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1、New Words combustion n燃烧 chamber n室 rod n杆,连杆,活塞杆 crankshaft n机轴,曲轴 rotate vi. vt使旋转 rotary a(指运动的)旋转的 circulate vtvi.循环 coolant n冷却剂(液态) antifreeze a防冻的 excessively ad过度的,极端的 voltage n电压,伏(特)数 ignition n点燃 ignite v点燃 briefly ad简洁地,简短地Phrases and Expressions power train 动力传动系统 supplywith 给提供 keepfro

2、m 阻止01 Engine Classification and Overall Mechanics The automobile engines can be classified according to: 1 number of cylinders; 2 arrangement of cylinders; 3 arrangement of valves; 4 type of cooling; 5 number of cycles(two or four);6Type of fuel burned;7type of ignition 0.1 发动机的分类和总体结构 汽车发动机可根据以下几种

3、情况来分类: 1按气缸的数量;2按气缸排列的方式; 3按进气方式;4按冷却类型; 5按工作循环的行程数 (二行程或四行程); 6按所用燃料的类型;7按点火方式分类。The engine is the source of power that makes the wheels go around and the car move The automobile engine is an internal-combustion engine because the fuel(gasoline)is burned inside it. The burning of gasoline inside th

4、e engine produces high pressure in the engine combustion chamber This high pressure forces piston to move,the movement is carried by connecting rods to the engine crankshaft The crankshaft is thus made to rotate; the rotary motion is carried through the power train to the car wheels so that they rot

5、ate and the car moves发动机是使车轮转动、从而驱动汽车行驶的动力来源。汽车发动机是属于内燃机中的一种,因为燃油(汽油)是在发动机内燃烧的。发动机里的汽油燃烧后在其燃烧室中产生高压,该高压推动活塞运动,并通过连杆传到发动机曲轴。曲轴从而转动,这样的旋转运动通过动力传动系统带动汽车车轮,从而使车轮运转及汽车行驶起来。The engine requires a fuel system to supply it with a mixture of air and fuelThe fuel system does this by pumping liquid gasoline fro

6、m a tank into the carburetor, a mixing device that mixes the gasoline with airThe mixture is delivered to the engine where it is burned 发动机要求燃料供给系统为之供应空气和燃油混合燃料。燃料系 统工作时把液体汽油从油箱中抽出来,通过化油器,一种把汽油与空气进行混合的装置,将可燃混合气输送到发动机,并在那里进行燃烧。The engine also needs a cooling system,the combustion of the air-fuel mixt

7、ure in the engine creates a very high temperature(as high as 2000 to 2700)The cooling system takes heat away from the engine by circulating a 1iquid coolant(water mixed with antifreeze)between the engine and a radiator The coolant gets hot as it goes through the engineIt cools off as it goes through

8、 the radiator Thus,the coolant continually takes heat away from the engine,where it could do damage,and delivers it to the radiatorAir passing through the radiator takes heat away from the radiator发动机还需要有冷却系统,发动机里的混合气燃烧会产生高温(高达2 0002 700)。冷却系统通过在发动机和散热器之间流动的液体冷却液(混有防冻液的水)使发动机降温。当冷却液流经发动机时,冷却液就会变热。而流

9、到散热器时又会被冷却,这样,冷却液不断地从发动机中带走会造成损害(发动机)的热量,并输送到散热器。 经过散热器的空气,将热量从散热器中带走。The engine also includes a lubricating systemThe purpose of the lubricating system is to supply all moving parts inside the engine with lubricating oil; the oil keeps moving parts from wearing excessively The engine requires a fou

10、rth system,the ignition systemThe ignition system provides high-voltage electric sparks that ignite,or set fire to,the charges of air- fuel mixture in the engine combustion chambers。发动机还包括润滑系统,润滑系统的作用是向发动机内的所有运动零件提供润滑油。润滑油能阻止运动零件过度磨损。 发动机的第四个系统是点火系统。点火系统产生高压电火花,从而使发动机燃烧室中的可燃混合气起燃。 The fifth is start

11、ing system and its purpose is to change the electrical current into the mechanical energy to push the crank-shaft around By means of this, the engine can be started These five systems are discussed briefly in following sections 发动机的第五个系统是起动系统,其作用是把 电能转变为机械能推动曲轴转动。发动机借助这种办法启动。 这五个系统将在下面的章节中简要地进行讨论。le

12、ngthen vt.vi加长 pan n油盘 quart n夸脱 enclose vt封人 encase v.包装,加外罩 drain n水管 vtvi排出 constant a不断的 circulation n循环 gasket n密封垫joint v连接处 tight a紧的 machine vt用机器加工 flat a平的 smooth a光滑的 adequate a足够的 asbestos n石棉 bolt n螺栓 Phrases and Expressions indetail 详细说明 gray iron 灰铸铁 bore liner 气缸衬套 platewith 镀金属 cut

13、out 切去 combinewith 结合,混合 along with 与一道,随着 depend on 取决于,随而定 that is to say 就是说,即 tend to 趋于1.5 Engine Cylinder Block Crankcase We have seen how the mixture of air and fuel is delivered by the fuel system to the engine cylinder, where it is compressed, ignited, and burned, We have noted that this combustion produces a high pressure that pushes the piston down so that the cranksha


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