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1、2022年考博英语-湖南农业大学考试题库及模拟押密卷(含答案解析)1. 单选题I must take this watch to be repaired; it( ) over twenty minutes a day.问题1选项A.increasesB.progressesC.acceleratesD.gains【答案】D【解析】考查动词辨析。A选项increases“增加”;B选项progresses“进步”;C选项accelerates“加速”;D选项gains“获得,(钟表等)走快”。句意:我必须去把表修一修,这块表每天()超过二十分钟。从句意可以看出表坏了,具体是因为每天多走20多分

2、钟,这里符合题意的只有D选项,答案选D。2. 单选题Try not to say anything hurtful to her. She is a very( )person.问题1选项A.sensibleB.sensitiveC.toughD.reasonable【答案】B【解析】考查形容词辨析。A选项sensible“明智的,合乎情理的”; B选项sensitive“敏感的,易受影响的”;C选项tough“坚强的,强壮的”;D选项reasonable“合理的”。句意:不要说任何伤害她的话。她是非常()的人。根据前面一句,不要说任何伤害她的话,所以可以推测“她”可能会比较敏感,所以答案选B

3、。3. 翻译题本把小鸟拿到厨房,轻轻地放在地板上,它没有动。本摘下蒙了水汽的眼镜,把脸擦干。小鸟看着他,本轻轻地抚顺它的羽毛。他仔细地查看受了伤的翅膀。看来没有希望了,翅膀几乎被打掉,子弹打碎了骨头。本知道小鸟正在死去,但是他无能为力。他在想小鸟是不是很疼,一只小鸟能够活多久?他想,那个捕杀者是对的,小鸟就快死了,活不了了。【答案】Ben took the bird to the kitchen and laid it gently on the floor. It didnt move. Ben took off his damp glasses and dried his face. Th

4、e bird looked at him, and Ben gently smoothed its feathers.He examined the injured wing carefully. There seemed to be no hope. The wing was almost blown off, the bullet shattered the bone. Ben knew the bird was dying, but there was nothing he could do. He wondered if the bird was in pain. How long w

5、ould a bird live? The hunter was right, he thought. The bird was going to die.4. 单选题The dinner _ prepared, I took a nap before the guests arrived.问题1选项A.beB.beingC.having beenD.to be【答案】C【解析】考查独立主格结构。句意:晚餐做好了我在客人来之前打了个盹。主句的谓语动词“took”是过去时,而根据句意晚餐是在“我”睡觉之前就已经做好了,是一种完成的状态,所以答案要选C:现在分词的完成式。A选项会造成主句有两套主谓

6、结构,而句子中间没有连词,所以不能选A;B选项表示现在而D选项表示将来,不符合题意。5. 单选题A recent survey suggested that if money were not an issue, most mothers _ not to work at all.问题1选项A.should preferB.preferC.would preferD.preferred【答案】C【解析】考查虚拟语气的用法。选项里面都有prefer,句意是:一项调查显示如果不是因为经济问题,多数母亲更愿意选择不工作。从if可以联想到条件句,后面接的是were,可知这是个虚拟的条件,否则be动词形

7、式我们会选was或者is,因虚拟语气的主句谓语形式是would+原形或者would have done,所以B和D不能选,should的本意是“应该”,would的意思是“将会”,选would句意会更加贴切,所以我们应该选C。6. 不定项选择题Some accept their fate. Others try to reason with the police officer who has pulled them over for some real or imagined traffic offense. But when law enforcement is represented b

8、y a computer-driven camera that has immortalized your violation on filmas is the case at hundreds of intersections in more than 100 cities around the U.S.its hard to talk your way out of a heavy fine. Yet that is precisely what some 300 motorists in San Diego succeeded in doing last week when a supe

9、rior court judge rules that pictures taken by the so-called red-light cameras were unreliable and therefore unacceptable.The first U.S. Court decision to reject all the traffic violations caught on cameras; the ruling by Judge Ronald Styn has fueled debate over the growing use of the devices. Police

10、 departments swear, and studies indicate, that the robot cameras deter people from speeding and running red lights. A Lou Harris poll set for release this week finds that 69% of Americans support their use. Yet at least seven states have blocked proposals to implement them, and opponentsranging from

11、 House majority leader Dick Armey to the American Civil Liberties Unionargue that the cameras violate privacy and place profit above public safety.Part of the problem is that virtually all the devices in place are operated by private firms that handle everything from installing the machinery to iden

12、tifying violationsoften with minimal police oversightand have an incentive to pull in as many drivers as they can. The companies get paid as much as $70 a ticket, and the total revenue is hardly chump change. San Diego has got in $15.9 million last year and Washington $12.8 million. “Its all about m

13、oney,” says Congressman Bob Barr, a leading critic. Not so, insists Terrance Gainer, Washingtons executive assistant chief of police. “We have reduced fatalities. If some company is making money off that that is American way.”Critics counter that there must be other, less intrusive ways to make inte

14、rsections safer, such as lengthening the yellow light and adding turn lanes. “I object to this fixation we have with cameras and electronically gathered information,” says Ban. “It places too much confidence in technology.” That confidence, as Washington residents have learned, can be misplaced. The

15、 city removed one camera last May that had generated more than 19,000 tickets at a particularly confusing intersection. In San Diego, faulty sensors made drivers appear to be going faster than they really were. The city suspended the system in July.Another concern is privacy. While systems in Washington, Maryland and North Carolina photograph nothing but the rear of the car, others in Arizona, California and Colorado take a picture of the drivers seat as wella bit of electronic monitoring that could land straying spouses in trouble a lot


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