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1、国外博士后申请:电话面试技巧学术之家2010-05-07 16:31:00阅读447评论0 字号:大中小订阅一般来说博士后面试的主要问题会有:(3) Given the available information on the web, what types of projects that my laboratory does interest you most?问候语言:(微笑地)The function of neurnal stem cells and their relevance to neuropsychiatry. Particulary, whether can we app

2、ly neurnal stem cells to cure mental deseas such as depression.Hello,*. Yea, Its me. You must be Dr. *. How !ar*e*y*o*u*,I am fine, thank you!It was very nice to meet with you and Thank you to give me this opportunity to interview. 一般老外的口头禅Actually, . Basically, . . probably . kind(type, sort) of .

3、这个老美口头上巨喜欢用 gonna, wanna, gotta, .Then,.Thats it./You got it.That makes/doesnt make sense. 这个绝对常用然后老美特喜欢用THANKS,有事没事经常说,非常小的事都说但回答基本没听过用not at all的,用you are welcome正式一点,用sure, yes比较常见 然后 YES 经常是 YEAH,YUP,NO 是 NOPE。Questions:1, What are your long term career goals? *(Showing my ambition and passion!)

4、 Answer:My ultimate goal is to be a distinguished professor in my research areas.If I have the chance to your lab, I will try my best to carry out the research projects successfully. During the postdoctoral training course, what I am expecting are not only to obtain the good research papers by my ha

5、rd work, but also to have the best training in * and enrich my research experiences. I think that the later is more important to me. You known that in China, because of being restricted by research conditions, litter efforts were applied to studying *, so that in my Institute I can not contact any r

6、elative *1*research in *.And after completed my postdoctoral training in your lab, I wanted to obtain a faculty position in US University, and continue my research in *. I hope I can not only be productive in research achievements and papers as a scientist, but also be outstanding in education as a

7、professor. As a scientist, I would pay my whole attention to uncover the unknown phenomena or mechanism in *, and other relative research areas, and I will try my best to apply those findings to *.In addition, as a good professor or teacher, I want help those undergraduate students not only to be fa

8、miliar with those basic theory in biological science, but to learn about the recent achievement and progresses in biological science. You known that now most undergraduate students were unwilling to study the biology science, they said that this area can not bring them higher salary in future and be

9、 so boring. So that, as a biological teacher, the most importance is to help them cultivate their interesting in science and the interesting is always the key to success in any careers.Those are my mention.2, What is it that you are hoping to learn in my laboratory?Answer:First, and the most importe

10、nt reason is that I am very intersted in *.My interest is uncoving the mechanism and regualtion of *. Current project in my present lab focused in *. Although, it is really a very interesting project, but I think this project would not bring any more break-through findings or theories in mechanism,

11、and the findings might just testify the already known principles or phenomenons. Otherwise, I think the projects carried in your lab are more interesting and more beneficial to * research area. The work involving * would benefit to treat the diseases of mammalian, especial of human beings. So that,

12、I am very hope to do some works in this areas. Second is the nice work done in your lab in recent years, and the perfect research back ground and technique supports in your lab. All of them can be learned from the webpages and papers from your lab. To be honesty, like every postdoctors, I really wan

13、t to do the good project under your instruction and can produce good papers, which would be helpful to me finding a suitable position in anywheres.Third is that I can learn a lot of new techniques in your lab and most important the ideas in project selection, phenomena analyses and results conclusio

14、n. For research, I think that the ideas are the key to success. I hope I can learn more from you. Otherwise, I think that with the techniques I had commanded, such as DNA, RNA and protein manipulation techniques, I can benefit a lot to your lab.Those are my statement.3, Given the available informati

15、on on the web, what types of projects that my laboratory does interest you most?Answer: 这个问题的答案是因人而异的,因老板和实验室而异的。下面是我当时准备时在网络上收集的面试经验(来源BBS):准备情况:1. 面试时手边准备一些材料:自己的resume, ps, paper,教授的基本情况,paper2. 上网通览教授的基本材料:biography,research area,project,paper(有时间可 全看,没时间可只看 abstract),3. 针对教授的 research 复习一下专业知识,

16、尤其是术语怎么说,一些专业常用单词 多说几遍。4. 准备几个向教授提问的问题,最好是和学术有关的,像什么气候啊这些完全可以从网上 了解到的,要提问那些在网上找不到的问题,比如目前正在进行什么research project未来 有没有新的project啦,其实,如果你真的很想跟这个教授的话,这些问题也是自然需要提 问的。尽量多问,显示一下你的口语水平,而且听不清楚也没问题,只要最后说, sounds great 就可以了。5. 每天大概2个小时准备口语,在电话面试前准备1个小时口语。一个很好的办法是 看美国电影,找一些轻松的口语不是很快的美国电影,边看边说,效果不错。6. 电话面试时的态度:坚持一个中心,两个基本点。一个中心就是:交流为中心,两个



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