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1、学校 班级 姓名 考号 密封线四年级秋季期中教学质量检测英 语 试 卷第一部分听力(共三大题,满分30分)一、听音选单词(每个小题1分,共10分)。( )1、A、left B、right ( )6、A、fast B、far( )2、A、No. B、No ( )7、A、draw B、drink( )3、A、take B、make ( )8、A、between B、behind( )4、A、China B、Chinese ( )9、A、supermarket B、cinema ( )5、A、tomato B、potato ( )10、A、straight B、strong二、听音选句子(每个小题1

2、分,共10分)。( )11、A、I live at No.2 Park Street. B、I live in Jiange.( )12、A、 The bus is down the hill. B 、The bus is near the park.( )13、A、Look at these pictures. B、Look at the clock.( )14、A、This is my friend Maomao. B、This is my little brother Tom.( )15、A、we can see lots of interesting things. B、We can

3、swim in the park.( )16、A、Here are noodles with tomato and egg and noodles with meat and potato. B、Here is a book about China. ( )17、A、Six yuan for ten. B、Ten yuan for six.( )18、A、Im the winner. B、Im afraid.( )19、A、shes tall. B、Hes strong.( )20、A、Can you go to buy some eggs? B、Can we help you?三、听问句选答

4、语(每个小题1分,共10分)。( )21、A、Its next to a supermarket. B、Im on your right now. ( )22、A、Its at the station. B、I live at No.3 Park Street.( )23、A、shes reading a book. B、Hes takig pictures.( )24、A、shes playing with a toy train. B、Hes watching TV.( )25、A、Im talking to my friend. B、Hes reading a book about Ch

5、ina.( )26、A、Theyre playing chess. B、No,its dancing.( )27、A、Theyre drinking soya milk. B、Its singing.( )28、A、Yes, please. B、Of course.( )29、A、Its five yuan. B、I want it, please.( )30、A、Yes,Ican. B、Yes,Ido. 第二部分笔试(共五大题,满分70分)四、词意配对(每个小题2分,共30分)。( )31、go straight on A、直着走 B、弯着走( )32、supermarket A、超市 B、

6、市场( )33、cinema A、图书馆 B、电影院( )34、house A、马 B、房屋( )35、picture A、图片 B、涂鸦( )36、interesting A、许多 B、有趣的( )37、between A、两者之间 B、前面( )38、flower A、花 B、树( )39、high A、高 B、低( )40、excuse me A、对不起 B、难过( )41、Youre welcome. A、不客气 B、没关系( )42、take pictures A、照相 B、制作蛋糕( )43、play chess A、下国际象棋 B、踢足球( )44、fast food A、快餐

7、B、中式快餐( )45、turn left A、向左转 B、向右转五、口语运用。根据问句选择正确的答语(每个小题2分,共16分)。( )46、Where are you? A、Youre welcome.( )47、Thank you. B、Im behind the door.( )48、Lets get on the bus. C、Theyre drinking soya milk.( )49、What are they drinking? D、OK.( )50、Do you want some rice? E、Shes playing chess.( )51、What is she do

8、ing? F、Yes,Ican.( )52、Can you run fast? G、Yes,please.( )53、What are you doing? H、Im taking pictures.六、单项选择(每个小题2分,共20分)。( )54、The dog lost. A、am B、is( )55、I live No.3 Park Street. A、on B、at( )56、My school is next a supermarket. A、for B、to ( )57、Im my friend. A、talk with B、talking to( )58、They a boat

9、 in the park. A、 is rowing B、are rowing( )59、 is it? Five yuan. A、How many B、How much( )60、Lucy can fast. A、run B、running( )61、You running and you like . A、are,running B、is ,run ( )62、Look,Daming is playing basketball. A、a B、/( )63、Look at these . A、 boy B、boys七、根据汉语提示选择方框内的单词或短语补全句子(每个小题1分,共5分)。nex

10、t to turn right what taking pictures run64、Wheres the school ? .(右转)65、Wheres the cinema ? Its (接近)the supermarket.66、Xiaoyong is .(照相). 67、 (什么)are you doing ? Im swimming.68、Can you (跑)fast? Yes,I can.八、根据汉语提示补全单词(每个小题1分,共7分)1、r ght(右边) 2、t ke(拍摄) 3、l st(迷路的) 4、ch ss(国际象棋) 5、h se(房屋) 6、fl er(花)7、str t(街道)


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