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1、德信诚培训网IRIS质量手册目录Table of contents1.0引言Introduction2.0适用范围及引用文件 Applicable scope, Reference documents3.0 质量手册介绍 Introduction to the quality manual4.0 质量管理体系要求 Quality management system requirements5.0 管理职责 Management responsibility6.0 资源管理 Resources management7.0 产品实现Product realization 8.0 测量、分析和改进

2、Measurement, analysis and improvement 附录1.1公司简介 Company introduction2.1适用范围Applicable scope本质量手册适用于DXC。This Quality Manual is applicable to DXC.公司的质量管理手册覆盖IRIS标准除信号以外的所有要求,信号的设计由客户自行负责,软件公司无设计,但对供应商提供产品有验证/确认活动,所以公司的IRIS管理体系删减并排除了7.3.8设计批准中的信号要求。DXC quality management system covers all elements exce

3、pt signal related requirements, the design responsibility of signal is customer, the design responsibility of software is supplier, DXC has responsibility to verify/validate supplied software product. So DXC IRIS management excluded signal related clause 7.3.8.公司IRIS体系认证范围:轨道运输牵引与控制设备的研发、设计、制造、销售、相关

4、的技术支持、协助及售后服务The certification scope of this IRIS management system: Development, design, manufacturing, sales, related technical support, assistant and services of the Rail transportation traction and control equipment.2.2本手册引用了下列文件中的条款以说明质量管理体系的原则和程序:The clauses in following standards are quoted t

5、o define the policy and procedure of quality management system. ISO 9001:2008质量管理体系要求ISO 9001:2008 Quality Management System-RequirementsISO9000: 2005 质量管理体系基础和术语ISO9000: 2005 Quality Management SystemFundamentals and Vocabulary国际铁路行业标准02版International Railway Industry Standard version 02ISO 14001:2

6、004环境管理体系要求及使用指南ISO 14001:2004 Environmental Management Systems - RequirementsISO 18001:2007职业健康和安全管理体系 要求ISO 18001:2007Occupational Health & Safety Mgmt. System RequirementsEN 50126 The specification and demonstration of Reliability, Availability, Maintainability and Safety (RAMS)德信诚培训网3.1 概述 Gener

7、al introduction本手册根据国际铁路行业标准02版要求结合本公司实际情况编制,并符合客户和有关法律、法规和各项政策规定。This manual is established according to the International Railway Industry Standard Version 2, and meets our customer requirements and all related legal requirements. 手册中陈述了组织结构、质量方针和质量管理体系的要素,对质量管理体系的过程顺序和相互作用进行了描述。同时,明确了与质量相关的人员的职责和

8、权限及质量管理体系的执行要求。The manual describes DXC organization structure, quality policy, standard elements, the sequence and interaction of quality related processes, as well as the responsibilities and authorities of staffs that having impact on product quality.本手册是DXC质量管理体系的基本准则,公司全体员工须严格执行本管理手册和其它质量管理体系文件

9、规定,确保质量管理体系、产品和过程的持续改进。定期评审手册并在必要时进行修订。This manual is the basic criteria to the operation of QMS in DXC. It is the responsibility for all employees in DXC to comply with this manual and all management system document requirements. This system is constantly under review and further developments are i

10、ncorporated as required.3.2 质量手册的控制Control of the Quality Manual3.2.1 总则 General3.2.1.1本质量手册依据程序文件控制的要求来管理;This quality manual is controlled according to the Procedure “Control of Document”;手册以电子文件的形式在公司内部办公网络上发布,网络上的文件始终为最新版本。电子文件的纸介质输出不做受控文件管理。The manual will be released via DXC OA system;

11、and keep the latest version in the network; the printout is uncontrolled document. 有需求时,经管理者代表批准,手册的非受控拷贝可以发放给任意顾客或其他组织;发放给供应商的手册应受控。With the Management Representative (MR) permission, when needed, uncontrolled copy can be issued to any customer or other organization, controlled copy issued t

12、o any supplier.文控中心负责保存手册的批准文本,并保持一份发放记录;DCC keep the approved paper copy, maintains a record to register and control the distribution of the manual;3.2.2审核和批准 Review and Approval本手册由管理者代表和各部门部长联合评审,由总经理/副总经理批准。This manual is reviewed by management representative and all departments manager,

13、 and approved by GM / DGM.3.2.4更改控制 Control of Changes3.2.4.1 质量手册的任何更改由管理者代表评审,总经理批准;Any change to the quality manual is reviewed by management representative and approved by General Manager;3.3术语和定义 Terms and definitionsSkoda斯柯达运输 Bombardier TransportationKWT江苏经纬轨道交通设备有限公司 Jiangsu Kingway railway

14、communication equipment Co., Ltd.DXC江苏经纬斯柯达电气有限公司 Jiangsu Skoda-Kingway Electronic Co., Ltd.GM/DGM总经理/副总经理 General Manager / Deputy General ManagerQMS质量管理体系 Quality Management SystemIRIS国际铁路行业标准 International Railway Industry StandardMR管理者代表 Management RepresentativeDCC文件控制中心 Document Control Center

15、EU欧洲 EuropeanSPC统计过程控制 Statistical Process ControlQA质量部 Quality DepartmentPRO采购部 Procurement DepartmentOP生产制造部 Operation DepartmentIT&F&C信息和财务控制部 Information Technology Financial & Control DepartmentHR人力资源部 Human Resource Department EN技术部 Engineering DepartmentPM项目管理部 Project ManagementS&M市场部 Sales & Market Department本手册中的其它术语和定义引用ISO 9001:2008质量管理体系要求、ISO 9000:2005 质量管理体系基础和术语和国际铁路行业标准02版中的术语。Others terms and definitions in this manual comply with ISO 9001:2008 “Quality Management SystemRequirement”, ISO9000: 2005 “Quality Management System



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