高中英语外研版选修6学案:Module 1Section Ⅳ 含解析

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1、 精品资料Section Grammar & Writing情态动词的用法阅读下列句子,体会黑体部分的用法1In some countries,for example,you have to arrive on time at a party;in other countries,you dont need to.2Some hosts expect flowers or a small gift,but in other places,you can take things,but you neednt if you dont want to.3Did the immigration peo

2、ple ask to see your visa?No.I didnt need to get a visa.4My American friend Tom spoke good Chinese,so I didnt need to translate the speech for him.5I was the first to go there.I neednt have gone there so early.6I offered to help him with the housework and then he told me he had finished.I neednt have

3、 done that.一、need的基本用法1用作实义动词,后可接名词、代词、不定式和动名词,有时态、人称和数的变化。Mark needs to learn Chinese since his company is opening a branch in Beijing.马克需要学习汉语,因为他的公司要在北京开一个分公司。The doctor said he needed an operation.医生说他需要手术。名师点津当主语是表示“物”的名词时,则作实义动词的need后接动名词的主动形式表示被动含义,这时,need doingneed to be done。A dog needs tak

4、ing out/to be taken out for a walk every day.狗得每天带出去遛。2用作情态动词,后接动词原形,常用于否定句和疑问句中。You neednt finish that work today.你今天不必把那项工作做完。Need he come here?他有必要来吗?3由need引出的一般疑问句,肯定回答常用must或have to;否定答语常用neednt。Need I answer the question?我需要回答那个问题吗?Yes,you must./Yes,you have to./No,you neednt.是的,你必须回答。/是的,你得回答

5、。/不,不必了。二、didnt need to do和neednt have donedidnt need to do表示过去没必要做某事,实际上也没做。neednt have done表示过去没必要做某事,而实际上做了,常译成“本没有必要做”。Marys boyfriend drove to pick her up,so she didnt need to take a taxi.玛丽的男朋友开车去接她,因此她没必要打出租车了。(不需要打出租车,事实上也没打出租车)It was Sunday,so I didnt need to get up early.因为是星期天,所以我没必要早起。(不

6、需要早起,事实上也没早起)We neednt have taken a taxi to get to the museum.It was only five minutes walk.我们本没有必要乘出租车到博物馆的,走五分钟就到了。(本没有必要乘出租车,但乘坐了)The manager neednt have cleaned the room because it was just cleaned by his assistant.经理本没有必要打扫房间,因为他的助手刚刚打扫过了。(本没有必要打扫,但打扫了)名师点津(1)在didnt need to do中,need是实义动词;在needn

7、t have done中,need是情态动词。(2)need作实义动词时,常接名词、代词和动词不定式作宾语。当need的主语和need后面的动词是被动关系时,need后面接to be done/doing。(3)need作情态动词时,用于否定句和疑问句,后面接动词原形。(4)回答Need I.?肯定回答用:Yes,you must;否定回答用:No,you neednt/dont need to/dont have to。三、情态动词have done的几种形式及其意义1.2.It must have rained last night,for the ground is still wet.

8、昨晚肯定下雨了,因为地面还是湿的。(对过去的肯定推测)I cant find my purse now.I might have left it in the taxi.我的钱包现在找不到了。我可能把它忘在出租车里了。(对过去的推测,也许/或许做了某事)You couldnt have known about him ten years ago,when he was still unknown.十年前你不可能了解他,那时他还不出名。(对过去的推测,不可能做过某事)You could have used my car yesterday.I didnt use it.你昨天本可以用我的汽车。那

9、时我用不着它。(过去本来能做某事,但没有做)Oh,Mom!You neednt have prepared so much food.Dad and Diana will not come back for supper.哦,妈妈!你本不必做这么多饭。爸爸和黛安娜不回来吃晚饭了。(过去不必做,但实际上做了).单句语法填空 【导学号:38300005】1It is obvious that the garden needs (water)2We dont need (get)into an argument over this.3You neednt (tell)him the news.He

10、had already known it.4The boy cant (finish)reading the book so soon because it is difficult even for an adult.5You might (refuse)her at the beginning,but now it is too late.【答案】1.watering/to be watered2.to get 3have told4.have finished5.have refused.单句改错1We need buy tickets in advance. 2The floor ne

11、eds clean right now. 3You neednt worked that late last night,which was harmful to your health. 4It mustnt have rained last night,for the ground is dry now. 5You neednt to go to the bank this morning. 【答案】1.need后加to2.cleancleaning3neednt后加have4.mustntcant/couldnt5去掉第一个to如何写提供建议的电子邮件1概念:提供建议的电子邮件和书信一样

12、,有称谓、正文和结尾署名。发件人在邮件中要向收件人提出建议和忠告。2分类:(1)写给个人,就其遇到的某个问题提出自己的建议和看法。(2)写给某个组织机构,就改进其服务提出建议和忠告。3内容安排:(1)写出发邮件的原因和背景。(2)建议的内容及提出建议的理由。(3)对收件人的祝福和祝愿。4语言特征:(1)建议要写得简明扼要、目的明确、具有合理性和说服力。(2)提出的理由要入情入理,语气一定要委婉,礼貌当先。5注意事项:语言简明扼要的同时要委婉有礼貌。亮点句式一、建议信开头常用句式1I was so pleased to hear from you,and I am writing to give

13、 you some tips on job interview.2Nice to receive your letter asking me for advice on how to learn English well.二、表达建议1In reply to your letter about the College Entrance Examination this year,let me tell you that.2In my opinion,it would be better.3It should be a good idea to.4You will benefit from.5A

14、s far as I am concerned,youd better.6Id like to suggest you that.7Whats more,it will be helpful to you that.8If I were you,I would.9Youd better take some measures to do.10Its suggested that.11What I want to stress is that.12Finally,dont forget to do.三、建议信结尾常用句式1Waiting for your good news.等待你的好消息。2Good luck with


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