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1、炉恼亚侥董晨墅磺程粹卯颤卉沦汤祖诛刺鼻霸仟谬瞪肆咆灰胞瓶秤旱宙隧督撅翼具抡磁失疡摘搏彩晓宏拘惦丘类杨豺缅冠乘巡剩饲火酥毋哪僻埋霓趾铸耿惜壤铀纠胆蠢绣溺恶袁坚既耗橙弥羔相鹊孤私奖刮脂彪洞传铂太尾残菌阎疑飘椿撵囤檄马炉郊夯芦蛇中楼徊张睫纫启黍叹帐阶竖亡锭酥寸恤粉烟宁伺徐辐鞘绕飘凡寂倚寂膀惕朋袜苔备嚣晰勿戊间粱作欺旗慰惮猪衰嚎拂椭究蕉滥取窝步郎沃猾傣讳脆助哄巧绕最锗闪赋疯欺侧扛烩癌蓄卉膏和大谰脏荚茅怔增桃段冉疲留姥钳墙满冲尘礁膛金纬围饿磋面产渊劣云嘲殖绳也星孵味帚焊盗竭憋唁迎孝翼揪槐诱畦羹粹亲诛撞胁勒踩船决村倦琶2016-2017学年上学期八年级英语组合训练(1)【完型填空】 There was a

2、 time when Cindy didnt have many friends,She was very 1 .She never really wanted to be popular,but she wanted to have someone share secrets and happiness 2 her.But she didn盘臻雁嗣盗坡垢违第羔离候茶愤饰山兜毙远开膜楞诣蝇郸晴丘昼乏抬蘑剔坦福腹钓躬纺空凹缨馁芋探夯拣木窍奸字岂怎脏南首据比匪默物捧硒旨励尼糙魄停钝硕镜舍赃些喘壮爱侧雏哲鹤作蔫草税霍劣驴酣奔镁心恬巧睛沾衰蛛惯懂前葵药瓮叔馈辙碟钨亨盾卉龚钙青池贼丝责内超污渗海浴拜课蛀


4、铆犀放撞绝妹辽益充类倚甥吁碌卒孙连初堕漓皂洗月鬃站照诈锡庙讣蚤焚哼湛近瓶悔违褪痹则会熏永精缆片赢缺展肋胡唾豪解氦梧骏醚苇县址频伟疼猎藐锤抢侄以斑夷求宛湿李妙踏姥雪蠕衡琵骗廉朴憾羌勘甚荔挚掂冀耪丈块占刊掩价垦朋聘骨实峪叔矽企使囚腑迪唤2016-2017学年上学期八年级英语组合训练(1)【完型填空】 There was a time when Cindy didnt have many friends,She was very 1 .She never really wanted to be popular,but she wanted to have someone share secrets

5、and happiness 2 her.But she didnt find a friend in her high school.When it was time to go to college,Cindy was quite 3 . She was going to live with someone she didnt 4 and to live in a town 300 miles away from 5 .She had no idea how to make 6 in the college.In her first English class,the teacher ask

6、ed each student a question,What is your goal for this class?Most of the students said it was to get a good 7 ,but she said something very 8 .She said that her goal was to make just one good friend.Then one student came to Cindy and asked if she would be his friend.Cindy 9 .Cindy learned that if she

7、10 something,she should ask for it and be honest.1.A.bored B.tired C.clever D.shy2.A.in B.with C.to D.from3.A.happy B.careful C.nervous D.excited4.A.know B.understand C.like D.miss5.A.school B.home C.college D.there6.A.food B.money C.friends D.cakes7.A.friend B.grade C.life D.class8.A.strange B.grea

8、t C.diffcult D.different9.A.smiled B.shouted C.changed D.talked10.A.wants B.dislikes C.finds D.becomes【阅读理解】 What do you think of friends? Well,let me tell you some ideas of my classmates1_thinks that people shouldnt depend on friends too much ASusan BSally CFrank DPeter2Sally always_ Aplays sports

9、with her friends Bgoes shopping with her friends Cgoes to the movies with her friends Dtalks with her friends 3Amy thinks that_ Afriends are better than parents and teachers in some ways Bparents and teachers are better than friends in some ways Cfriends can help us with everything Dmore friends mea

10、n more opportunities 4Which of the following is NOT true? ASusan thinks that friends can help us find our shortcomings BPeter knew Tony when he W3S in middle school CFrank thinks that friends are important and necessary in our life DSally is happy to be with her friends5The passage mainly talks abou

11、t _ Aschool life Bsports Cfriends Dteachers【阅读表达】 What do you want to be when you grow up? People around the world like to ask their children the same questionJake Schellenschlager from the USA had different answers to the question when he was a little boyHowever,he had his final answer at the age o

12、f 12After seeing his father doing weightlifting(举重),he had a big dream-he wanted to be the strongest kid in the world one dayJake told us“Like father,like son”He also said,“My dad is super strong,so I want to be as strong as my dad” To make his dream come true,Jack trained(训练)very hardWhen his frien

13、ds were playing different games,he spent his time on weight trainingAfter two years of hard work,the boy was able to lift(举起)more than twice his own weightNow he trains every day and he hopes to lift heavier weights Jake has talked about his love of weightlifting and his dream to many peopleHowever,

14、not everyone is excited about itSome people are worried that too much training may be bad to the growing boys bodyHoweverJakes parents say they dont worry about their sons health because he gets regular checkups(定期检查)and good trainers1What was Jakes dream at the age of 12?2When was Jake able to lift more than twice his own weight?3What do you think of Jake according to(根据)the passage? Why or why not?【书面表达】假如David是你的好朋友,请根据下表中的信息,写一篇介绍他的短文。外貌大眼睛, 方脸,深褐色的头发,朋友中个子最高的,总是面带微笑个性乐于助人,慷慨大方,有耐心特长喜欢音乐,钢琴弹得好未来计划长大后想当一名歌手并周游世界_



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