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1、 本 科 毕 业 论 文分析纯真年代所反映的“老纽约”社会Analysis of “the Old New York” Society Reflected in The Age of Innocence / 毕业设计(论文)原创性声明和使用授权说明原创性声明本人重承诺:所呈交的毕业设计(论文),是我个人在指导教师的指导下进行的研究工作与取得的成果。尽我所知,除文中特别加以标注和致的地方外,不包含其他人或组织已经发表或公布过的研究成果,也不包含我为获得工学院与其它教育机构的学位或学历而使用过的材料。对本研究提供过帮助和做出过贡献的个人或集体,均已在文中作了明确的说明并表示了意。作 者 签 名:

2、日 期:指导教师签名: 日 期:使用授权说明 本人完全了解工学院关于收集、保存、使用毕业设计(论文)的规定,即:按照学校要求提交毕业设计(论文)的印刷本和电子版本;学校有权保存毕业设计(论文)的印刷本和电子版,并提供目录检索与阅览服务;学校可以采用影印、缩印、数字化或其它复制手段保存论文;在不以赢利为目的前提下,学校可以公布论文的部分或全部容。作者签名: 日 期:Table of Contents摘要IIIAbstractIVIntroduction1Chapter 1 Literature Background and Plot Summary 31. 1 The historical ba

3、ckground of The Age of Innocence31. 2 The plot summary of The Age of Innocence3Chapter 2 New York Upper Class Attitudes Towards the Relationship Among the Three Major Characters 52. 1 Upper class attitudes towards the relationship between Newland and May 52.1.1 Newlands attitude towards his relation

4、ship with May52.1.2 Mays attitude towards her relationship with Newland62.1.3 Ellens attitude towards the relationship between Newland and May 72.1.4 Relatives and friendsattitudes towards the relationship between Newland and May 7 2.2 Upper classattitudes towards the relationship between Newland an

5、d Ellen 8 2.2.1 Newlands attitude towards his relationship with Ellen82.2.2 Ellens attitude towards her relationship with Newland 9 2.2.3 Mays attitude towards the relationship between Newland and Ellen10 2.2.4 Relatives and friends attitudes towards the retionship between Newland and Ellen12Chapter

6、 3 The Social Features of the “Old New York”123. 1The conservatism of “old New York”123. 2 The hypocrisy of “old New York”133. 3 The snobbism of “old New York”14Conclusion16Acknowledgements17Bibliography18分析纯真年代所反映的“老纽约”社会摘要: 伊迪丝华顿是美国著名小说家之一。她一生创作出大量杰出作品,其中纯真年代诠释了华顿一生的历程,浓缩了她思想的精髓。这部小说对当代起着不可小视的作用。小


8、的冷漠与世俗的捆绑。再接下来具体分析“老纽约”的社会特点。通过分析小说主要人物间的关系,以与亲戚朋友和他们自身对其关系的看法与他们的最终选择,不难看出纽约上流社会保守、虚伪和势利的特点。最后为结语,系统阐述文章的主旨涵。关键词: 伊迪丝华顿 老纽约 社会特点Analysis of “the Old New York” Society Reflected in The Age of InnocenceAbstract:Edith Wharton is one of the most distinguished American women writers in the twentieth cen

9、tury. As a productive writer, she published a great many famous works during her life, among which, The Age of Innocence is definitely the most representative one which can be regarded as the miniature of Whartons whole life and contains the essence of her thoughts. It is no exaggeration to say that

10、 this novel has made a great contribution to the development of realistic novels. The novel gives first place to the love tragedy between nobleman Newland and Ellen, supplementing by the ups and downs of Beaufort which is the representative of the emerging bourgeois. By complementing each other, the

11、y reflect the most typical characteristics of the American upper class after the Civil War.The first part of the paper gives a general introduction of the authorEdith Wharton, and her main works. Chapter 1 is about the historical background and the plot summary of TheAge of Innocence. By illustratin

12、g the love tragedy between Newland and Ellen, we can see the social customs of the upper class in New York in the late 1870s. In Chapter 2, New York upper class attitudes towards the relationship among the three major characters will be elaborated. Young gentleman Newland Archers contradiction in so

13、cial responsibility and self freedom and the love with Ellen Olenska; Passionate Ellen Olenskas dilemma in the marriage crisis with her husband and her affair with Newland, while innocent Mays struggle in maintaining her marriage and fallacious social position. However, their relatives and friends t

14、ry everything they can to expel Ellen back to Europe together with May in order to protect family reputation. All these seeming surface plots actually are the defense against the conventions and human apathy. Chapter 3 is the backbone of the thesis, aiming to analyze the social characters of the “Old New York”. By analyzing the upper cla



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