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1、定语从句专项总结及练习Marks Best Friend Chapter 1. An Angel to ComeIn the long river of my life, there are countless persons _=_ pass me by, but there is a girl _ can touch my heart and enrich the journey of my soul. There is a girlwords can always calm me down when I am in low spirits. There is a girl _ I can

2、 callmy best friend and the memories _we made together will always be in the place_keeps our friendship.She is a unique and pretty girl _ eyes are crystal. Her black hairs caught my eyes on the first daywe started mymilitary training. The playground -_we got the training witnessed the pure relations

3、hip like her crystal eyes during the first two years of my college life. On the daythe training was over, I spoke to her classmates on purpose in order to watch her face moreclearly.一定语从句功能:修饰名词或代词(先行词),或整个句子,在句中作定语的从句。关系代词1基本用法主语who/thatwhich/that不可以省略宾语whom/thatWhich/that可以省略定语whose+nwhose+n不可以省略t

4、he+n+of whomthe+n+of which不可以省略一Theres a man_(loves his family,has dreams,is fighting fobetter life for his family.)Theres a man(loves English and teaching English, is willing to help his students to be better, can be your friend.)This man is called Mark, (will hear your voice,will be together with

5、you,will lend a helping hand to you.)句式提炼:There is a man( ,person,woman, girl, boy.) , whowho,who.This man is , who.(用于写人类作文的首段)仿写 There is a 2. 先行词是不是人,且从句缺主语或宾语的情况下,从句引导词为或.Winning that ticket was the best thingever happened to me in my life.Dream is somethingIwe must keep in our heart. Dream is s

6、omethingcan give us goals and energy.Dream is somethingis worth fighting for. 句式提炼:A is something最常见的解释一个事物的句型,尤其可用作满足浙江最新高考开放式作文中的抽象话题,如 dream, succes, failure, confidence ,love, friendship 等抽象话题)仿写:Love isEnglish is a languageis beautiful and powerful and useful English is a languagewe must try ou

7、r best to learn wellEnglish is a languagecan help us make our dreams take wings在定语从句中,当先行词指物时,卞列情况的关系词宜用that而不用which This is the very book 1 am looking for. Titanic is the best film that I have seen. Allyou have been doing will pay off. Is there anything that you want to tell me? Do you know the thi

8、ngs and personsthey are talking about?规律总结:用that不用which的情况1)先行词被以下词修饰时:;2)先行词为以下词时:3)3. 宜用which而不用that的情况:Liu Xiang got injured in London Olympic Games , makes his fans heartbroken again.The book aboutyou talk about is amazing.题组训练: 用 that, which 填空。1)This is-the first lesson 1 will give you 2.All 1

9、 want and need is friendship and understanding.3. )There are so many smart girls and boys in this room, makes Jacky very excited.4. )Jay and his songs are loved by many fans will appear in a talk show.5)(2013浙江). English is a language shared by several diverse cultures, each of uses it somewhat diff

10、erently.6.)(2013北京) Mary was much kinder to Jack than she was to the others, , of course, make all the others upset.4. “介词+关系代词”引导定语从句。He is the only person in the room with 1 want to talk. English is a subjectwhich I should focusHe spent 4 years in Zhejiang University,which he found a good job in H

11、angzhou.规律总结:用which而不用that的情况1) 确定关系代词:先行词指人,用“介词+,引导定从;先行词若为物,用介词+2) 在确定介词:还原法+固定搭配法规律总结: 先行词若是复数或是整体,其后定语从句的主语是先行词的一部分,引导词常为:the largest/best.of whom/which; one/twoof whom/which; some/many/mostof whom/which 等。1. )This summer holiday has two months, one ofwill be spent here to learn English.A. one

12、of which. B.one of that. C. one of those. D.one of whom.第1页共4页 12. )(2013 湖南卷 25).Julie was good at German, French and Russian , all of _ she spoke fluently.A. whoB. whomC. whichD. that5.使用 whose 的情况及条件:Im a man dream is little but great and has been kept in my heart.) Im a man parents are standing

13、by my side . Im aman time is being spent realizing my dream.)6.使用关系副词的条件:when, Where, why.6.1 There was a time I was as young as you.There was a time I was single and free. There was a time I hadcolorful dream,句式提炼:There was a time whenl(用于叙述,回忆过去经历的作文,相当于sb /sth used to do/ be)仿写: There is a time w

14、henThere must be one day when we can(用于尾段表达坚定信心和向往)仿句:62.There will he a placeyou can show your talent , Iynu can breathe more freely,.you can live a colorfulThis place isand meaningful life .Thisplace is my dream college.句式提炼:There is /was/ will be/must be a place仿句:There63There is a reasonwe study

15、 hard,we meet me here and study English,you must keep on fighting.句式提炼:There is a reason,(用于说明做某事必要性时可用)仿句: There is a reason The reasonwe keep on fighting iswe must make our dreams take wings.句式提炼:The reason whyis仿句:拓展写作句型(用作列举原因段落的主题句)The reasons whycan be listed as follows: To begin with.Whats more/Besides/In addition Last but not least,仿句: 注意:1. This is the schoolI studied last year 2.This the s


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