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1、Unit14 How many教师目的和要求 步熟悉英语数字的拼写进一步协助学生掌握英语单、复数的概念使学生能回答一些询问数字的问题交际用语 Expressions in communicationHow many lions can you see?I can see two. How many pandas are there?There are six.重点朗读词汇 Key wordscats, sheep lions, crocodiles, elephants, monkeys, giraffes, pandas, goat, fish, one, two , three, four

2、, five, six, seven. Eight, nine, ten所需教具 Materials for teaching 相关的动物教学图片(最好是复数形式是动物图片),下面带有一个字母的,单个的动物(如果材料中出现的那样,最后作教学游戏用);数字及单词拼写卡片,用纸板剪的数字或商店里买的教学用的塑料数字;十个小印度安人的图片(单个的)等教学步骤第一课时Step1: 教师拿出一些动物的图片,对大家说;“Look, I have many animal pictures here. What are these?(学生答;They are fish.)How many fish can y

3、ou see?(I can see four.)教师应该先从容易的动物或学生已经知道的动物开始,最后再学没有学过的动物。接着,教师拿出五只小羊,依次贴在黑板上并问大家;“How many sheep are there on the blackboard?”学生回答出;“There are five.”教师接着说;“Who can come to the front and put the sheep in a correct order and give us the right spelling?”教师如果发现学生不明白,就能够拿鱼来作例子。Step2: 学生拼对后,教师要领学生一起拼读一

4、遍该单词。接着,教师再给出第二种动物,如六个熊猫,pandas,并用类似的方法继续实行操练。教师在整个教学过程中要注意观察学生的情绪。如果大家对该活动很感兴趣,教师就继续。如果教师看得出大家有些疲倦,就应该换种方式实行。比如教师能够这样对学生说:“Now leis play a guessing game, Guess what animal it is. Lets see who can tell us the right animal first.”然后,教师拿一本书挡住图片。接着慢慢地往上拿图片,学生应根据图片露出的一点点线索迅速说出该动物。最后,看哪个组说得多。教师还能够考查大家的拼写

5、水平,”Who can spell the word, giraffe on the blackboard?”等。教师可根据学生回答的快慢问一个问题;“How many giraffes are there in the picture?”学生准确地答出后,教师再继续实行猜动物。 第二课时Step1: Read, match and sing.该教学活动主要是让学生辨认数字1到10的英语拼写。教师首先能够拿出英语数字卡片让学生依次朗读。同时,教师能够将单词中字母比较少的数字贴在黑板上,比如:one , two, six, ten; 接着教师将有四个字母拼写的数字贴在另一边:four, five

6、, nine;再将有五个字母拼写的数字贴在中间,如:three, seven, eight .然后,教师对学生说;“Now lets look at these words.(接着左边有三个字母的数字说)Can you read them? Can you spell them quickly? Lets spell them together.”Step2:接下来,教师要学生看有四个字母的数字。教师说:”Look at these carefully. Im going to erase these numbers. Look carefully.”教师边说边擦去这几个数字。擦完后,教师说:

7、“What are these words? Good. How do you spell four? How do you spell five and nine?最后,教师引导学生看最后的三个数字,并让大家找找它们有什么特点,让大家说一说。总之,教师采取一定的方式来教这些数词。最后让学生跟着磁带一起学歌,并将下面的数字与上面是动物图进行连线。第三课时Step1: Look and count.这是一道比较有意思的题。学生都知道我们经常两个一组或三个一组地学生说:“In our daily life, we often count thing in different ways. In En

8、glish, its the same. For example, we can count the bees here by twos, by threes by fours. Lets try with this picture. One two , two two, three two, four two five two, six two , seven two , eight two,-can you do that?” 教师让一个学生试试。然后教师问;“Who can count the bees by fours/”等等。总之,教师应教给大家用的另一种数法。Step2: 在学生学

9、习和掌握了数字的基础上,教师先采取问答方式就该提问。教师对学生说;“Lets look at this nice picture. There are many animals and thing in this picture. But I dont know the number. Let me ask you the question and you answer my question. How many windows are there? How many trees are there in this picture? How many tables are there? How

10、 many balls are there? How many doors are there/ How many flowers are there? How many suns are there? How many cars are there in this picture? How many chairs are there? How many birds are there? How many bikes are there?” How many houses are there in this picture? 在全班都回答的基础上,教师也可以让学生两人一组进行问答练习。一分种后

11、,教师可以检查两三个学生,看看他们是否真正掌握了问句和答语。口语练习之后,教师再让学生把相应的数学写到教材上。第四课时Step1: Listen point and say.该活动旨在继续巩固前面学过的数字。教师可以让学生倒着说这些数字等。由于数字图案是我们生活中常见的一些东西,教师可以问学生:“Whats this?”指用图案所构成的数字。教师还可以进行配对活动,将英语的数字与这些数字进行配对。最后,教师让学生进行自我默写。学生能写多少就写多少,能写哪个就写哪个。Step2: Colour the picture by numbers.这是一道检查学生观察力的练习。学生要根据所看到的数字,将

12、同一个数字的地方全都涂上同一种颜色。最后看整个的效果。由于大家选择的颜色会有很大的区别,这个图最后的成品也应该是多种多样的。教师这样对学生说:“Now we are going to be painters. Look at the picture on this page.”教师指着这页的图说:“There are many numbers there, Many numbers are the same. If you choose one number, Lets say, unmber2, then you are going to colour all the 2s in the p

13、icture with the same colour. For example, you colour all 2s green. All 3s are red ,etc.”Do you understand ? Lets colour. Them now. 教师在做这个活动的时候要根据课堂的时间来决定。同时,教师在学生涂色的时候要坚强说英语。比如:“You can colour all 2s in blue. You can also colour all 4s in yellow. You can also colour all 5s in brown, etc. Lets see whose picture is the best one.”如果教师发现课堂的时间不够了,就可以让学生在家完成该作业。课后作业



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