闽教版 小学英语 四年级 (下)

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1、闽教版 小学英语 四年级 (下)Unit 6 Weather Part A 教学设计 龙海市榜山镇长洲小学 郑妙茹Unit 6 Weather Part A Analysis of Textbook:本课是闽教版三年级起点四年级下册Unit 6 Weather Part A。这一课主要学习天气名词和两个新句型。本课教学课时为一课时,40分钟。本课教学内容是学习用英语谈论天气的第一课时,教授的内容贴近学生实际,学生易于理解和接受,比较易于深入与扩展,也为后续学习季节单元作了铺垫。这样的安排,既体现了教材循序渐进、由易到难的编排意思,又符合学生的知识水平和认知水平。Analysis of Stud

2、ents:本课的教学对象为四年级的孩子,他们活泼好动,喜欢尝试新事物,既好奇又好强,表现欲强,他们学习英语的热情高,而且擅长于模仿,擅长于具体形象思维,乐于表演,但有注意力不持久、不稳定的特点。孩子们有与他人合作、交流的意愿。学生从三年级上学期开始学英语,对地名、服装等英语单词掌握较牢固,能用简单的英语进行交流,能根据指令做游戏做事情,从而为下一步的学习打下良好的基础。、Teaching Aims:Knowledge Aims:1. To enable students to master the words: “snow, cold, coat, rain, warm”freely and

3、use “weather, but” originally.2. To enable students to understand the sentence structures of: How is the weather? Its . What do you wear? I wear .3. To enable students to talk about the weather in different areas in English. Ability Aims:1. To enable students to read and write the words:“snow, cold,

4、 coat, rain, warm”correctly. 2. To enable students to understand and use the sentence structures: How is the weather? Its . What do you wear? I wear .3. To develop students ability of listening, speaking and talking.Emotional Aims: 1. Encourage students to love and take an active part in English act

5、ivities.2. To train interests of English learning.3. To develop students ability to communicate and cooperate.Culture Awareness:1. Happy to contact with other cultures.2. Understand the communication habits of people in western countries.、Key and Difficult Points:1. To enable students to master the

6、words correctly.2. The pronunciation of “weather”.3. To enable students to use the sentence structures in the real situation.、Teaching AIDS:PPT, Word Cards, Radio or CDRoom.、Evaluation Methods:Have a Competition of (Weather Report): any group have a good job in the class can get a point (a sticker o

7、f raindrop or snowflake), then which group with the most stickers is the winner .The winner can get a word card of weather. 、Teaching Procedures:(T for Teacher; Ss for students; G for Group; Q for question.) StepI、Warm-up1、Greetings:T: Good morning/afternoon, boys and girls.Ss: Good morning/afternoo

8、n, Miss Zheng.T: Welcome to my class.2、Introduce the evaluation methods:T: Lets have a competition today. Ill divide you into two groups. Lets have a competition in todays lesson, OK? Any group have a good job in the class can get a point (a sticker of raindrop or snowflake), then which group with t

9、he most stickers is the winner. The winner can get a word card of weather. Are you clear? Ready go. (今天我们来个小组竞赛。哪个小组表现好,就能获得一张天气贴纸,获得最多贴纸的小组为胜。获胜的小组能得到一张天气单词卡。)(设计意图:以此评价方式,一来可以通过适当的竞争机制激发学生的学习热情和学习兴趣及培养学生的合作学习精神和良性的竞争意识;二来可以帮助学生掌握今天所要学习的重点知识天气名称的表达方式。)3、Enjoy a song: Weather SongT: Now, lets enjoy

10、a song first. (T plays PPT )Ss: .(设计意图:以儿歌导入,活跃课堂气氛,激发学生学习兴趣,更好地进入学习状态。)4、Learn the new word“weather”after the songT: Do you like it? Well, its a song about weather.(PPT shows “bread , head ,ready”)Look at the screen , can you read?Ss: (Bread, head, ready)T: What can you find?Ss: (这三个词都含有“ea”.)T: Go

11、od job! And“ea”pronounces“e”. How about these words?(PPT shows “father , mother ,brother”) (结合“father , mother ,brother”及自然拼读法教学weather。) Ss: (Father, mother, brother)T: What can you find?Ss: (这三个词都含有“ther”。)T: Nice job!And“ther”pronounces“”. So weather pronounces “w-ea-th-er”,weather. Please read a

12、fter me.Ss: (“w-ea-th-er”, weather)(设计意图:从歌曲中提取关键词“weather”进行教学,过渡自然且切合本课主题,为下面新知的呈现做好铺垫。)5、Lead in:Unit 6 Weather Part A T: Today were going to learn Unit 6 Weather Part A.Step II、Review 1、Free-talk:T: What day is today?Ss: (Its Thursday.)T: We have class this afternoon.Ss: (English class.)T: Yes.

13、We have an English class this afternoon. And were going to talk about weather. Look outside, a big, big sun. Its a fine day, isnt it?/Oh! Its raining, but Im think it will be fine later.Ss: (Yes.)T: I wear a T-shirt today.(设计意图:自由交谈,拉近师生距离,激发学生学习积极性。)2、Review the words about clothes . (PPT shows pic

14、tures of T-shirt,skirt, shirt, jacket, sweater )T:(T plays PPT)Do you wear a T-shirt?Ss: (Yes, I do. / No , I dont.)(以此类推,完成对话。)T:(T plays PPT)Do you wear a sweater?Ss: (No, I dont.)T: Yeah, we all dont wear our sweaters. But our friend-Sally wears a sweater? Look (T shows the picture of Sally)Why d

15、oes Sally wear a sweater? Lets find the answer in todays lesson.(设计意图:复习已学的服饰词,并设置悬念,自然过渡到课文学习。)Step 、 Presentation and Practice1、Lead out the title: Unit 6 Weather Part A T: Yeah. Now please open your books and turn to page 43. Lets learn together.(设计意图:顺接上面的内容,引入课文的学习中来。)2、Listen and Learn (1)Listen and Think:T: Why does Sally wear a sweater? Lets listen and think. (PPT shows Q: Why does Sally wear a sweater?)T: (plays the recording) Please open your books and listen carefully. Ready?Ss: (Go.)T: Have you got it? Lets ch


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