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1、ni 1:We did o go n action?Setio A 2d: Roe-la theonversationRic: Hi,Heln og tie no se.Helen:H, ick. Yes, Iwas on vaatiolastmnth.ick: Oh, di you go anwere nring?Heln:e, I wento Guizhu wth my fiy.Rik:o! dyou see Huangguoshu Watrfall?elen: Ye, I id. I awndefl! Wtoo quiea fewphotsther. What aboutyou? id

2、yoo anytngseal lastmonth?Rick: ot really. Ijust tyat h st o he tme o rea and rel. Grammar ocus:1 here dd yuo o vacai? wen toew YorCt.2. Didyougouwith non? o,o one washereEeryonewonatio3. Did youbu thinspcial? Ys, bought methg r my father. No, Iought noting4 Ho as te food? Evething tased realy goo!5.

3、Did eyon ave aoodim? O,ys Everthin as excellnt.Secion B b 阅读理解on, July 15thI rrivei Penng n Maayiathis moring wthmamily.I wa sunny an ht, sowdecided too to the beachneru hotl. sise and I tied araglidig. Ifelt lie wasa bird. It was s exciting! Fornc,we hd soeting erspeci Malaysianyello noodes. They w

4、r delicos!e ftrnoo,we rebcyle to eorgetonTer rel of ew buildgs no, utmanyof the d buidigs re stillthee. In WedQuay, areally ol lc iGeorgeton, we sathe hes f e Chieradersfom 00 yers go. I wond wht lfe was likherei the past. Ireally enjed wlkigaroundte twn.esdy ,Jl t hat ieenday maks!M father and decd

5、edto o to enang Hill toay. We wanted t walk p o t op, buthen istatedning itle so we dcided ttaethe an. Wewaiedove n hourfor thtranecaue there weo my peop W we oto hetp, it wasrainig really had.e dint have a umbrella sowe wr we ncol. t was ribe! n us o t bad hr,we ldnt see anythg belw.My fhr didnt bi

6、ngnouhoe, we only ha one bo of re andsome fi Theood taste great becse Iwas s hungry!Unt 2:How oft oyou xercie?Scto A :ac:H, Clare, ar yo free ext we?Claire: Hmm.nxt week s uie l or e,ck.ac: eally? How come?Claire: Ihae dane ad piao esons.Jc: Wha ind ofdanc e you learng?laire:Oh, swngdance. I fun! ha

7、ve class oce week, every odayJk: H ndoyo hae pianleos?Clire: Tice awk, on WdnsyandFridyJac:el,hw bouTusday?Clare:Oh, have to ly teni with y frinds Budoowantto come?Jack:Se!ramFocus:1.Wat o yu usall on weens? I alwaysxercie.2Wh do hy do owekends? hyfen hel wth housork.3What does sh on eee? Shesetiss

8、shoping.4.How oten oyou goto he movies? go t the vie aybe ncamoh.5.Ho ofendoes h watch ? eharly ever watces T.6.Do y go png? No, I evergo hoppi.Section B2b 阅读理解:Wat Do5 iScol tuesnThir Free Tie?Las nth weaked our studens aboutheir freetimeactivities.Ourqetinswreabou excise,use of he Interne adwatchi

9、n V.ere re the rslts. funthonly fiftee perent of ou stuents exce very d. Forty-fve perct ercise fur to ities a wekTwenty percenrcie onl oe t hee ts a . Ad twenty percntdonot exeris tall!e a know thta stdens oten go line, butwewre surpridatnineyperct of th sete Interne ver a.The othertenpret se it at

10、athreour iaweek Mos sudnt ue t for fun ad notforhmewok.heanswers to orstions abou atcng tleion wre also ntertg Onl two percnt of th udent watch TVone tothee tiesaweek. Thirten percent watch T fou to six es week An eghy-ive ecent watc TV er ay! ltough ay stuet liket watch sps,gamews r the most opula.

11、t isood t rex uin te Internet o watchin ame hw,but we thinthe bes ay orelx thrugheercise. It iheat for mindad the bod. cie ucas lang prtis fn, and ou can spend time with yor fiendsand family as you ly toethr. An remembr, “oldhbit die hrd”o tar xecig eeit to late!nit : Im more ougong han y ssterecinA

12、 2d:Julie:Didyou lik he ngig copetitin ysterday, Ann?Anna: Oh, i ws fanasic! Nlly sag so wll!Jule:Wll, I hik Lisa sangbte an Nely.na: Oh, which oe w La?ulie:The one with soe hai tink sesngmor cearly th ellyAna: Yes, but Nelly danced bett tha Lia.Julie:Youcn tl ta Lia ray wanted o win, touh.Anna:Wel, everyone atstown. But the mos



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