【精品】人教版英语必修4课后练:Unit 1 Women of achivement Section 2 课末 Word版含答案

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1、人教版英语精品资料Unit 1 Section 单句语法填空。1. Either you or one of your students is(be) going to attend the meeting, for you must learn about the content.2.The latest fashion and beauty news, together with the articles, is(be) published in the magazine every month.解析:句意:最新的时尚与美容消息以及那些文章每个月都被刊登在那本杂志上。 3.The comp

2、etition will be even fiercer than ever before, as the number of applicants has increased(increase) to more than 200 by now. 解析:句意:竞争将会比以往任何时候都要激烈,因为到现在为止申请者的数量已增加到200多人。4.Huge quantities of food have been conveyed(convey) there since a big earthquake hit the area. 解析:句意:自从一场大地震袭击了那个地区以后,大量的食物被送到了那儿。

3、5.In the evening, all the class are arguing(argue) about the plan of the outgoing for tomorrow. Some insist on a wild camping, while others suggest a bush hiking. 解析:句意:傍晚的时候,整个班都在争论明天的旅游计划,有人坚持野外宿营,有人建议丛林远足。6.I dont know what the exact number of the residents is, but I am aware that most of the pop

4、ulation in the area fell/have fallen(fall) into the habit of smoking, which is hard for them to give up. 解析:句意:我不知道具体人数,但我清楚那个地区的大部分居民已染上了吸烟的习惯,他们很难戒掉。7.In fact, this kind of flowers was intended(intend) for the decoration of the EXPO main conference hall, but later we replaced them with some trees

5、and bushes.解析:句意:事实上,这种花是计划用来设计装饰世博会主会场大厅的,但后来我们用一些树和灌木取而代之。8. It was not the passengers but the driver who was to blame(blame) for the accident because the bus picked up too many of them. 9. In our class, about two thirds of the students have passed(pass) the examination by now, which makes us excited.10.Every means has been tried(try) to improve her spoken English but she feels her teacher is somewhat impatient with her, making her lose confidence in the end. 解析:句意:已尝试了各种方法来提高她的英语口语,但她感觉老师对她有些不耐烦了,这使得她最终失去了信心。


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