾加上er 变为这个动词的名词形式。e.g. drive- driver, play-player, dance- dancer, teach-teacher, work-worker, farm-farmer, sing-singer 文化小知识:世界杯 ( World Cup, FIFA World Cup, 国际足联世界杯,世界足球竞标赛) 是世界上最高水平的足球比赛,与奥运会、F1 并称为全球三大顶级赛事。每四年举办一次,任何国际足联(FIFA)会员国(地区)都可以派出代表对报名参加,而世界杯主要

6、分为预选赛阶段和决赛阶段两个阶段。宇航员,或称航天员(astronaut)指以太空飞行为职业或进行过太空飞行的人。全世界仅有前苏联/俄罗斯、美国、中国三个国家拥有发射载人航天任务的能力。其他国家的宇航员都需要与以上三国合作来完成载人航天任务。航天员是开拓太空之路的先锋,作为一名航天员需要具有崇高的献身精神、高深的学识水平、非凡的工作能力、优秀的环境耐力、良好的心理素质和健康的身体条件。我国有杨利伟、聂海胜、费俊龙、吴杰、刘伯明、景海鹏等宇航员复习自测(根据中文完成句子): 我想成为一名医生。我想帮助他们。 I want to _ a _. I want to _ _. 3. 预习自测阅读课文回

7、答问题:What are Miss Li and her students talking about?_.【课堂互动】Step1 Free talk1. Daily reports. 这是一个让学生展示自己的小短文的环节。(1)可以让学生说一说上一单元的话题:My summer holiday plans.(2)老师针对学生汇报的内容对全班提问,训练学生的听力和理解能力。2. 预习反馈, 导入课文:T: Boys and girls, your reports are wonderful. And theres a dialogue between Miss Li and her stude

8、nts. They are talking about a new topic. What is it? What are they talking about?What is Miss Li doing? Lets watch the cartoon.S: They are talking about their dreams. / 带读课题及引言部分。提示:ask sb. about sth. ask sb. to do sth.Step2 Presentation 1. 泛读:Read and match. P 80(1) 明确要求T: The students are talking

9、about their dreams. But what do they want to be in the future?(课件呈现问题,并带读) Please read the text quickly and match.(2) Check the answer. 穿插教学职业类名词:a football player. a dancer, an astronaut, a pianistT: What does Liu Tao want to be ? S: He wants to be a(3) 课件汇总: want to be Mike a dentistWang Bing an a

10、stronautLiu Taoa football playerSu Haia dancerNancy a writerYang Ling a pianist2. 精读:(1) 明确要求:T: Each of the students has a dream. And what do they want to do ? Please read the text carefully and think about the question. (2) 学生汇报,以表格形式汇总答案。 want to be want to Mike a dentisthelp the childrenWang Bin

11、g an astronautfly a spaceship to the MoonLiu Taoa football playerplay in the World CupSu Haia dancerDancing makes people healthy and beautiful.Nancy a writerwrite stories for childrenYang Ling a pianistMusic makes people happy. 前两个人物,以师生问答的形式讨论,并穿插教学词组 care about, fly a spaceship to the Moon 。谈论到刘涛起

12、,引导学生汇报:Liu Tao wants to be a football player. He wants to play in the World Cup.(3) 谈论Miss Li.T: Well, Miss Li is their teacher. But she has a dream too. Whats that? Do you know?S: She wants to see the students dream come true.(带读词组come true )T: Yes! And thats my dream too. I want to see your dream

13、s come true. So, lets talk about our dreams next lesson, OK? And you should think about it after class.Step3. Consolidation 朗读指导:(1) Read after the tape. 因为本课的话题是梦想,所以提示学生带着憧憬、积极向上的语气来朗读。(2) Read in roles. 以四人小组小组为单位,分角色朗读课文。(3) Report. 【达标检测】 Think and write P. 80Step4. Homework1. 跟录音机熟读课文后尝试背诵。2. 完成练第一课时。【巩固延伸】一、翻译词组:1. 询问学生们他们的梦想 _2. 想要成为一名宇航员 _3. 一名足球运动员 _4. 为孩子们写故事_5. 在将来 _6. care about _7. come true _8. play in the World Cup _9. fly a spaceship to the Moon _10. make people healthy and beautiful_二、选择:( ) 1. -What do you want to_ in the future? I want to play in the World Cup



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