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1、-口语测试第一局部:样题及详解一、自我介绍涵盖自己的专业介绍,家乡特色,个人爱好,生活态度等二、短文朗读Task 1 Read Aloud (preparation time: 45 seconds; response time: 1 min)Many people would list San Francisco as one of the most delightful cities in the world. Sitting on the Pacific coast, it gives you a feeling of the sea. The sea breezes wake you

2、up and make you eat well and sleep well. The city was planned with straight roads, and these roads cross each other at right angles, making squares as they do in many American cities. Very often you can find yourself on top of a hill in the city, looking down one of these straight roads as it rises

3、and falls on its journey through the town. A good way to travel these roads is by cable car. These are buses that run on rails in the ground up and down the steep hills.三、简短问答Question and AnswerQuestion 1: what would many people think of San Francisco according to the passage? (20 seconds)Question 2

4、: which city in China do you like most? And why? (response time: 20 seconds)四、个人陈述Individual presentation: (preparation time45 seconds; response time: 1 min)看图说话:古树制止登攀-。-答题思路:图片所传达的核心问题是旅游中的不文明行为我们可以围绕这一核心问题,从以下 3 个方面展开陈述:( 1描述图片,点明问题首先要从整体上概括图片所呈现的核心问题,即旅游中的不文明行为。As the cartoon has described, some

5、 tourists behave in uncivilized ways.接着,进一步描述图片的具体内容。此题图片展示了人们的两种不文明行为,一是在名胜古迹上刻字,二是在照相时破坏古树。Some people carve their names onto scenic spots, and some people even climb the ancient trees to take photos disregarding the “No Climbing notice.( 2分析影响首先,可以先从整体上概括这一问题带来的影响。This phenomenon is becoming is a

6、 real embarrassment for all of us.下面,具体阐述其影响,一般两点即可。比方,一方面,旅游中的不文明行为与中国经济开展的步伐不相适应,显得缺乏教养。For one thing, when we are developing tourism for the national economy, such behaviors seem quite undeveloped and uneducated.-两点影响之间最好采用递进的逻辑关系,行为有损中国的国际形象。第二点影响更为严重,即中国游客的不文明-What s more, more and more reports

7、 about Chinese tourists uncivilized behaviors have appeared in foreign media. Complaints about Chinese tourists bad manners are increasing in some foreign countries. As a result, China sinternational image has been seriously affected.( 3提出解决方法最后必须提出解决问题的建议,可以从教育,监管等方面进展考虑。To solve the problem proper

8、ly, I think the government should play a role in education and regulation.Public manners in tourism should be given higher priority in school education, and legal devices can also be sued to regulate people s uncivilized behaviors in tourism.X文:As the cartoon has described,some tourists behave in un

9、civilized ways. Some peoplecarve their names onto scenic spots, and some people even climb the ancient trees to take photos disregarding the “No Climbing notice. These uncivilized behaviors show that many people lack the awareness of proper behaviors when traveling.This phenomenon is becoming a real

10、 embarrassment for all of us. For one thing, when we are developing tourism for the national economy, such behaviors seem quite undeveloped and uneducated. What s more, more and more reports about Chinese tourists uncivilized behaviors have appeared in foreign media. Complaints about Chinese tourist

11、s bad manners are increasing in some foreign countries. As a result, china sinternational imagehas been seriously affected.To solve the problem properly, I think the government shouldplay a role in educationand regulation. Public manners in tourism should be given higher priority in school education

12、, and legal devices can also be used to regulate people suncivilized behaviors in tourism.五、小组互动 (Preparation time: 1 min; Response time: 3 mins)Suppose you have three days to gosightseeing together. Talk with each other and make a-plan for your trip. You plan may include:1. Place(s) to visit2. Mean

13、s of transportation3. Schedule答题要点:题目设定的情景是你们将要进展一个为期 3 天的旅行,因此需要讨论制定一份旅行方案。在讨论中,需要谈到的要点包括:1. 推荐旅行地点,并说明原因首先可以说明自己选择旅行地点的原那么,比方,根据旅行时间长短选择。然后再向同伴推荐具体的旅行地点并简要说明原因。Three days is not too long, so I think we should go to a place not too far away. How about Chengde? It is a tourist city in Hebei province

14、, and only about 200 kilometers away from Beijing.2. 选择交通方式,并说明理由选择交通方式的因素有很多,可以是便利性,平安性,速度耗时,价格等等,比方对于这次短途旅行,可以主要考虑便利性。Coach is much more convenient because it can take us directly to the Imperial Summer Resort.3. 拟定日程安排,并做详细说明(1) 拟定日程安排时,首先需要确定出发时间与到达时间。We can start our journey at 7 o clock on the

15、 first day, and may arrive at Chengde at about 11:30.(2) 接着,可以开场安排每一天的具体行程,包括选择游览景点,为不同的经典安排不同的游览时间。And the other half of the day is too short for us to visit the Imperial Summer Resort, so I suggest we visit the temples around the Resort after lunch.I think we need to spend the whole day in the Summer Resort, am I right?On the third day, we may spend half a day visiting the Panchui Tower National Forest Park. It is said that it usually takes 3 hours to go through the whole park.(3) 在谈及游览一个具体的景点时,可以针对景点安排一些具体的游览活动。As the Summer Resort is an ancient construction, we need a guide to he


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