b5u4 单元测试题(含答案)(打印)

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1、Book5Unit4 Making the news单元测试题一. 单项选择(10道题,每道题1.5分,共15分)1. He said he would start very early in the morning _ miss the train to Beijing. A. not so as to B. so not as to C. so as to not D. so as not to 2. Once a neighbour accused me _ playing my radio too loudly . Oh, you had the right to defend you

2、rself _ the charge. A. of; against B. for; of C. against; for D. for; against3. A lot of searching and rescuing dogs are needed to_the soldiers_searching for people buried and trapped in the ruins. Aassist;that Bassist;in Cassist;of Dassist;from4. The BBC will _ all the major games of the tournament

3、. A. tell B. give C. cover D. take 5. Our manager Mr King came here and demanded that all the employees _what has happened. A. to know B. know C. knowingD. to knowing6. He was _ for work, for he could not imagine life without it. A. expected B. worried C. eager D. proud7. If you concentrate all your

4、 energies _ studying chemistry, you will be good at it.A. ofB. to C. onD. with8. These children, _ their age and skating ability, will be first divided into different classes.A. accounting for B. turning to C. resulting from D. depending on9. Mysonsetout_questionswhenIsetabout_lessons.A.asking;prepa

5、ringB.toask;toprepare C.asking;toprepareD.toask;preparing10. I finally got the job I dreamed about. Never in all my life _ so happy. A. did I feel B. I felt C. I had felt D. had I felt 二.完形填空 (15道题,每道题2分,共30分)I saw the old man, with his untidy clothes and messy hair, as he dashed between the rows of

6、 the department store. He was trying to be ordinary but he was hard not to 11 . He 12 the saleswoman and with a slight 13 , possibly German, asked where the womens shoes were sold. “ Fourth floor.” She responded in a voice I could hear 10 miles away. “ Pardon? Where did you say they were?” he asked

7、again, apparently 14 . Clearly the old man was somewhat 15 . “ Fourth floor, sir,” the friendly saleswoman replied patiently, this time so _16_ that customers turned to see what was causing the 17 . I continued watching as the man thanked the saleswoman and 18 for what I assumed was the fourth floor

8、. But rather than walk to the 19 or the lift, he dashed behind a shelf, took out a notebook and started writing hurriedly, with an almost mad 20 on his face. Then he went straight up to another saleswoman and asked where the womens shoes were sold. Again he asked her to 21 the answer and once more h

9、e walked away and took down some notes.He did this three more times before a department store 22 , thinking him mad, removed him from the store. But rather than be 23 , the old man departed with a huge smile on his face. Although the incident was 24 _ , it was not until a year later, during my first

10、 year of university, that I gave it any further 25 _ . I walked into my language classroom and met my professor. It was that very same man.11. A. see B. notice C. neglected D. find12. A. followed B. interviewed C. chose D. approached 13. A. doubt B. voice C. accent D. smile 14. A. confused B. amused

11、 C. annoyed D. tired 15. A. silly B. shy C. deaf D. weak 16. A. angrily B. loudly C. suddenly D. quickly 17. A. disturbance B. accident C. pleasure D. quarrel18. A. put away B. passed away C. pulled away D. headed off19. A. shoes B. stairs C. exit D. sign 20. A. confusion B. appearance C. pain D. ex

12、pression21. A. reply B. recite C. repeat D. retell 22. A. security-guard B. customer C. saleswoman D. policeman23. A. arrested B. embarrassed C. relaxed D. refused 24. A. unusual B. serious C. dangerous D. unforgettable25. A. wonder B. sense C. thought D. idea三. 阅读理解 (5道题,每道题2分,共10分)College graduati

13、on brings both the satisfaction of academic achievement and the expectation of a well-paid job. But for 6,000 graduates at San Jose State this year, theres uncertainty as they enter one of the worst job markets in decades. Ryan Stewart has a freshly-minted(新兴的) degree in religious studies, but no jo

14、b prospects. “You look at everybodys parents and neighbours, and theyre getting laid off and dont have jobs,” said Stewart. “Then you look at the young people just coming into the workforce. its just scary.” When the class of 2003 entered college, the future never looked brighter. But in the four years theyve been here, t


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