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1、T,t 王霞英语多功能词典版押题及小抄 The Apgar Test 【词源解析】The baby was born at 3:36 p.m. At 3:37, she scored 4 out of 10 on her first test. At 3:41, she scored 8 out of 10. The doctor was glad. 【反义词】Another baby, born at 8:24 p.m. , scored 3 out of 10 on his first test. He scored 4 out of 10 on his second test. He t

2、ook another test at 8:34 and scored 5. The doctor was worried.He called for help. These newborn babies took a test called the Apgar test. This test helps doctors diagnose problems. They decide if a baby is normal or needs special care. Most babies take two tests. The first is at 1 minute after birth

3、, and the second is at 5 minutes after birth. If a babys score at 5 minutes is less than 6, the baby takes another test at 10 minutes after birth.【相关短语】The Apgar test is not an intelligence test. Its a test that shows a babys health right after it is born. The Apgar test measures things such as a ba

4、bys color, heart rate, and breathing. The test has five parts, and the score for each part can be 0, 1, or 2. Doctors add the scores together for the total Apgar score. A doctor named Virginia Apgar developed the test. Apgar went to medical school at Columbia University in New York City in 1929. She

5、 faced many challenges because she was the first woman in the program. However, she was one of the best students in her class. After medical school, she started treating patients. 【反义词】Apgar also became a researcher in anesthesiology, a new topic in medicine at the time. During her studies, she lear

6、ned how to give patients anesthesia. Anesthesia is a procedure that makes patients lose consciousness, so they do not feel any pain during surgery.【词源解析】In the 1940s, many women started to have anesthesia when they gave birth. Apgar had a question: How does anesthesia affect newborn babies? In 1949,

7、 when Apgar was a professor at Columbias medical school, she created her simple test. She wrote a paper about her methods in 1953. Soon after, people started using the Apgar test around the world. In her work, Apgar saw that many newborns had problems. She wanted to help these babies survive. She st

8、opped practicing medicine in 1959, and she went back to school to get a masters degree in public health. She spent the rest of her life doing research and raising money to help newborn babies. 【反义词】Today, the Apgar test is still used all over the world. Newborn babies dont know it, but Virginia Apga

9、r is a very important person in the first few minutes of their lives.阿普加测试【词源解析】下午3:36,一个婴儿出生了。3:37时,她的第一次健康测试成绩是4分(总分10分)。3:41时,她的成绩是8分,医生感到非常高兴。【相关短语】另一天晚上8:24,另外一个婴儿出生了。他的第一次测试成绩是3分,第二次成绩是4分。8:34时又进行了一次测试,成绩是5分。医生非常担心,这个婴儿需要救助。【反义词】这些新生儿进行的是一项叫作阿普加的测试。这项测试帮助医生诊断新生儿的问题,他们根据测试成绩判断新生儿是正常的还是需要特殊护理。大多

10、数的婴儿会接受两次测试。第一次是在出生后1分钟,第二次是在出生后5分钟。如果婴儿在第二次测试中的成绩少于6分,那他们需要在出生10分钟后再进行一次测试。 【近义词】与动物相比,人类感知气味的能力阿普加测试不是一项智力测试。它是一项在婴儿出生后表明其健康状况的测试。这项测试会测量诸如婴儿的皮肤颜色、心率、呼吸一类的项目,总共包括五部分,每一部分的成绩可以是0分、1分或2分。医生把每一部分的成绩加起来就是这项测试的总分。【反义词】一位名叫弗吉尼亚阿普加的医生设计了这项测试。1929年,阿普加去纽约的哥伦比亚大学医学院就读。由于是这个学科里的第一位女性,使她面临了许多挑战。然而,她却是班上最好的学生

11、之一。完成医学院的学业后,她开始给患者治疗。【词源解析】阿普加还是麻醉学方面的研究者,当时麻醉学是一项新的医学课题。在求学过程中,她学会了如何给患者实施麻醉。麻醉会使病人失去意识,因而他们在手术过程中不会感到任何疼痛。 20世纪40年代,许多妇女在分娩时开始使用麻醉。但阿普加有个疑问:麻醉是如何影响新生儿的呢?1949年,当阿普加在哥伦比亚医学院担任教授时,她创造了这项简单测试。1953年,她写了一篇关于该测试方法的论文。不久之后,人们开始在世界范围内使用阿普加测试。在工作中,阿普加发现许多新生儿都有健康问题。她想帮助这些新生儿活下来。1959年,她中止了行医,回到学校攻读公共卫生硕士学位。她

12、把自己的余生都奉献给了医学研究以及筹集资金帮助新生儿。【近义词】今天,阿普加测试仍然在全世界范围内被广泛运用。虽然新生儿们并不知道,但弗吉尼亚阿普加却是他们生命的前几分钟里非常重要的一个人。Ice Cream Taster Has Sweet Job 【词源解析】John Harrison has what must be the most wanted job in the United States. Hes the official taster for Edys Grand Ice Cream, one of the nations best-selling brands. Harri

13、sons taste buds are insured for $1 million. _ He gets to sample 60 ice creams a day at Edys headquarters in Oakland, California. And when he isnt doing that, he travels, buying Edys in supermarkets all over the country so that he can check for perfect appearance, texture, and flavor. 【相关短语】After I i

14、nterviewed Harrison, I realized that the life of an ice cream taster isnt all Cookies n Cream - a flavor that he invented, by the way. No, its extremely hard work, which requires discipline and selflessness. 【近义词】For one thing, he doesnt swallow on the job. Like a coffee taster, Harrison spits. Usin

15、g a gold spoon to avoid off flavors, he takes a small bite and moves it around in his mouth to introduce it to all 9,000 or so taste buds. Next he smack-smack-smacks his lips to get some air into the sample. Then he breathes in gently to bring the aroma up through the back of his nose. Each step hel

16、ps Harrison evaluate whether the ice cream has a good balance of dairy, sweetness, and added ingredients - the three-flavor components of ice cream. Then, even if the ice cream tastes heavenly, he puts it into a trash can. A full stomach makes it, impossible to judge the quality of the flavors. 【词源解析】During the workweek, Harrison told me that he


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