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1、中英文项目合作协议书范本来源:中文翻译英文 作者:翻译器时间:011-2-04阅读: 333 项目合作协议范本简介: oectcoperaio reement:甲方:_ 乙方:_ 经甲、乙双方共同协商,本着互惠互利、共同发展Prty: _ _ _: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ by a, bot ngotatin, mutl bnfit, common dvelopment项目合作协议范本正文开始 甲方:_ Prject coperain ageent start o text A: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 乙方:_: _ _ _ _ _经甲、乙双方共同协商,本着互惠互利、共同发展,使中国

2、秘书尽早走向职业化,达成如下合作协议:he A, B bo negotiion,mutua beneit, omon dvlopent,makehise serer as early s possil t occupaon, reachedhe ollowig agemnt: 一、甲方授权乙方为_省_市_合作基地。同时为了维护双方的合法权益,乙方一次性向甲方交纳履约保证金_元。One, Party athrizes Pary to _ _ _ _ _ _ _ proine _ _ _ _ city _ _ _ _ _ _ coperatin base.Atthe sameme i orert

3、aintan the lawful rigs anersts f ot prties, Par Bhalpay to party a ne-off peroranc bond _ _ _ _ _ _ _ lment. 二、甲方职责:Intwo, aduty:1.向乙方提供合作范围内的授权书;1Prt Asha rvie Party iin th sope of oopratio uthorization; 2.向乙方颁发_合作基地的铜牌;Paty B_ ssud _ _ _ _ coperatin base roze; 3.负责协助乙方办理_证书;3asisingarty B wit te _

4、 _ _ _ _ ceifiae;4向乙方提供甲方的办学许可证、收费许可证复印件等有关证明文件;4 Par A shall prvid oPty B Party hoolicene, harging a cpof te lcese andothe rlevat cumes; 5.负责学生入学资格的审核、面试及录取工作;5 s respnibfostent admssin ualifiati examiaton, intervew n enrollmen;6负责乙方教学大纲的制定及教学质量的监督和检查;6be resposile for orkigout asyllau an teacin qu

5、it supervion and ispection; .学生在甲方学习期满成绩合格者,由甲方负责毕业证书的发放;7stdens n lerninpeiod ahivemen lgible,by Pary A iseonsblfor th issance of certiae of gradation; 8.精品秘书班、现代高等秘书班的学生学习期满成绩合格者,甲方负责安排就业。8fine scetay clss,morndncd secrara css stuent lerning exresacieemnt lib, art A s responibl for arrngi epyent.

6、三、乙方职责:Thee,B:1.负责在当地办理合作办学的有关手续;1 is epnsible forthe oca angmntoperion inruingschols of therlevant prcdres; 2.负责在当地的招生宣传、报名及入学资格的初步审定等事宜,并及时与甲方联系安排学生入学注册; is reponsibe fr the locl propaganda of enrlment, enrollment a admssion o the itia validatio o schmtr,an tiey and a ontat rangement tuden enollme

7、n; 3负责学生在乙方学习期间的教学及生活管理,并提供教学所需要的教室及教学设施;3 o the tudents in leanng drg he teacin o aty B and lifemanagement, an proide teaching edsclassroos and eaing facilities;4乙方必须严格执行甲方所制定的教学大纲,并及时向甲方通报教学计划的执行情况 ; Pay B ms sritly implent th Pary estalihed he tachin outline, tahingpan antPartyA i ime nfome of th

8、e impementain f; 5.负责学生在乙方学习期间的安全并承担由此产生的相关责任;5 fr te studnts lernngte say duing t period oPaty B and bar resonsiits asocited with; .乙方办学、培训期间自行管理,自负盈亏,并承担相应的责任和义务。 arty B scol, durgrining seanment,self-fnacg,a assmecorresnding reponsiblie an bligtins. 四、项目名称:In four, epojct ame:(一)精品秘书班合作项目:( a ) f

9、ne sectrclsooeration projt: 1.生源定位:专科、本科毕业生(年龄在2周岁以下);1 souce lclztion: cllege, graates( at he ag o 2 ersf age); .开班条件:每班不少于_人;2classes: each class snotless than _ _ _ _ epe; 3合作模式:实施“半年+半年”教学方式;3 coeraon mode:the ipemetion o te haf + haf teahinmode;4收费标准及结算办法:每年每生学费_元。前半年在乙方开班由乙方收取学费_元,为保证教学正常进行,乙方

10、可以预留_元,余款全部交于甲方,甲方从开学后第三个月开始每月向乙方支付_元,直至余款付清;后半年学生在甲方学习的学费_元由甲方负责收取。如乙方不能独立开班而直接将学生送到甲方学习,则甲方按该生全年学费的15%向乙方返利。 fees and seeme way:achstun tto fe_ _ _ _ _ _ eleent hefistalf o th yerintheBcass B charge tition _ _ _ _ _ _ elemet, in ordr o enuthe normaleaching, PartyBmay be resevedfor_ _ _ _ _ _ _ uan

11、, bace ver ayA, PyA fo scho thid monts ater he tart of hemotly pay to PrtyB _ _ _ _ _ _ yua, to y ff thebalnc; ater haf a yr n tutinoftdent party _ _ _ _ _ _ eeen by the arty espnsible foth cectio. If Partycannot independt casses and dietthe student tte aty to learn, hn Prty acdingtheannua ees to ar

12、ty B 15% te rebte.(二)校际直升合作项目:( two) inrcollegiat helicoprcoperao pjecs:1.生源定位:初中毕业生; ourcelcizon: juiorhigh school gradates; 2开班条件:每班不少于_人;2caes: eah css s not lesthan _ _ _ _ _ epl; 3.合作模式:“2+3”五年专或“22+”六年本;3 coerato oe: 23 or 2+2+2 for fiv yearsh sx yea;4招生与管理:乙方招生时可使用“校际合作,直升北秘”宣传语,学生前两年在乙方学习,期间的一切教学活动由乙方负责。学生入学后须在甲方注册,甲方将进行全程教学监控。学生前两年学业证书由乙方负责颁发,成绩合格者经面试由甲方直接录取,其后在甲方完成大专或本科阶段的相应课程。如乙方不具备独立开班条件亦可将学生直接送入甲方完成“五年专”或“六年本”学业。 admissions and eollmenmaageme


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