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1、As 与 with引导伴随状语as 与 with 都可以构成结构来表示伴随状语, as 在此结构中是一个 连词,而 w ith 是一个介词,因此构成不同的结构来表示 伴随状语:区别:结构不同!with引导的不是句子而是短语As主语谓语动词,主句With 名词、代词 介词、形容词,副词,分词,不定式随着产量增长 20, .As the production incre ased by 20 percent, wehave had another good h arvest year.With the production up by 20 percent, we have had another

2、 good harves t year.He enjoys listening to music with his eyes clo sed.他喜欢闭着眼睛听音乐。He came out of the room with his eyes shining.他走出房间,眼里闪着亮光。Dont speak with your m outh full .嘴里吃东西时不要讲话。Mother looked at me wit h tears in her eyes.母亲含泪看着我。with 独立结构的位置 可前可后,如:With a lot of work to d o,he felt even bus

3、ier.有大量工作要做,他感到更忙了。With a lot of work done, he felt he would have a good rest.做完了工作,他感到他要好好休息一下。练习:1 with名词(代词)介词短语他手托下巴 chin ,坐在那儿沉思。He sat there thinking, with那位老人背倚着墙站在那里。2 with名词(代词)形容词3 He stared at his f riend4 他张大嘴巴凝视着他的朋友。5 The man raised his head6 这人抬起头来,眼里充满了好奇7 with名词(代词)现在分词She stood the

4、re chatti ng with her friend, wi th 她站在那儿跟朋友闲聊,孩子在旁边玩。With, I feelvery obliged to you 无论我什么时候遇到困难你总是帮助我,真是太感激你了。8 with名词(代词)过去分词The goalkeeper left Ja pan with . 这位守门员离开了日本,而他的缺点却暴露无遗。9with 名词(代词)不定式10With , you d be tter hurry 11还有十分钟,你最好快一点。12With ., our grou p is sure to succe ed13有你领导我们,我们组肯定能成功

5、。14随着社会的发展随着经济技术的发展progress随着时间的流逝pass by/go by/elapse/pass随着时间的推移go on答案:with his back against thewith his chin on his handwith his mouth wide openwith eyes full of wonder andmysteryWith production up by 60With herchild playing beside herWith you helping me whenever Im in trouble,With his flaws laid bareWith 10 minutes to goWith you to lead us


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