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1、冲孔切边冲压成型工艺及模具设计摘要:本设计的题目是加工冲孔切边的冲压复合模具,通过对方案的选 择,冲压力的计算和压力中心确定的计算以及凸凹模刃口的计算等使本 副模具基本符合冲压要求,由于工件结构简单,采用复合模一次成形就 可以实现零件的成形。复合模具的精度要求很高导向要求十分精确,在设计本副模具时遇 到很大的阻力经过对各方案的选择最终才选择此方案。通过近三周的拼 搏,本副级进模具设计终于完成。根据标准模架的选择,制作凸凹模材 料的选择以及导向和送进精度的确定本模具所加工出的工件满足要求, 符合市场的需要。由于设计者的能力所限,设计中的不足之处还有好多例如:材料利 用率方面仅 57% ,会对经济

2、效益有影响。根据实用模具技术手册,本 模具的冲裁力不大精度基本能保证的前提下选择了对角导柱模架。相信 不久本模具投入市场一定能带来很好的效益服务大众,服务社会。关键词:复合模、压力中心.Tr im ming Pro ce ss p unchin g and s tam pin g di eAbstract : This design is the subje ct of punching Trimming the processing of stamping die, through the choice of programme, the calculation of the pressur

3、e -pressure center and determine the terms and Tuao -edge computing, such as making the mold of the basic requirements of the press, as the workpiece Simple structure, forming a composite mode can be achieved forming parts.The accuracy of die -oriented requirements of very high precision, deputy die

4、 inthe design of this encounter great resistance to the programme after the final selection was chosen this option. Jin Sanzhou through the struggle, the deputy Progressive Die Design finally completed.Standardsmoldbase in accordancewith thechoice of productionTuao -oriented, and the choice ofmateri

5、al and taken to determine the accuracy of this mold by processing the workpiece to meet the requirements, in line with the needs of the market.As designers the ability constraints, the design of the inadequacy of the many there are, for example: utilization of mater ials in only 57 percent have an i

6、mpact on economic efficiency. According to die for a technical manual, the mold of punching power can not guarantee theaccuracyof the basicpremiseofthechoiceofderivative-Kok. I believethe market willsoondie ofthis willcertainly beable tobringthebenefitsofserving thepublic good andserve thecommunity.pressure centreKey words : transfer mold



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