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1、2022年考博英语-中共中央党校考试题库及全真模拟冲刺卷(附答案带详解)1. 单选题The interconnection in the global financial system means that if one nation ( ) on its sovereign debt or enters into recession that places some of the external private debt at risk as well, the banking system of creditor nations face losses.问题1选项A.accountsB.

2、defaultsC.bailoutsD.switches【答案】B【解析】动词词义辨析。account “认为”;default “拖欠,不履行”;bailout “紧急救助、跳伞”;switch “转换”。句意:全球金融体系的互联互通意味着如果一个国家的主权债务违约拖欠,或陷入衰退,导致部分外部私人债务也面临风险,债权国的银行体系将面临损失。选项B符合题意。2. 单选题The result would be higher-cost imports that would represent a tax on the American consumers - a tax that would (

3、 ) purchasing power and would undoubtedly constrain US economic growth.问题1选项A.sootheB.squeezeC.stimulateD.scramble【答案】B【解析】动词词义辨析。soothe “安慰,使平和”;squeeze “挤,握紧”;stimulate “刺激”;scramble “抢夺,争夺”。句意:其结果将是更高的进口成本,这将意味着对美国消费者征税,最终会降低购买能力,毫无疑问会限制美国经济发展。选项B符合题意。3. 单选题Cool musicians demanded respect, and wh

4、en ( )didnt blow up, but, like the president, responded ( ).问题1选项A.attacked . stoicallyB.attacking . stoicC.attacked . stoicD.attacking . stoically【答案】A【解析】语法题。根据句意和句子结构,句子的主语为cool musicians,when后面的空格应该是指当音乐家受到攻击时,所以主语musicians和动词attack之间存在被动关系,用attacked过去分词来修饰音乐家,故选项B和D可排除。又根据responded动词,可判断第二空格应填入

5、副词修饰动词,故选项B和C可排除。句意:冷酷的音乐家需要尊重,当被攻击时,当他们受到的攻击没有爆发时,他们就像总统一样,反应冷静。选项A符合题意。4. 单选题When your dog does anything you want to ( ), you wait till he does it and then beat him. This is the way judges make laws for you and me.问题1选项A.break him ofB.break him offC.break him freeD.break him up【答案】A【解析】词组辨析。 break

6、 sb. of “使戒除(某习惯)”;break sb. off “分离,中断”; “break sb. free “摆脱对方防守”; break sb. up “关系破裂”。句意:当你的狗做了任何你想要打它戒除的事情,你要等它做了,然后打它。这就是法官为你我制定法律的方式。选项A符合题意。5. 单选题Much as officials still say that China cannot carry the burden of international governance, they are ( ) the idea that it should sign up as a stakeh

7、older in a set of rules made in Washington.问题1选项A.dismissive ofB.disincentive toC.disturbingD.dissipating【答案】A【解析】动词词义辨析和固定搭配。be dismissive of “不屑一顾”;be disincentive to “阻碍因素”;disturb “打扰”;dissipate“使驱散”。句意:尽管官员们仍然说中国不能承担起国际管理的责任,但是他们也会对这样的想法不屑一顾:中国在制定一套规则中成为利益相关者。选项A符合题意。6. 单选题Nowhere, however, is

8、the importance of the nation more dramatically demonstrated than ( ) nationalism as a political creed.问题1选项A.the potency ofB.the potent ofC.in the potency ofD.in the potential【答案】A【解析】语法题。根据定冠词the,可知其后接名词,potent “有效的”为形容词,选项B可排除。根据题意,可知the importance of “的重要性”与空格中形成相互呼应的成分,选项C和D可排除。选项A符合题意。7. 单选题Thi

9、s emphasis on an English tradition has come under continuous attack during the last twenty years or so; during their undergraduate training many young teachers of English will have discussed the assumptions that underlie such concern for our cultural ( ).问题1选项A.inhabitantsB.heritageC.inheritorsD.her

10、editary【答案】B【解析】名词词义辨析。inhabitant “居民”,heritage “遗产;传统;继承权”,inheritor “继承人;后继者”,hereditary “遗传类”。句意:在他们的本科培训中,许多年轻的英语老师将讨论这些假设,这些假设是我们对文化传统关心的基础。选项B符合题意。8. 单选题Five years ago, that couple bought the house ( )_ making a quick profit out of it.问题1选项A.with eyes open toB.in good eyes atC.with an eye toD.

11、by an eye at【答案】C【解析】词组辨析。with an eye to “着眼于,指望着”为固定搭配。没有A、B和D项的搭配,可排除。句意:五年前,那对夫妇买下这所房子,希望能很快从中获利。选项C符合题意。9. 翻译题This work belongs within the movement of the so-called “Third Force” psychology, but unlike many other works in this stream of thought/ it approaches the problems of man as a person from

12、 a point of view that comes from within science and from an academic psychological perspective. I stress this not because there have been no other such attempts, but because these attempts are in the minorityand because very often, to those who are not knowledgeable about the movement, Third Force p

13、sychology seems to be a domain reserved exclusively for clinicians. This impression is obtained because most of the Third Force psychologists are clinicians or psychologists interested in personality theory. Also, the mistaken notion that if one is interested in the whole person then it is not possi

14、ble to be scientific is still too prevalent. In truth, the impact of this psychology is by no means limited to clinical psychologyits insights are relevant for the whole field. Moreover, it is precisely the prejudice that this psychology must be either antiscientific or nonscientific that we would l

15、ike to challenge.【答案】【参考译文】这部作品属于所谓的第三势力心理学运动,但与这一思潮中的许多其他作品不同,它从科学和学术心理学的角度来处理人之所以为人的问题。我强调这一点不是因为没有其他这样的尝试,而是因为这些尝试是少数的,而且很多时候,对于那些不了解这一运动的人来说,第三力量心理学似乎是一个专门为临床医生保留的领域。这种印象之所以产生,是因为大多数的第三势力心理学家都是临床医生或对人格理论感兴趣的心理学家。此外,如果一个人对完整的人感兴趣,那么就不可能进行科学研究这样一种错误观念仍然非常普遍。事实上,这种心理学的影响并不局限于临床心理学它的洞见与整个领域都相关。此外,我们要反驳的正是这种心理学必须是反科学或非科学的偏见。10. 问答题The answer lies somewhere in the realm of ideology, in European attitudes not just toward defense spend



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