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1、2022年考博英语-南京师范大学考试题库及全真模拟冲刺卷(附答案带详解)1. 单选题They may often have to ( ) social evenings and holidays because of their busy work.问题1选项A.forgoB.forfeitC.abandonD.forgive【答案】A【解析】考查动词辨析。forgo“放弃;停止;断念”;forfeit“(因犯罪、失职、 违约等)丧失(权利、名誉、生命等)”;abandon“遗弃;放弃”;forgive“原谅”。句意:由于忙碌的工作他们不得不放弃社交晚宴和假期。由because of thei

2、r busy work可知他们放弃了社交晚宴和假期,故A项正确。2. 单选题The directions were so( ) that it was impossible to complete the assignment.问题1选项A.ingeniousB.ambitiousC.notoriousD.ambiguous【答案】D【解析】考查形容词辨析。ingenious有独创性的,机灵的;ambitious野心勃勃的,有雄心的;notorious声名狼藉的,臭名昭著的;ambiguous模糊不清的,模棱两可的。能修饰directions的只有D项“模糊不清的”,故D项正确。句意:该指示如

3、此模糊不清以致于不可能完成这项任务。3. 单选题The engineers in this lab spent several weeks( )their plans for the new bicycle.问题1选项A.countingB.strippingC.elaboratingD.casting【答案】C【解析】考查动词辨析。count“计算总数,数数”;strip“剥去,去掉”;elaborate“精心制作,详细阐述”;cast“投,抛”。句意:工程师们在这个实验室里花了数周时间( )新自行车计划。能与plans搭配的只有C项“详细说明”。4. 单选题To partially ove

4、rcome the problem of funds and to speed the ( ) of Western technology, Hungary sold a 30% stake in its national phone company to two Western companies.问题1选项A.auctionB.harmonyC.sacrificeD.import【答案】D【解析】考查名词辨析。auction“拍卖,竞卖”;harmony“和睦”;sacrifice“牺牲,献祭”;import“进口”;句意:为了部分解决资金问题和加速西方技术的引进,匈牙利将其国家电话公司3

5、0%的股份出售给了两家西方公司。匈牙利通过售卖国家电话公司的股份来获得资金以此来引进西方技术。故D项正确。5. 单选题Scientists believe that a conclusion which is drawn readily before all of the relevant data are collected, analyzed and contemplated is called( ).问题1选项A.insincereB.prematureC.premiseD.presumption【答案】C【解析】考查名词辨析。insincere adj. 不诚恳的;premature不

6、成熟的;premise前提,假定;presumption推测,放肆。句意:科学家认为在所有相关数据被收集、分析和计划之前就容易得出来的结论称之为( )。由句子内容可知这种结论是一种推测。故D项正确。6. 单选题What he said in the meeting ( ) everybody present.问题1选项A.disgustedB.dismissedC.disposedD.disabled【答案】A【解析】考查动词辨析。disgust“使厌恶,使作呕”;dismiss“解散,解雇”;dispose“处理,处置”;disable“使失去能力”。句意:他在会议上说的话使在场的每个人都(

7、 )。只有A项符合句意。7. 单选题I was totally mixed up by his( ) and ambiguous remarks.问题1选项A.ubiquitousB.unsettledC.elusiveD.daring【答案】C【解析】考查形容词辨析。ubiquitous“普遍存在的”;unsettled“未决定的; 怀疑的”; elusive“难懂的;难以捉摸的;易忘的”; daring“大胆的;勇敢的”。句意:我完全被他的难以琢磨的和模棱两可的话搞糊涂了。由连词and可知空格处所填词与ambiguous remarks词义相近,故C项正确。8. 填空题How Market

8、ers Target KidsA Kids represent an important demographic to marketers because they have their own purchasing power, they influence their parents buying decisions and they are the adult consumers of the future. Industry spending on advertising to children has exploded in the past decade, increasing f

9、rom a mere $100 million in 1990 to more than $2 billion in 2000.B Parents today are willing to buy more for their kids because trends such as smaller family size, dual incomes and postponing children until later in life mean that families have more disposable income. As well, guilt can play a role i

10、n spending decisions as time-stressed parents substitute material goods for time spent with their kids. Here are some of the strategies marketers employ to target kids:Pester PowerC Todays kids have more autonomy and decision-making power within the family than in previous generations, so it follows

11、 that kids are vocal about what they want their parents to buy. Pester power refers to childrens ability to nag their parents into purchasing items they may not otherwise buy. Marketing to children is all about creating pester power, because advertisers know what a powerful force it can be.D Accordi

12、ng to the 2001 marketing industry book Kidfluence, pestering or nagging can be divided into two categories“persistence” and importance. Persistence nagging (a plea that is repeated over and over again) is not as effective as the more sophisticate “importance nagging. This latter method appeals to pa

13、rents desire to provide the best for their children, and plays on any guilt they may have about not having enough time for their kids.The Marriage of psychology and MarketingE To effectively market to children, advertisers need to know what makes kids tick. With the help of well-paid researchers and

14、 psychologists, advertisers now have access to in-depth knowledge about childrens developmental, emotional and social needs at different ages. Using research that analyzes childrens behavior, fantasy lives, art work, even their dreams, companies are able to craft sophisticated marketing strategies t

15、o reach young people.F The issue of using child psychologists to help marketers target kids gained widespread public attention in 1999, when a group of U.S. mental health professionals issued a public letter to the American Psychological Association (APA.urging them to declare the practice unethical. The APA is currently studying the issue.Building Brand Name Loyalty.G Canadian author Naomi Klein tracks the birth of brand marketing



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