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1、2022年考博英语-山东大学考试题库及模拟押密卷(含答案解析)1. 单选题John was so in his book that he did not hear the doorbell ring.问题1选项A.engagedB.occupiedC.absorbedD.concentrated【答案】C【解析】形容词词义辨析。absorbed “全神贯注的”;engaged “使用中的”;occupied “已占用的”;concentrated “集中注意力的”,本题用be absorbed in“全神贯注于”更为合适。句意:约翰如此全神贯注地阅读书籍,以至于他没有听到门铃。选项C符合题意。

2、2. 单选题Arriving anywhere with these possessions, he might just as easily _ for a month or a year as for a single day.问题1选项A.put upB.stay upC.speed upD.make up【答案】A【解析】固定搭配。put up for “获得食宿安排”; stay up “熬夜”; speed up “加速”; make up “组成,补充,编造”。句意:带着这些财产去任何地方,你可以住上一个月或者一年,就像过上一天一样。选项A符合题意。3. 单选题Science i

3、s based on experiment,on a willingness to( )old dogma, on an openness to see the universe as it really is.问题1选项A.encounterB.convertC.challengeD.formulate【答案】C【解析】动词词义辨析。encounter “偶然遇见”;convert “转换”;challenge “挑战”;formulate “规划”。句意:科学是基于实验的,愿意去挑战老教条,以开放的眼光去探求宇宙的本质。选项C符合题意。4. 单选题Shaken by two decades

4、 of virtual anarchy, the majority of people were ready to buy _ at any price.问题1选项A.orderB.emancipationC.hopeD.liberty【答案】A【解析】名词词义辨析。order “命令,顺序”;emancipation “解放,释放”;hope “希望”;liberty “自由”。句意:被二十年实质无政府状态所动摇,大多数人们将不惜一切代价购买规则。选项A符合题意。5. 单选题The excursion will give you an even deeper( )into our langu

5、age and culture.问题1选项A.inquiryB.investigationC.inputD.insight【答案】D【解析】名词词义解析。inquiry “查询”;investigation “调查”;input “输入”;insight “洞悉”。句意:这次旅行将会提供一个语言和文化的深入了解。选项D符合题意。6. 单选题Some anthropologists claim that a few apes have been taught a rudimentary sign languages, but skeptics argue that the apes are on

6、ly _ their trainers.问题1选项A.imitatingB.condoningC.instructingD.acknowledging【答案】A【解析】动词词义辨析。imitate “模仿,效仿”;condone “宽恕”;instruct “指导,命令”;acknowledge “承认,答谢”。句意:一些人类学家声称,一些类人猿已经学会了基本的手语,但是疑论者认为这些类人猿只是模仿他们的训练员。选项A符合题意。7. 单选题In the process of development we should( )heart that social life is based on e

7、xchange.问题1选项A.take fromB.take toC.take forD.take in【答案】D【解析】动词词组辨析。take from “降低;减少”;take to “喜欢;走向;开始从事”;take for “认为;以为”;take in “吸收;领会;理解”。句意:在发展过程中,我们应该领会到社会生活是以交流为基础的。选项D符合题意。8. 单选题The boy was very naughty, his mother( )punishment to make him obey.问题1选项A.took advantageB.made useC.resorted toD.

8、turned for【答案】C【解析】动词词组辨析。took advantage “利用”,与of搭配; made use “利用”,与of搭配; resorted to “ 诉诸”;turned for “逆转,转变”。句意:这个男孩很顽皮,他的妈妈诉诸于惩罚使他听话。选项C符合题意。9. 单选题On the north bank of the Ohio River sits Evansville, Ind., home of David Williams, 52, and of a riverboat casino (a place where gambling games are pla

9、yed). During several years of gambling in that casino, Williams, a state auditor earning $35, 000 a year, lost approximately $ 175, 000. He had never gambled before the casino sent him a coupon for $20 worth of gambling.He visited the casino, lost the $ 20 and left. On his second visit he lost $ 800

10、. The casino issued to him, as a good customer,a “Fun Card”,which when used in the casino earns points for meals and drinks, and enables the casino to track the user s gambling activities. For Williams, those activities become what he calls “electronic heroin”.( 1) .In 1997 he lost $ 21,000 to one s

11、lot machine in two days. In March 1997 he lost $ 72,186. He sometimes played two slot machines at a time, all night, until the boat docked at 5 a. m. , then went back aboard when the casino opened at 9 a. m. Now he is suing the casino, charging that it should have refused his patronage because it kn

12、ew he was addicted. It did know he had a problem. In March 1998 a friend of Williamss got him involuntarily confined to a treatment center for addictions, and wrote to inform the casino of Williamss gambling problem. The casino included a photo of Williams among those of banned gamblers, and wrote t

13、o him a “cease admissions” letter. Noting the medical/psychological nature of problem gambling behavior, the letter said that before being readmitted to the casino he would have to present medical/psychological information demonstrating that patronizing the casino would pose no threat to his safety

14、or well-being.(2) .The Wall Street Journal reports that the casino has 24 signs warning: “Enjoy the fun. and always bet with your head, not over it.” Every entrance ticket lists a toll-free number for counseling from the Indiana Department of Mental Health. Nevertheless, Williams suit charges that t

15、he casino, knowing he was “ helplessly addicted to gambling ”,intentionally worked to “ lure” him to “ engage in conduct against his will”. Well.(3) .The fourth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders says “pathological gambling” involves persistent, recurring and uncontrollable pursuit less of money than of thrill of taking


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