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1、Unit 10 How much are these pants?(period 1/section A1a-2c)学校 行村一中 初一英语 主备教师 孙兆英 副备教师 程穆香 使用时间 :2013 12、9一、 学习目标:Teaching aims and demands1 知识目标:Knowledge goals 1) 学习一些表示物体名称和价格的单词及短语的使用。2) 两对反意词:big-small long-short2 能力目标:Ability goals 学会询问价格及其回答。3 情感目标:Emotion goals 提高学生口语表达能力,热爱生活,增强信心。二重难点:重点:学会根

2、据场景用英语询问物品价钱,培养学生灵活运用语言知识和创新的能力。 难点:学会谈论购物中商品的价格,颜色和式样.三、教具:多媒体,白板,录音机,投影仪四Teaching type: new lesson五Teaching methods : speaking and practicing六、教学过程:Teaching and learning proceduresStep 1 Warming up -Free talkAsk the students to have a talk about what they like for three meals.For example: 1. A: Do

3、 you like strawberries? B: No, I dont. But I like apples. 2. A: What do you like for breakfast? B: I like eggs and milk for breakfast. A: What do you like for lunch? B: I like tomatoes and bread for lunch. A: What do you eat for dinner? B: I eat hamburgers and salad for dinner.Step 2 Revision-lead i

4、n1. 交流预习情况,讨论解决预习中发现的问题(以小组为单位互相讨论)单词从How much-long 课文Section A1a-Grammar focus中存在的疑难问题。自主探究A:写出下列名词的复数形式。sock _ shirt _ T-shirt _ sweater _shoe _ skirt _ dollar _B:思考:课文中出现的单词中哪几个在日常生活应用中往往要用复数?e.g. _ _ _ _C:在单词表中找出两对反意词: big _ long _D:写出怎样询问物品的价格?_E:尝试:1)_ _ is the shirt?(多少钱)2)My mother buys me a

5、 pair of _(shoe).3)I have 200 _(dollar)4)The T-shirt is on _(sell) for $50.2.语言点导学:1)学问价钱用How much .2)下列词在生活中通常用复数.e.g.shoes ,pants,shorts,socks.3)sale 是名词,其动词形式是sell,常用短语.on sale 廉价出售e.g.The sweater are on sale for 100 dollars.4)两对反意词:big-small long-shortStep 3 : Presentation1. Learn the new words

6、using the word cards or pictures. Then listen to the tape .Read the words after it:pants,sock,shirt,T-shirt,shorts,sweater,shoe,skirt,sale,dollar,big,small,long,short,how much2. Finish 1a.Match the words with the things in the pictures.3. Finish 2a,2b.Listen to conversations. Circle the things and t

7、hen fill in the price tags.Step 4 Activities.(in groups)Make a new conversation. Ask the prices.e.g. A: How much is your shirt? B: Its 80 dollars. A: How much are your shoes? B: They are 50 dollars.Step 5 .Checkpoint1. 询问价格用how much ,但注意问与答时be动词与名词单复数的对应:How much is+名词复数?Its.How much are +名词复数? They

8、re.2. 同义句:How much is (are)?=Whats the price of.?e.g. How much is the sweater?=Whats the price the sweater?3.dollar,复数dollars.10 dollars 也可写作$10.读作ten dollars.yuan 不可数名词.50 yuan 也可写作¥50或RMB50;50 RMB4. Ex.How much are these black pants?(同义句)_ _ _ _ these black pants?Step 6 Practice and progress1. Ex(

9、1) Fill in the blanks with the words given in its proper form.1) How much _(be) the yellow sweater.2) The yellow _(short) are $30.3) Tom is not tall. He is _(short).4) The socks are on _(sell) for ¥2.(2)句型转换:1)These blue sweaters are $50(划线提问)_ _ _ these blue sweaters?2)Whats the price of the pants?

10、(同义句) _ _ _ the pants?3. 当堂反馈小结:回想本节课所学内容,你学到了哪些?你还有哪些疑问?_Homework 作业(分层作业) 必做:Write new words.难易程度适中 选做:Make up a dialogue according to the textbook. 难易适中,时间15分钟The Writing Plan:询问价格用how much ,但注意问与答时be动词与名词单复数的对应:How much is+名词复数?Its.How much are +名词复数? Theyre.同义句:How much is (are)?=Whats the pric

11、e of.?e.g. How much is the sweater?=Whats the price the sweater?教后反思:本节课学习关于服装的词汇及基数词,我采用录音机教学单词,再结合实物与图片,学生兴趣盎然,我采用模特表演的方式,学生积极性高涨,服装类单词熟记于心,但课堂容量较大,如果分几次学习,效果会更好。在今后的教学中,应加强引导。Unit 10 How much are these pants?(Period 2/section A3a-sectionB)学校 行村一中 初一英语 主备教师 孙兆英 副备教师 程穆香 使用时间 :12、9一、学习目标:Teaching a

12、ims and demands1知识目标:Knowledge goals 学习数词1-31和help,welcome 等词汇。2能力目标:Ability goals 学会谈论购物中商品的价格,颜色和式样。3情感目标:Emotion goals 培养学生礼貌购物,合理消费。二重难点:重点:学会根据场景用英语询问物品价钱,培养学生灵活运用语言知识和创新的能力。 难点:学会谈论购物中商品的价格,颜色和式样.三、教具:多媒体,白板,录音机,投影仪四Teaching type: new lesson五Teaching methods : speaking and practicing六、教学过程 Tea

13、ching and learning proceduresStep 1 Warming up -Free talk1 T:Is this your dictionary,Li Ning?L:Yes,it is。T:How much is it?L:Its fifteen yuan.2 S1:Wow ,you look so nice today.S2: Thank you.S1: How much are your pants?S2: Theyre thirty dollars.Step 2 Revision-lead in1. 交流预习情况,讨论解决预习中发现的问题(以小组为单位互相讨论)自主探究A 找出数字13-19,21-29,20,30的规律。B 整体感知3a,填上所缺单词,思考下列问题。C 1)对颜色提问用_ 询问价钱用_2)You are welcome 还可写成_或_或_尝试:1).My shoes are red. _ _ are _ shoes?2)The



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