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1、In the Gas Station 在加油站脱口而出Please fill it up.请给油箱加满。How many gallons do you want?要几加仑汽油?Do you want unleaded gas?加无铅汽油吗?Please give me 100 yuan worth of regular.请给我100元得普通油。Is the tank full now?现在油箱满了吗?How much is it per gallon?一加仑汽油多少钱?How much petrol is there in the tank?油箱里有多少油?What does it come

2、to?多少钱?对答如流 精彩对话Dialogue OneIm afraid we need to stop and get some gas.恐怕我们需要停下来加点油。No, we have plenty of gas.不,我们还有足够的油。I dont think so. Look, the warning light is on.我不这么想。你看,警示灯都亮了。Usually after the warning light, there is about five gallons of gas left.通常警示灯亮了之后,车子都还剩5加仑的油。Really? Is there that

3、much?真的?有那么多吗?Sure.当然了。OK. Lets fill it tomorrow before we leave.好吧。我们明天出发前再加吧。Dialogue TwoWhat can I do for you?有什么能帮忙的吗?Please fill my car up.请把我的车加满油。OK.好的。How much is that?多少钱?It comes to 200 yuan.总共200元。Here you are.给你。Thank you.谢谢。Dialogue ThreeMay I help you, sir?先生,要我帮忙吗?Yes, Id like to have

4、 my car refilled.是的,我想把我的车加满油。Regular or unleaded?普通汽油还是无铅汽油?Unleaded, please.无铅汽油。How many litres do you want?您想加几升的油?Five, please.请加5升的油。All right. Wait a moment, please.好的,请稍等。Dialogue FourWhat can I do for you?有什么能帮忙的吗?Id like to get some gas.我要加点油。Would you like regular or super?你要普通汽油还是特级汽油?My

5、 car runs all right on cheap gas.我的车子用便宜汽油跑的还不错。OK. How many gallons do you want?好的。你要加多少仑?Fill it up.加满了。出口成章只负责加油Mr. Green lived in a small town. But he got a job in a big city, so he moved there with his wife and his two children last Thursday.The next day, Mr. Green took his new car out of the g

6、arage and was washing it when a neighbor came. The neighbor stopped and looked at the car for a minute. Then Mr. Green turned and saw him. The neighbor said, “Thats a new car. Is it yours?”“Sometimes,” Mr. Green answered.The neighbor was surprised, “Sometimes?” he said. “What do you mean?”“Well,” an

7、swered Mr. Green slowly, “When theres a party in town, it belongs to my daughter. When theres a football game, it belongs to my son. When I have washed it and it looks really nice and clean, it belongs to my wife. And when it needs gas, its mine.”格林先生住在一个小城镇,可他却在一个大城市里工作,于是他和妻子及两个孩子上周四搬了家。第二天格林先生从车房把他的新车开出来擦洗时,一个邻居走过来,他停住脚看着这辆汽车。格林先生转过身看见了他。邻居说,“一辆新车。是你的吗?”“有时候是。”格林先生回答。邻居十分惊讶,“有时候?”他说道。“你这话是什么意思?”格林先生慢慢回答道:“当城里有聚会时,它属于我女儿。有足球赛时,它属于我儿子。当我把车刷洗得又干净又漂亮时,它属于我妻子。只有当车需要加油时,它才是我的。”



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