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1、敬请各位同仁批评指正9A Unit4单元测试卷一、听力部分 (共20小题,每小题1分,计20分)A) 听对话回答问题。( A) 1.How do you learn about the world, Millie? A. B. C. ( ) 2.Who are they talking about?A. B. C. ( ) 3.What will Sandy like to use?A. B. C. ( ) 4.Which book is mentioned in their conversation? A. B. C. ( ) 5.Where will they go for a walk

2、tomorrow?A. On the beach. B. In the park. C. In the countryside.( ) 6. What will happen if the man keeps singing loudly?A. He will get tired. B. He will lose his voice.C. He will catch a cold.( ) 7.Why does Amy want to buy the scarf?A. She thinks it is beautiful.B. It will be warm in winter.C. It is

3、 very cheap.( ) 8.What is the woman looking for? A. A bookshop called Sunshine. B. A block of flats called Sunnyside. C. A shopping mall called Sunlight.( ) 9.What has the man done many times before?A. He has swum across the river. B. He has jumped over the gate. C. He has climbed the tree.( ) 10.Ho

4、w is Millie feeling?A. Maybe she feels nervous.B. Maybe she feels ill.C. Maybe she feels sleepy.听第一段对话,回答第1112小题。( ) 11.From where can they see a long way?A. The bathroom. B. The balcony. C. The kitchen.( ) 12.What does the man think of climbing the stairs? A. It is great fun. B. It is boring. C. It

5、 helps to keep fit.听一篇短文,回答第13-15题( A)13. 听第一篇短文,回答第13-15题。请根据内容从A,B,C三个选项中选择正确的选项,完成信息记录表。听两遍。 Grandpas GlassesWhatGrandpa has a pair of 13 glasses.WhereHe often leaves them in 14 .HowThey often drop out of his 15 .( ) 13.A. reading B. sun C. dark( ) 14.A. the sofa B. the supermarket C. the car( )

6、15.A. paper bag B. pocket C. shopping bag听一篇短文,回答第16-20题( A)16.Which country is Emily visiting on vacation? A. France B. England C Japan( ) 17.Who is she going with?A. Her friend B. Her sister C. Her parents( ) 18.When is she leaving?A. In May B. In July C. In March( ) 19.What will the weather be li

7、ke there?A. Cold B. Hot C. Neither too hot nor too cold( ) 20.What is she going to do?A. Go fishing B. Visit some friends C. Go swimming二、单项选择题(本题共15小题, 每题1分,共15分)( ) 21.How do you know about the young boy standing over there?Oh, I heard that he is _ captain of a football team in_ university in our

8、city. A. the; theB. the; anC. /; aD. /; an( ) 22.You know there is different weather in different places in China. Its hotter in Hunan Province than In Jiangsu Province all the year around. Yeah, its _ hotter in Hainan Province than in Henan Province. A. muchB. more muchC. even moreD. quite( ) 23.He

9、 did not made a careful preparation before the interview last week. _, he failed to miss the chance to get the job. A. By the wayB. As a resultC. Tell the truthD. In fact( ) 24.How is your grandpa now? Has he been better since he fell off the wall?A little bit better, but he will have to _ in hospit

10、al for at least two weeks. A. restB, waitC. remainD. live( ) 25.When life gets hard and you want to _, remember that life is full of ups and downs (起起落落), and without the downs, the ups would mean nothing.A. give upB. give offC. give inD. give out( ) 26.I heard that a great fire _ when I was in a ni

11、ghtclub in Jintan last night. A. broke downB. broke outC. broke upD. broke in( ) 27.I hear a number of girl students got lost or _ hurt on their ways to colleges or universities this year. Sorry to hear that. But our government _ much to pay attention students safety.A. bad; did B. serious; is doing

12、 C. seriously; has done D. badly; will do( ) 28.Why didnt you try your best to get on the subway (地铁)? I tried to, but it started moving _ I could get on it.A. beforeB. whileC. as soon asD. after( ) 29.In England, people often take umbrellas when they go out in the morning because the weather there

13、is very changeable at this time of year. Now its fine, but after a short time it may be rainy. The underlined word “changeable” means _ in Chinese. A. 更新的B. 常变化的C. 多晴的D. 多雨的( ) 30.These days, many graduates(大学毕业生) usually have to have quite a few interviews to _ a job that they need to take. A. try

14、onB. try out forC. tryD. have a try on( ) 31.Although his family _ not very rich, but quite happy. Look! His whole family _ TV together in the room happily. A. are; is watchingB. are; watchC. is; watchesD. is; are watching( ) 32.Im sorry hear that over ten policemen died _ the bombing in the Tianjin Bombing(爆炸), but later still more died _ the diseases after the quake in Yaan last year.A. of; ofB. from; fromC. of; fromD. from; of( ) 3


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