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1、单元分析课题Unit 8 The sun is bigger than the earth.教学目标1、 学生初步掌握比较级的用法和句型。2、 学生了解变形容词比较级的一般规律。3、 学生学会有关比较级的一些新单词。4、 学会字母W在单词中的发音。交际句型The sun is bigger than the earth.Which is bigger, the sun or the earth?Why does the earth look bigger than the sun?四会单词Big, bigger, small, smaller, tall, taller, short, sho

2、rter, long, longer, good, better, quick, quicker, slow, slower, far, farther, near, nearer, fat, fatter, thin, thinner, strong, stronger, weak, weaker, easy, easier, clean, cleaner, dirty, dirtier, young, younger, old, older, happy, happier, sad, sadder, question, earth, far away, mountain, blanket,

3、 jungle, world, than.语 法1、形容词比较级的用法和句型。2、形容词比较级的变化规律。3、字母W在单词中的发音。教具准备课件、单词卡片、录音机、磁带课时安排8课时第一课时课题Unit 8 The sun is bigger than the earth.教学目标知识技能目标1、 初步学习形容词比较级的用法和句型。2、 初步了解形容比较级的变化规律。情感目标能够对教学活动感兴趣。教学重点和难点 词汇:Big, bigger, small, smaller, tall, taller, short, shorter, long, longer, good, better, qu

4、ick, quicker, slow, slower, fat, fatter, thin, thinner, strong, stronger, weak, weaker, easy, easier, clean, cleaner, dirty, dirtier, young, younger, old, older, 句型:Which is bigger, the sun or the earth? The sun is bigger.教学方法游戏、对话练习、造句练习课前准备单词卡片、课件教学过程设计阶段安排学习内容教学活动设计意图Step1Warming up.1 Chant.2 A g

5、ame.1 Lets chant: Tall, tall, who is tall?2 Lets have a match of blowing the balloons. Which balloon is bigger? Ask two pupils to blow the balloons. Give them 30 second. Whose balloon is bigger?通过唱韵诗来复习形容词。同时也让学生体会到我们将要学习有关形容词的内容。以比赛吹气球的方式来引出话题。Step2Presentation.Present the structures of comparative

6、 adjectives.1 Show some pictures or things and ask the children to make sentences. For example: show the pictures of elephant and giraffe and ask: Which one is taller, The elephant or the giraffe? Which is stronger?2 Write the sentences on the blackboard and teach the children to read.出示图片或实物进行比较并造句

7、,让学生在更多的例子中感受语言的含义。再板书句型,带学生读熟,让学生从视觉、听觉等多种感官来体会句型的结构。Step3Practice.1 Make sentences.2 Make a dialogue.1 Ask children to make sentence by their own things one by one.2 Ask and answer: Which one is longer?The blue one is longer.3 Give them several minutes to practice by themselves, and then, ask them

8、 to perform to others.4 Sum up the comparative adjectives.以开火车的形式进行造句练习和问答练习,让每个学生都能充分感受和练习句型。让学生牢固地掌握句型。最后归纳形容词及其比较级让学生从中发现其变化规律。板书设计A: Which is bigger, the sun or the earth?B: The sun is bigger.作业设计1、 试着自己归纳形容词的比较级。(英语练习本)2、 跟磁带朗读43页课文和句子。3、 预习44页课文。第二课时课题Unit 8 The sun is bigger than the earth.教学

9、目标知识技能目标1、 进一步学习形容词比较级的用法和句型。2、 进一步熟悉形容词比较级的变化规律。3、 能够熟练朗读43页课文并学习44页故事前两段。情感目标能够关注语音语调的美感。教学重点和难点1、 朗读43页课文及句子。2、 学习44页故事中的第1、2段。教学方法听、读、背课前准备单词卡片、课件教学过程设计阶段安排学习内容教学活动设计意图Step1Warming up.Revision.1 Review the comparative adjectives. CAI shows the adjectives. Let the children say the comparative for

10、m.2 Review the structures. Make some sentences by using the pictures or things.通过对形容词比较级形式及句型的简单复习来巩固上节课所学内容,同时为朗读和理解课文做好准备。Step2Presentation.Read the text and sentences on page 43.1 Let the children open their books on page 43 and let them try to read the text by themselves.2 Play the tape and let

11、the children listen carefully and point to sentences.3 Play the tape again and let the children listen and repeat. Then, let them read after me.4 Lets read in roles.5 Ask and answer in pairs.通过自由读、听指、跟读、分角色读、两人一组问答等形式,让学生以不同感观、不同角度充分感受并掌握句型。Step3Practice.Learn the story.1 Let the children try to rea

12、d the story by themselves and line out the new words.2 Play the tape and let the children listen and find out the pronunciation of the new words.3 Explain the new words: jungle, all kinds of, comes up, everybody.4 Play the tape and let the class listen and repeat the first two paragraphs of the stor

13、y.4 Lets read together.5 Try to recite the two paragraphs.6 Lets recite together.先让学生找出生词并学习,解决学习中的拦路虎,再来学习故事。只学其中的两段并试着背诵。让学生尽量能在当堂课就掌握并消化所学内容。为后面的学习打下坚实的基础。板书设计A: Which boy is tall, Peter or Sam?B: Peter is taller.作业设计1、 熟读43页课文。2、 背诵44页故事前两段。并跟磁带朗读后面几段。3、 抄写43页下面的句子。第三课时课题Unit 8 The sun is bigger

14、 than the earth.教学目标知识技能目标1、 进一步学习形容词比较级的用法和句型。2、进一步熟悉形容词比较级的变化规律。3、能够熟练朗读44页故事。情感目标注重语音语调的学习。教学重点和难点 词汇:blanket, near, nearer, jungle, all kinds of , everybody.句型:Which is bigger, the panda or the rabbit? The panda is bigger.文章:44页故事教学方法听、指、读、背课前准备录音机、磁带教学过程设计阶段安排学习内容教学活动设计意图Step1Warming up.Revisio

15、n.1 Review the comparative adjectives. CAI shows the adjectives. Let the children say the comparative form.2 Review the structures. Make some sentences by using the pictures or things.通过对形容词比较级形式及句型的简单复习来巩固本单元的重点内容。Step2Presentation.Continue to learn the story on page44.1 Try to recite the first two paragraphs of the story.2 Try to the read the paragraphs left.3 Play the tape and let the children listen and repeat the left



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