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1、初中单词拼写做题技巧归纳练习 Learning aims :1. 了解单词拼写 & 句子翻译的出题类型及考点。2. 针对各类考点的查考技巧及注意事项。【词汇题型 】在学习英语过程中 ,除熟记单词、强化单词拼写题的训练外,掌握其应试的方法和技巧也是很重要的。下面结合考试题型 ,谈谈单词拼写题的解题技巧。【知识点一】 考查词形变化和语法知识的运用能力1. Nearly two years has ( 过去 ) since she went there.2. Who is a bit ( 胖 ), Tom or Jack?3. The girl sings French songs very ( 好

2、 ).4. Can you answer the (第二个 ) question in Russian?5. Two more bridges will be ( 建造 ) across the Changjiang River soon.6. Jack liked the two beautiful dictionaries very much, but he ( 买 ) neither. They wereboth too expensive for him.7. It will be ( 多云的 ) tomorrow, won t it?8. In autumn the ground i

3、s often covered with fallen ( 树叶 ) after a strong wind.9. Helen preferred singing to ( 跳舞 ).10. The shop sells ( 妇女 ) handbags.点拨 :这类词的考查 ,要求同学们根据句意、语法知识 ,分析要用什么形式。 其解题步骤为 :第一,首先 ,要认真阅读全句 ,正确理解句意。虽然题中有可能已给出应填词的汉语意义,但英语与汉语并不是永远能一一对等的,因此正确理解全句有利于准确判断应填什么词。第二 ,要分析应填词充当的句子成分 ,正确判断应填词的词性。 第三,要判断所填词应采用的正确

4、词形。若为名词,应注意 :其单复数、可数还是不可数及其所有格形式 ; 若为动词 ,应注意人称、数、时态、语态及非谓语动词形式;若为修饰语 ,应注意修饰名词或代词时用形容词 ,而修饰动词、形容词、副词或全句时要用副词;若为代词 ,注意代词的各种形式 ;若为形容词、副词 ,应注意等级变化。【知识点二】 考查单词的拼写能力1. The little boy had so many strange questions that his teacher couldn t u him.2. There are thirty-one days in D.3. People use (现代的 ) machin

5、es to do much work.4. Everything is ( 安静 ) and still at night.点拨 :这类题所考查的词一般较长 ,无词形变化 ,主要考查同学们的记忆和拼写能力。【知识点三】 考查近义词语的辨异与英汉语言之间的区别5. How long may I ( 借 ) the magazine?6. The boy drew a very nice picture ( 用 )his pencil.7. How long did it ( 花费 ) the workers to build the bridge?8. The soldiers went ( 穿

6、过 ) the forest and reached the small village at last.9. He hasn t been to the Great Wall. I haven也). t, (点拨 :同样意思的词有时会有多个 ,而到底哪个最切题意、最符合英语习惯呢?一是需要同学们平时掌握好近义词语的用法和英汉两种语言的差异 ; 二是要从句子结构入手判断该词在句中的作用。【知识点四】考查根据有关常识确定单词的能力10. S 10th is Chinese Teachers Day.11. C is spoken by the largest number of people i

7、n the world.12. People in England use Mr., Mrs. or Miss with the f name.13. Australia is the largest i country in the world.14. December 25 is C Day.15. There are twenty-eight or twenty-nine days in F.点拨 :这类题目要求同学们不要读死书 ,要注意积累课外知识。总之在解答这类题目时 ,要注意 :词义、词形、词辨,还要正确、工整地拼写出单词。不 要因为书写时字迹潦草或不规范而丢分。【习题精讲】1.

8、通读全句,确定意思 通读全句,根据前后内容判断该词意思,确保所填单词在逻辑意义上与整个句子一致。例如:(1)Germany and France are E countries.分析: 德国和法国都是欧洲国家,所缺单词修饰名词countries ,故填 European.(2)A good makes a good ending.分析:根据对应关系,应该是好的开始创造好的结局。故填 beginning.2. 根据成分或结构,判断词性 根据所拼单词在句中作的成分判断其词性。例如:(1) He is a writer of rich (想象)。分析:由句子结构可知,所缺单词被 rich 修饰,作介

9、词 of 的宾语,应为名词,再结合词义, 故填 imagination.(2) Darwin based his ideas on (科学) experiment.分析:“科学”放在名词 experiment 之前,修饰名词,应用形容词形式 scientific.(3)Our teacher has (组织) a class trip to the Great Wall.分析: 根据“组织”在句子结构中的功能,可知应用动词的过去分词形式 organized.3. 上下兼顾,判断单复数 通读全句,根据上下意思判断名词的单复数。例如:(1) The earth is one of the p.分析

10、: 前面有 one of 结构,因此后面必须用复数形式 planets.(2) (电脑) can do all kinds of things now.分析: 因名词前无冠词,而且该名词是可数名词,故用复数形式 computers.4. 全面考虑,不忘大小写(1) (秋天) comes after summer.分析 :句首的单词首写字母必须大写,又根据常识可知填 Autumn.(2) Some American children posted some (圣诞) cards to us.分析:“圣诞”为专有名词,首字母必须大写,故填 Christmas 说了常见题型 &做题方法, 我们再根据

11、这学期所学的知识来归纳各种类型的题目, 专项练 习。【经典习题】一、考察名词类题型1. Our living (条件) are getting better and better now.2. Its important for us to protect our (环境) in a right way.3. -Have you met her since 2012?-No. But we keep in with each other by talking on thephone.4. When we write about a thing, we can put our ideas int

12、o five main (要点)5. The wind is blowing strongly with lots of (沙)6. The hole is full of dead (老鼠) and smells terrible.7. Details decide(成功)or not. If we take everything seriously , well achieve our goals(达到目标 )8. Dont feed the two babies any more. Look at their (胃).9. The book sells well. We have sol

13、d out millions of (份) already.10. He put one of his (手指) into his mouth to show that he needed food.二、考察动词类题型1. Shes(意识到) she is wrong at this matter, so she feels very sorry.2. The Green family will (返回) from England next weekend.3. (improve) your DIY skill, youd better practise from time to time.4

14、. How many timesthe teacher (communicate) with the parents in the past twomonths?5. -May I use your dictionary? -Sorry, I(use) it now.6. I(感觉到) the ground was moving and then someone was shouting ,“ Earthquake!7.She(嫁) a rich man, but she was not happy as before.8. My sister couldnt stop(laugh) when

15、 I made faces.9. The whole class except Zhang Fei(get) on the bus already. Where is he?10. After she entered the cinema, she(hurry) to find her seat as the film was on11. - you(finish) reading the book?-Not yet. I will finish it soon.12. They spent the weekend(practice) playing the piano.13. Look! Jim seems unhappy. W h a t ( h appe n ) to him?14. Whats the best gift Joe has ever(收到) for her birthday?15. -Did you see your brother go out? -No, I (watch) a football match.16. Doing sports every



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