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1、文档供参考,可复制、编制,期待您的好评与关注! 六年级英语上册Unit 1测试题A姓名 班级 分数 一、秋天来了,学校要组织同学们去秋游。那你知道下面这些交通工具的英语名称吗?连一连吧!(8分)二、看图判断句子对错(10分)1.I go to school on foot( ) 2.Xiao Ming goes to work by bus( )3.We go to Dalian by plane( )4.I go to Hangzhou by train sometimes( )5.I go to Hong Kong by subway( ) 三、火眼金睛。找出不同类的单词,把它圈出来!(8

2、分)1. A. USA B. plane C. subway2. A. yellow B. green C. light3. A. sometimes B. usually C. go4. A. traffic light B. post office C. nature park5. A. bike B. right C. left6. A. US B. UK C. road7. A. Class Six B. Room 2B C. the first floor8. A. how B. there C. where四、选择填空(12分)1. - _ _do you go to school

3、? -By bike. A. How B. What C. Where2. I usually at six in the morning. A. gets up B. get up C. getting up3. You can go to the park . Its not far. A. by bus B. by train C. on foot4. -Do you read English every day? -Yes, I . A. do B. does C. am5. I live on the fifth floor, . A.5A Room B. Room 5A C. Ro

4、om A56. -Thank you.- . A. Thank you, too B. No thanks C. Youre welcome五、重新排列句子使对话完整(16分)A. Hi, Amy. Nice to see you again.B. On foot? Is your home near the school?C. How do you go to school, Amy?D. Nice to see you too.E. I usually go to school on foot.F. Yes. Its next to our school. What about you?G

5、. Oh. Its time for lunch. Lets go!H. I go to school by bus. My home is far.I. Good idea.六、累了吧?我们来玩玩“红灯停,绿灯行”的游戏吧。把相应的单词填入空格内,就可以开始玩了!(8分)Wait traffic lights Stop GoDo you know ?Ready? Lets go! at a red light. at a yellow light. at a green light.七、鱼宝宝找不到中文妈妈了,你能帮帮他们吗?(8分)八、张鹏想到英国去旅游,Amy给他一封密电告诉他英国的交通

6、规则。你能帮他破译吗? A=1,B=2,C=3依此类推,加油!(22分)914147121144418922518194189225151420851256201994515620851815l4九、给大家说说有关你的事吧(8分)1. How do you go to school? 2. Where is your home? 3. How old are you? 4. Are you in Grade Six? 参考答案一、略二、l5 三、l4 A C C A 58 A C C B四、l6 A B C A B C五、D C E B F H G I六、traffic lights Stop Wait Go七、略八、In England, drivers drive on the left side of the road九、略 /



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