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1、四六级写作二八法则 第一章 语言写作技巧一、词汇变化 衡量一个人写作能力的高低,很大程度上可以从其对同一意思有多少种表达方式上来判断。 同一意思掌握的表达方工越多,文章就越引人入胜。例 1:如果表示“使”,不要仅靠make:a. This society still makes women unable to enjoy equal rights.b. Women are still denied equal right.a. The photo made me recall my childhood.b. The photo reminded me of my childhood.a. Th

2、e incident always makes me feel painful.b. The incident is a source of pain to me.例2:如要表达越来越”,不要只使用more and more:a. More and more students find learning English has become more and more important.b. Students in growing numbers find learning English has becomeincreasinglyimportant.a. People consume m

3、ore and more vegetables nowadays.b. Vegetable consumption is on the rise nowadays.a. More and more service people are demanded with the development of economy.b. There is an increasingdemand for service people with the development of economy.a. More and more evidence suggests that the second style o

4、f management is moreproductive than the first style of management.b. The evidence is mounting that thesecond style of management is more productivethan the first style of management.a. He noticed there were more and more womencontracting the virus and more and more transmissions through sex.b. He no

5、ticed a higher number of womencontracting the virus and a larger proportion of transmissions through sex.例 3:如果表达“大多数”,不要一昧用most:a. Most people prefer to watch TV at home rather than go out to see the film.b. The vast majority of people prefer to watch TV at home rather than go out to see the film.a

6、. Most people take part in sports of different kinds.b. A sizable percentage ofpeople take part in sports of different kinds.a. Most people in developed countries appreciate a high standard of living.b. A considerable proportion of people in developed countries enjoy high standard of living.例4:如果要表达

7、不仅,而且,不要只用notonly.but also:a. Mankind is of a piece not only biologically but also physiologically.b. Mankind is of a piece biologicallyas well as physiologically.a. Taking a part-time job can not only earn a little money, but also an opportunity to contact with society.b. Taking a part-time job mea

8、ns more than a little money you can earn. It also means an opportunity to contact with society.a. Many people read books not only for enjoyment but also for companionship.b. Many people read books as much for enjoyment as for companionship.例 5:表达“很重要”,还可能用不及物动词 count:a. Her opinion is important beca

9、use of her experience.b. Her opinion counts because of her experience.接下来的作业:2002 年 12 月四级及六级作文It Pays to Be HonestDirection:For this part, you are allowedthirty minutes to writea composition onthe topic: It Pays to Be Honest. You should write at least 150 words according to the outline given below

10、in Chinese.1. 当前社会上存在许多不诚实的现象。2. 诚实利人利已,做人应该诚实。(二)主语变化 主语必须要符合英美等西方人的思维习惯。中国自古以来就有“天人合一” 的观点,强调人和自然的浑然一体, 因此中文习惯以人作主语。 而英语强调客观, 主语以物或抽象概念居多。 因此,当我们要讲述一个经验性的事实或者常理时,不要过多使用“I think that , 议论文中过多使用“ I ”容易影响文章的客观性。使用非人称主语就可以解决这个问题。非人称 主语,即没有生命的东西充当主语。下面是四种常用的主语变换形式及其典型例句和句型:(1)物称主语1. The constant change

11、 of the course of the Changjiang River in history helped form a great many lakes in the areas around Wuhan.在历史上,由于长江不断改道在武汉地区形成了众多的湖泊。2. An idea suddenly stuck her. 她突然想到了一个主意。3. From the moment we entered the house, care and kindness surrounded us on every side.一进这个房子,我们就随时随地承受到关怀与照顾。4. The truth f

12、inally dawned on the girl. 这个女孩最终明白了真相。(2)it 当主语1. Its raining cats and dogs. 正在下倾盆下雨。2. It never occurred to me that he was a man who put personal gain above all else. 我从来没想到他是一个把个人利益看得比什么都重要的人。3. It is hoped/anticipated that we can communicate with each other well and establish friendship soon.希望我

13、们能好好交流并迅速建立友谊。(3)there + 系动词结构1. There seems to be no doubt about it. 此事似乎确定无疑。2. There once lived a poor farmer who had four sons. 从前有一个穷苦的农夫,他有 4 个儿子。3. There comes a time when dying seem preferable to staying alive. 有的时候觉得死了似乎比活着好。4. There is broad consensus ( of opinion ) in the country on this

14、issue. 对这一问题举国上下(舆论)一致。5. In the past decade there has been a marked decrease in the number of young married couples who want to have children.过去几十年里,婚后不要小孩的夫妇明显增多。(4)时间、地点名词作主语 时间、地点名词作主语是英语中常见的用法,是地道的英语表达方式,常用 see, witness, find 等词作谓语。1. Shanghai first saw the rise of the movement. 这个运动首先在上海兴起。2.

15、The little town has witnessed many great changes. 这个小镇发生了许多重大的变化。( 例文 )It Pays to Be HonestAs is known to all, It pays to be honest. Dishonesty can result in guilty feelings, cause distrust among people and even ruin your reputation although being honesty may get you into trouble or hurt someone in

16、some cases.However, dishonesty is rampant in our society. In the first place, many merchants coax the customers to buy fake commodities. Take my neighbor Xiao Wang as an example. He bought a TV set with 2,000 yuan a week ago, but now it doesnt work at all. In the second place, some students cheat on exams in order to p


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