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1、内科学Disorders of Digestive SystemBasic structure of digestive systemw Gastrointestinal tractw Histoloogic oorganiizatioon anatomyy and physiiologyy of SSTOMACCHzonatioon of stomaach cardiaa funduss body antrummw Receptoor of parieetal ccell Acetyylchollinew Receptoors off hypeersecrretionn Gasstrin H

2、iistamiineProstagglandiinsw Receptoors off hypoosecreetion SSomatoostatiinw Histoloogic oorganiizatioon of the GGI traactepithellium mucossa lamiina prropriaa muscuulariss mucoosaewall off the GI suubmucoosa muscuulariss innerr circcular layerr outerr longgitudiinal llayer serossaw Digestiive glland

3、s liver : compplex functtion pancreaas : enndocriine:innsulinn two ffunctiions tryppsin eexocriine: amyllopsinn steaapsin biliaryy systtemeLIVER Doubble bllood ssupplyy Porttal veein 775% Hepaatic aarteryy 25% lobulees of liverr funddamenttal unnit off the liverrOther aassociiated organns peritonneu

4、m mesenteery omentummFunctioon of the DDigesttive SSystemmw Digestiionw Absorpttionw Metabollismw Excretiionw Endocriinew Digestiion: digeestionn refeers too the conveersionn of inngesteed foood molleculees intto smaaller capabble off beinng abssorbedd intoo the bloodd and lymphh. w Absorpttion: Abs

5、oorptioon reffers tto thee proccess oof abssorbabble mooleculles ennterinng thee bloood or lymphh. activve traansporrtatioonabsorpttive mmechannisms siimple diffuusion facillitateed difffusioon endoccytosiislong-chhain ffatty acid lymphhmonoglyyceriddesother nnutrieents blloodw Metabollism oof livve

6、r biochhemicaal proocessees absorrbed nnutrieents aare prrimariily maanagedd toxinns aree detooxicatted hormoones aare innactivveted w Excretiion:bilirubbin, ccholessterinne annd somme druugs arre exccretedd by tthe liiver.w Endocriin:endocriine ceells iin thee stommach, intesstine, and pancrreas. T

7、hey can secreet a llot off hormmones. Till noow, moorn thhan twwenty hormoones hhave bbeen ffound in thhe diggestivve sysstem. The nummber oof horrmone produuced bby thee digeestivee systtem iss incrreasinng. The horrmoness prodduced by GII tracct nott onlyy moduulate the aactiviity off digeestivee

8、systtem buut alsso plaay an imporrtant role in thhe reggulatiion off a loot of otherr physsiologgical functtions. In receent yeears, it iss founnd thaat GI tractt can produuce a numbeer of peptiide hoormonees. This peeptidee hormmones previiouslyy founnd to be prroduceed by the bbrain. These ppeptid

9、des arre nammed assbraiin-gutt pepttides Diagnosstic mmeasurresw Historyy and sympttomsw Physicaal exaaminattion(ssign)w Laborattorysymptomms andd commmon diiseaseesw Historyy:Historyy takiing caan proovide very imporrtant inforrmatioon. Foor somme diggestivve disseasess onlyy by tthese meanss can b

10、e esstabliished accuurate diagnnoses . Acuute gaastrittis Acuute apppendiicitiss1、esophhagus Histtory aand syymptomms chestt painn dysphhagia heartt burnn acid refluux Commmon diiseasee esophhagitiis 、GERD、esophhageall carccinomaa、achallasia of caardia2、stomaach annd duoodenumm Histtory aand syympto

11、mms eepigasstric pain aanorexxia nnauseaa 、vomitting bbelch、acid regurrgitattion Commmon diiseasee aacute and cchroniic gasstritiis 、peptiic ulccer、gastrric caarcinooma、functtionall dysppepsiaa3、intesstine Hiistoryy and sympttoms aabdomiinal ppain ddiarrhhea mmalnuttritioon Commmon ddiseasse cchorda

12、apsus 、intesstinall tubeerculoosis 、Crohnn diseease 4、colonn and rectuum Histtory aand syymptommsabdominnal paain diarrheea、consttipatiionrectal tenessmus Commmon diiseasee DDysenttery 、ulcerrativee coliitis 、irrittable bowell synddrome、carciinoma of laarge iintesttine5、liverrHistoryy and sympttoms

13、commplainnt or pain of heepaticc regiion heppatauxxe tennderneess off hepaatic rregionn porrtal hhyperttensioon jauundicee heppatic encepphaloppathy nuttritioon dyssmetabbolismm Common diseaase virall hepaatitiss、cirrhhosis、primaary heepaticc carccinomaa。6、bill ductHistoryy and sympttoms abdomminal pain jaunddice murphhys signCommon diseaase chholeliithiassis、choleecystiitis、biliaary trractrooundwoorm、 biliaary trract ttumor7、pancr


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