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1、中原工学院 毕业设计(论文)说明书摘 要该课题来源于关键词:随行托盘 多工位链式输送机 锭子杆盘压配 自动生产线 AbstractThis topic which originates from the Henan second textile machinery Limited liability Company, is the Henan Province science and technology attack plan project. The pressure-fitted craft of spindle and whorl has been the difficult prob

2、lem for textile machinery enterprise; it is very difficult to realize the automation. So far the majority enterprises are in the stage which match by manual way , so the efficiency has been very low. Therefore, our designing group has conducted the deep research to this project under zhongyuan engin

3、eering institute Associate Professor Cui Jianghong leadership. we designs a set of the production line finally which may automated pressure to match . The entire strip production line can realize automatic provision of goods, the automatic detection, match, the automatic transportation, the automati

4、c positioning clamp from the dynamic pressure; it may satisfy all kind of the processing with the pressure to match that is classified the different model identical product. All equipment is common controlled and coordinated operation by the PLC,. And realized the feed way which the pole plate trans

5、ported to break formerly the rotary table installing thought limit, as soon as changed the positive drive is the flexible chain drive, it simplified the expulsion system; The chucking automatic positioning device carries on the precise localization to the accompanying tray, its pointing accuracy may

6、 achieve 0.1, its far exceeds the production required accuracy, and enabled the localization question to obtain the very good solution. The location of Processes is accompany the tray, the pole plates transportation, the processing and the examination are carried in the tray, it does not need the lo

7、cation the transformation, a location crashes does not affect other locations the processing, the independence is strong and simple, the service is convenient. Since we use the advanced hypothesized modeling design method, which causes the entire design process concise easy to understand, the PRO/E

8、formidable assembly, the movement simulation module and the parametrization design environment lets our design process transparence; Our all designers may carry on the very good exchange through this visualization working platform, its not individual spatial imagination limit, thus it had guaranteed

9、 between various equipments coordination ,reduced the design cycle greatly, and saved the designed cost. This research results will be hopeful obtain the popularization in the actual production, and it make the contribution for the textile machinery profession. Key word: Accompanying tray Multi-loca

10、tion chain type conveyer The spindle pole plate pressure matches The automatic production line 目 录引 言51 课题概述61.1 压配工序简介61.2 生产线总体布局及其输送机设计的目标和要求71.3 采用的设计方法82 设计部分92.1 总体布局方案的设计92.1.1 工位数目的确定92.1.2 工位间距的确定92.1.3 工步时间及生产纲领确定92.1.4 总体布局方案的确定92.2 压力机设计102.2.1 压配力计算102.2.2 气缸的选择112.2.3 压力机结构设计142.3 输送机设

11、计152.3.1 初期规划152.3.2 总体设计及其结构技术设计16(1) 随行托盘组件的结构设计16(2) 输送链设计21(3) 自动定位与夹紧装置的设计24(4) 电动机的选择26(5) 链轮轴的设计272.4 控制气路设计303 经济性分析314 PRO/E三维造型及其样机制作324.1 软件简介324.2 生产线的造型方法324.3 PRO/E三维设计在样机制作中的特点344.4 最终虚拟样机模型345 结语35参考文献36致 谢37引 言随着自动化技术和检测技术的不断成熟和发展,装配生产不断向自动化,规模化方向迈进。自动化装配与检测技术是用高新技术改造传统产业,提高产品质量、保证产



14、发挥想象力和创造力,并替代物理样机进行性能模拟试验。这样可大大缩短设备研发周期,降低研制成本,提高设计质量和效率,从而为企业在国际上赢得竞争优势。下面将详细阐述本课题在总体方案设计及其输送机设计的整个过程及其对关键技术的讨论论证。包括自动生产线总体方案的设计、输送装置的总体及其结构设计,压力机的设计三大部分,其中多工位装配输送机的设计包括随行托盘及夹具部件,自动定位夹紧装置,输送链选择,伺服电动机的选择等。1 课题概述1.1 压配工序简介细纱机锭子杆盘压配自动化生产线研制总体及传输装置仿真设计这一课题来源于河南二纺机的实际生产中,图1-1分别是锭子的锭杆、锭盘零件。 a b 图 1-1 锭子锭

15、杆零件图 (a锭杆,b锭盘)锭杆、锭盘的压配即在压力机作用下将两零件以一定的过盈量压配在一起成为结合件,如图1-2所示。图1-2 压配后和压配前的零件压配分为锭盘的分选,锭杆的分选,压前预装配,压前高度检测,压配,压后高度检测等工艺过程。工艺流程如图1-3所示。 图1-3 杆盘压配工艺流程图 通过对河南二纺机锭杆锭盘压配工序的调研和实地考察发现,整个压配过程劳动强度大、生产效率低、自动化程度不高,针对于这一现状急需采用机电一体化和计算机技术相结合的技术,开发研制一套数字化自动生产线样机。这将使得压配生产过程在自动化方面有一突破性的进展,同时也开辟了一个机械设计的新模式。这一课题已经经过几届同学的共同努力,但还有一些不合理的地方,如:压配零件的合理输送、工位布


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