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1、Unit One Vitamins1维生素2水溶性维生素3脂溶性维生素4复合维生素vitaminwater-soluble vitamin fat-soluble vitamincompound vitamins5 维生素以字母命名 Vitamins are named by the letters of the alphabet.6预防坏血病的维生素C scurvy preventing vitamin C7 治疗脚气病的维生素 B vitamin B1 for curing beriberi8 维生素 A 与生长、发育 vitamin Aand growth and development

2、9 维生素 A 缺乏与眼疾 vitamin Adeficiency and eye disease10维生素D缺乏与佝偻病lack of vitamin Aand rickets11 维生素 B2 与 皮肤、眼睛和毛发 vitamin B2 and the skin, eye and hair12 有机营养物 organic nutrients13 维生素为生长、健康所必需 Vitamins are essential for growth and good health14 维生素含量高 high vitamin content15 维生素缺乏症 vitamin deficiency syn

3、drome16新鲜水果、蔬菜、蛋、奶、鱼肝油、米糠、豆子、谷类等富含多种维生素Fresh fruits, vegetables, eggs, milk, fish liver oil, rice husks beans, cereals, etc. are rich in vitamins.Unit 3 Anesthetics1 麻醉剂和镇静药 anesthetic and sedative2 针刺麻醉acupuncture anesthesia3在脂肪和水中的溶解度solubility in fats and water4 作用于神经 having effect on the nerves5

4、 物理和化学性质physical and chemical property6 对痛不敏感insensitive to pain7 无信号通过神经传至大脑 No message are transmitted to the brain through nerves8 通过呼吸道给麻醉药 administration through respiratory tract9 注入脊柱射(给药)be injected into spine10 麻醉作用 anesthetic action11 过多地破坏脂肪和神经组织 destruction of too much fatty and nerve ti

5、ssue12 不同麻醉剂的不同生理作用 varying physiological effects of the different anesthetics13 吸入乙醚 inhalation of ether14 深度松弛 deep relaxation15 失去知觉,术后恢复知觉 loss of consciousness/ unconscious, to regain consciousness afteroperation16 无术后恶心症状 free from postoperative nauseaUnit 4 How does the human body fight disea

6、ses?1肺炎、肺结核2细菌释放毒素3皮肤和粘膜4炎症5聚集在感染部位6红、肿、热、痛pneumonia and tuberculosis germs giving off a toxin skin and mucous membranes inflammationgather at the place of infection redness, swelling, heat and pain7 抗感染fight against infection8 吞噬、消化微生物 engulf and digest microbes9 淋巴管lymph vessels10 抗体、抗原antibody an

7、d antigen11 抗毒素antitoxin12 人工免疫 artificial immunityUnit 5 Green pharmacy herbal medicine1 绿色药物-草药 green pharmacy - herbal medicine2 中草药 Chinese material medica3 中医、中药 traditional Chinese medicine and Chinese medicinals4 开处方 write a prescription5 药店销售的处方药、非处方药 prescribed drug and OTC drug ( over-the

8、-counter drug)6心脏病药cardiac drug7 止痛药 pain killer8 抗疟疾药 anti-malarial9 抗炎药 anti-inflammatory drug10 标准化的化学药物 a standardized chemical medicine11 药物成分 medical constituents12 病机 disease mechanism13 疗效 therapeutic effect / effect / efficacy14 植物药 plant-derived drugs15 合成的衍生物和变异体 synthetic derivatives and

9、 variants16 植物的生物活性成分 biologically-active plant constituents17 粉剂、浓缩剂和冲剂 power, extract and infusion18 分离、提取有效成分 isolate and abstract active constituents19高血压、失眠、精神疾病hypertension, insomnia and mental disease20 特有的药性 characteristic pharmacological properties21 民间医学 folk medicineUnit Six Introduction

10、to organic chemistry1 有机、无机化学 organic and inorganic chemistry2 物理化学physical chemistry3 生物化学biochemistry4 化学符号和结构式 chemical symbols and formulas5 电子、离子、原子、分子 electron, iron, atom and molecule6 分子量 molecular weights7元素周期表periodic table8 运用符号和概念的方法 methods of manipulating symbols and concepts9 化学反应chem

11、ical reaction10 有机化合物organic compounds11 二氧化碳carbon dioxide12 含有碳元素的物质 substance containing carbon13 合成物质synthetic materials14 大量的原料 abundant raw materials15 品质更佳、用途更广、优势独特 superior qualities, greater versatility, and unique advantagesLesson 8 Development of New Drugs (I)1 生产特效药 to produce the novel

12、 therapeutic agents2 由天然植物资源提取 to extract from natural plants and animal sources3 化学合成药 a drug synthesized chemically4 人工生产药物 agents produced artificially5 药物的特异作用及毒性 specificity of action and toxicity6 基因工程的发展 development of genetic engineering7 单克隆抗体 monoclonal antibody 8 beta 受体阻断剂 beta receptor

13、blocker9 实验药理学experimental pharmacology10几种模型包括:细胞培养或细菌培养,部分提取酶或亚细胞间质,分离的组织,灌注的器官完整的动物 several models include: cell culture or bacteria, partially purified enzymes or subcellular particles, isolated tissues , perfused organs, intact animals11 慢性毒性实验 chronic toxicity testing12 代谢方法 patterns of metabo

14、lism13 疗程 duration of treatment14 实验组、对照组、安慰剂组、空白组、the experimental group,control group, placebo group and untreated group15 临床指症 clinical indication 16 生化药理学biochemical pharmacology17 FDA Food and Drug AdministrationLesson 8 Development of New Drugs (II)1 临床评价 clinical evaluation / assessment 2 毒理研

15、究 toxicological studies3 化学纯度和药物稳定性 chemical purity and pharmaceutical stability4罕见的疾病、威胁生命、不治之症 rare diseases, life-threatening and untreatable diseases5 无严重症状与毒性 without serious symptoms or toxicity6药物剂量的研究dose-ranging studies7 施药(给药)drug administration / administration of drugs8 临床试验许可证 CTC clinical trial certificate9 单盲或双盲试验 single blind or double blind experiment10 副作用 adverse effect, side-effect, unhealthy effect11 促销 marketing and promotion12 医药代表 representative of the pharmaceutical manufacturerUnit 10 Minimum information for se



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