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1、48个国际音标对应的字母组合学好英语的第一步1 元音: 1) i: 字母组合:ee ea e ie eiee: threeri:(三) tree tri:(树) green ri:n(绿色) sheep i:p(绵羊) meet mi:t (遇见、会见) beef bi:f(牛肉) see si:(看见、明白)seek si:k (寻求、寻找) bee bi: (蜜蜂)ea: eat i:t (吃、吃饭) tea ti:(茶、茶叶) meat mi:t(肉、肉食) leave li:v(离开) lead li:d (领导) team ti:m(队、团队) mean mi:n(表示、意味) sp

2、eak spi:k(说、讲、讲话) clean kli:n(擦、打扫) please pli:z(请、使高兴) teacher ,ti:t(老师)e: he hi:, i (他) she i:, i(她) me mi:, mi(我,宾格) bebi:, bi( be v-ing构成进行式)ieei: piece pi:s(片, 块)receive ri,si:v(收到, 接到)ceiling .,si:li (天花板, 顶棚)2) i 发音字母: i y e i : sit sit (使)坐) picture .,pikt (图画, 肖像; 照片) it it (它) is .iz;z;s (

3、是) list list (目录, 名单)six .siks (六;六个(人或物) mix miks (混合, 搅和) fix fiks (修理; 校准) fit fit (使)适合) pig pi (猪) big.bi( 大的) build bild (修建, 建造) miss mis (失误, 失败)y : any ,eni( 一点, 一些) dictionary ,diknri( 词典, 字典) twenty .,twenti:, ,twn ti: (二十;20) myth .mi( 神话) happy ,hpi( 愉快的, 高兴的) many ,meni( 许多, 多的)e : def

4、ect .di,fekt( 缺点, 过失) decide .di,said (下决心; (使)决定)delicious .di,lis( 美味的, 可口的)3) 发音字母: a a : bag .b (袋, 包) hand .hnd (手) and .nd, nd( 和, 与) happy .,hpi (愉快的, 高兴的) mad .md (疯了的, 发疯的)hat .ht (帽子) map .mp (地图) ant .nt( 蚂蚁) bad .bd (坏的, 劣质的) black .blk (黑色的, 黑暗的) back .bk (回原处;背, 背部) glad .ld (高兴的, 欢喜的)

5、 flag .fl (旗, 旗帜) man .mn(男人, 成年男子)shall .l, l (有时与I和we连用, 表示一般将来时)将要, 会) at .t, t( 在, 于) have .hv, hv(有、拥有) stand .stnd( 站立) that .t, t(那、那个) family .,fmili(家庭、家人) Saturday .,stdi(星期六)4) e 字母组合: ea e a ea : head .hed( 头部 ) bread .bred( 面包 ) breakfast .,brekfst(早餐) ready .,redi(准备就绪的) sweater .,swet

6、(毛衣) weather .,we(天气)pleasure .,ple(愉快、满足)e : desk .desk(书桌, 办公桌) bed .bed(床, 床位) lesson .,lesn (功课, 课) better .,bet(更好的) yes .jes (是) elephant .,elifnt (象、大象)electric .i,lektrik(电动的) remember.ri,memb(记得; 牢记) sell .sel (卖; 售; 销) hotel .hu,tel(酒店、饭店、大宾馆)a : any ,eni( 一点, 一些) many ,meni( 许多, 多的)5) : 字

7、母组合:ir ur ear er or ir : girl .:l (女孩、少女) shirt .:t(衬衫、衬衣)skirt .sk:t(裙子) thirty .,:ti:(三十)thirteen .:,ti:n(十三) third .:d (第三)bird .b:d(小鸟) sir .s:( 先生 )first .f:st( 第一, 最早, 首先) dirty .,d:ti( 肮脏的 )ur : turn .t:n(翻转、旋转) burn .b:n(燃烧) murder .,m:d (谋杀; 谋杀案)nurse turtle Thursday burger ear : learn earn

8、 earth heard early er : term her nerd serve or : work worm word world worth6) 字母组合: er or ou ar o a e u teacher leader remember player speaker farmer powder doctor actor mayor author tractor delicious gracious pleasure familiar collar dollar together tomorrow today shallop lesson Washington control

9、polite around account ago elephant manta banana Canada Japan china men listen famulus Saturday 7) a: 字母组合: ar a car farm card arm garden fast class last glass plant aunt calm 8) 发音字母: u o ou oo up supper lunch fun gun hunt cup bus come mother does brother love above trouble rough flourish blood floo

10、d 9) :字母组合: al or au our ar small wall talk tall hall ball call walk short more lord horse for forty sport door floor store author caught autumn four mourn court bought warm quarrel quarter 10) / 发音字母: o a hot lost lot fox box mop hop loss collar not want wash 11) u: 字母组合: oo o u food moon room gloo

11、m broom doom goose tooth shoe do two true truth blue full 12) u 字母组合: oo ou u o look good foot book should could put full bull pull push women whose 13) ei 发音字母: a ay ea ai ey name cake late gate plane April play say may way great break rain paint plain they grey 14) ai 发音字母: i ybike fine find die n

12、ine light night highmy try fly eye15) au 字母组合: ou ow house out flour ground account count sound loud around mouse flower down now cow how town 16) u 发音字母: o ow oa home cold go no phone host ghost know low below grow blow show flow boat coat goal 17) 字母组合:oy oi boy toy joy oil soil voice choice 18) i 字母组合: eer ea, ear,ea, ear, er, ierbeer deer ear idea near here fierce 19) e 字母组合:ear air pair bear chair air fair care there where 20) u tour poor2 容易混淆的元音: e bad bed hand head man men land lend pan pen sad said i: ei real rail greet great mean main read raid e ai bet bite red write said si



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