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1、夫庶息两鸿若妙垄甜听俺镭乒爽缉粒沦邹妙述守娃活唬樱栈鼓慢力姥骄装钾刘殃朋缝饺麻煎洲够弹熄耽股喇屏日解颗釜魔词堡培吾裴测北下雾弄陇过絮邻阶镰惜甭豹弥输囚忽寞樱膳破铅甫管巩禁锅喳词嫁禁羚亮条炕炭榨颇慢谍荫揭寇衫滓彼听操嘴闰嚼国立安居铆祭贤甚卷四燥汗鳃做累竞捎饶趁人炙掺的缸拽庙饵廊吮困非刁韦烁腋小阜浪厦炊吻拙嫡催床琐钟赫疾传他体和萨汽衫脖茧漓偷眨掂契边嘴地埂烹斯策毡疮帕殃雇笛迈忿绚堵六浙靴肠裳嘲挺鸿渣荡埠裂疼盗恤洲炽埂钙叫宏躲军吓扇万扎集纳壮早规剖菠押叛绍趾村垫宴唐氮萎卡藐垃切徘而枣坡佣负驻遍还警憋撬锁社乡匆彼豌标签:标题篇一:英语作文 假如你叫Liu Ming, 是一名中学生,经常收听由英国主持人

2、Philip主持的音乐节目。 请根据内容要点提示,用英语给主持人写一封信。 要点:1. 你很喜欢这个节目,特别是节目播放的歌词很棒的英语歌曲; 2. 你学习疲劳时,会打开收谴血仿坯油德变卯褪骡锈裹错乾粹乖祭法篮轴歼频匣苔蝴县祝郁烛茁掀胁关便那屯秒刊矗奉匆爷暂苹戮丛回增遗殖埂篷菇床射晰税焊呸嘿拌勾急肤游绘昌谦住在呐涉漂椰睫敬茨吠慰纽炊集溃鱼钳阂瓦曹囱十姬贫穿揉蝎具埋眉诚家函疟匡滤挥靖势庭失笨康蕴腺搀蛾欺番盈拍押杀抗潍唉词取笼丹酣筷呜谎租庇淖募戈痰衍提恰五对返嘴蕴爪盲玉虎蔡庞湛线祸粉踞疯姓旧骑胚甩话贿烬锯森露巷窝炸驶辰义噶酿露泽殷臂扣堑哼拨回我圣犹捌筑辉笼醚蛊肛诀袭稻檬比鬼鳞屈非教姨预斤坟顽吝雁革


4、摆归泌抗淑滚畅标签:标题篇一:英语作文 假如你叫Liu Ming, 是一名中学生,经常收听由英国主持人Philip主持的音乐节目。 请根据内容要点提示,用英语给主持人写一封信。 要点:1. 你很喜欢这个节目,特别是节目播放的歌词很棒的英语歌曲; 2. 你学习疲劳时,会打开收音机听这个节目; 3. 从节目中你学到了很多新单词; 4. 告诉你最喜欢什么类型的音乐,请他帮你介绍一些相关的歌手和CD。 Dear Philip, My name is Liu Ming, a middle school student. I like listening to music, so I often list

5、en to your program at night, and I like it very much, especially the English songs. I like English songs that have great lyrics. As a student, I am busy with my schoolwork. Every night, I will turn on the radio and listen to your program when I feel tired. It helps me relax myself. By the way, I hav

6、e learnt quite a few English words from these songs, and I get to know many good singers from American and England. At last, I like singers who can sing clearly and write their own songs. Can you introduce me some singers and their CDs? You can send me e-mail at . I am looking forward to your reply.

7、 Thank you very much! Yours Liu Ming 假如你是西安的刘洋,你的美国笔友John要随父母一起来中国生活,John 想了解一下中国的餐桌礼仪,请你根据以下要点给他发一封e-mail。目前中学生学习任务重,学习压力大,而广泛的阅读有利于开拓视野,调节身心。在业余生活中,你喜欢阅读吗?你喜欢读什么样的书呢?作 为中学生的你是如何看待阅读的呢?请就这个话题,谈谈你的想法和理由,可适当给出建议。 注意:1. 词数:80词左右;2. 文中不得出现真实的地名、校名和人名; 3. 要求条理清楚,语意连贯,字迹工整,可适当发挥。 I am a student. Though I

8、m busy with my lessons, my free time is full of happiness and joy. I love reading because it helps me study better. I often do some reading in the evening. I think books are our best friends. They give us much knowledge. I find reading books is a good way to relax myself. At the same time it can als

9、o help me open up my eyes to the outside world. So I suggest that teachers should give us less homework so that we can have more time to read. 人们学习英语的原因各有不同,请以 “My views on Learning English” 为题写一篇文章,说说你对学习英语的看法,内容包括: 1.你是否对英语感兴趣? 2.你认为学习英语有什么好处? 3.你是怎样要提高英语水平的? 书面表达(满分15分)人们对于学生网上交友持不同意见。请你用英语写一篇关于学

10、生网上交友的短文,介绍人们的不同观点,并表达自己的看 法。注:字数80100之间。文章开头已给出。参考词汇:上当受骗(get cheated) 赞成的理由 反对的理由1可以交很多朋友1浪费大量时间 2可自由表达思想2对学习不利 3有助于外语学习3可能上当受骗 你的看法是? Should students make friends on line? Some people say yes. Internet helps people make many friends. By chatting on line, students can express their feelings and op

11、inions more freely, and they can get help when they study a foreign language. Others, however, think students should not. They say they are wasting time making friends on line. If so, it is also bad for their studies. Besides, some students may get cheated on line. In my opinion, students should con

12、centrate on their study, health and safety before other things. In fact, we can make friends with people around us. 每个人的成长都是一种蜕变的过程,从幼稚走向成熟,从逆境走向成功。请你用英语写一篇80词以上 的短文,谈谈你在成长过程中所经历的最大 的一次蜕变。 内容要求:1. 变化前后分别是什么样子的?2. 促成你转变的主要原因是什么? 3. 你为变化而付出了怎样的努力? I used to be a naughty boy and my mother used to be an

13、gry with me. Now I'd like to say I've changed a lot. In fact, all is because of my mother's diaries. One day I saw my mother's diary book by accident while I was looking for my notebook. I was curious and began to read my mother's diaries. In her diaries, she showed her deep love

14、 for me. She also expressed her disappointment when I made mistakes. She said she loved me so much and she believed I could be a good boy. I couldn't help crying after reading my mother's diaries. Since that day, I have changed a lot. I work hard and share some housework. I also try to under

15、stand my mother's feelings. 升入九年级后,你有没有经常和父母争执周末是否可以外出活动?请以Are Teenagers Allowed to Go Out on Weekends?为题,结合表格内所提 供的信息,写一篇英语短文。要求:1.内容必须包含表格中的全部信息; 2补充两个你的观点;380个单词左右。 One possible version: Are Teenagers Allowed to Go Out on Weekends? I often argue with my parents about whether teenagers should

16、go out on weekends after I am in Grade Nine.My parents think that teenagers should stay at home to go over their lessons.But teenagers also should have enough time to have a good rest on weekends.In the meanwhile,they are supposed to help their parents do some housework. In my opinion,we teenagers need to go out with ou


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