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1、英语教案模板英语教案模板英语教案模板1 教学目的1.能听懂、会说、认读数字词:fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nieen, twenty2.能听懂、会说单词lets 、count3.能听懂、会说、认读询问物品数量的句型“How many books/pens/ do you have?”才能目的:能纯熟运用句型“How many books/pens/do you have?”询问物品的数量,并能用I have答复。教学重难点教学重点:1.数字词15-20的认读。2.能运用How many.do you have?询问20以内物品的数量并答复。教学

2、工具课件教学过程一、Warm-up1.Sing an English song: Head, shoulders.(意图:营造气氛,激发学习兴趣。)2.Revision:1)师生边打手势边说数字,复习one two three four five之后,小老师打手势,其他学生抢答数字,倒着数。2)Free talk:接龙问答How many colors /rulers/erasers/schoolbags/pens/pencils /books等。(设计意图:既稳固了上节课的内容,又为新句型的学习做好了铺垫。)二、Presentation1.老师出示自己的英语书说:“I have a book

3、.”接着老师指着一个学生桌上的三本书说:“ How many books do you have?(板书)”请该生边数边答:“one,two,threeI have three books.(板书) ”师领读这组句型,之后师生问答、男女生问答操练。(师示范并强调books中s的发音/s/)再找一个学生把他所在的那一行6个学生的英语书收起来,师指着一书较多的学生问“ How many books do you have?”请该生边数边答one,two,three,four,five,数到6,师出示单词卡six新授,师领读,升降调读,大小声、快慢速读,one by one纠音。2.看课文插图,听录

4、音,整体感知课文内容,让学生画出数字词,之后,找学生交流听到的数字词,师出示单词卡片依次教授seven, eight, nine, ten。 “seven”强调“v”的发音要上齿轻咬下唇。通过大小声读、爬音高读,击掌练习等方式操练单词。三、Practice1.老师打手势,让学生说出数字;之后,小老师打手势,其他学生抢答数字。2.出示课件用Whats missing?的形式复习数字词。3.老师说数字,学生打手势。4.听录音,跟读课文。5.小组分角色朗读表演课文。6.学生看Lets play局部的课文,听录音,模拟跟读。四、Production1.师生练习对话,同位俩使用“How many do

5、you have?”“I have”句型进展问答练习。找几组展示。2.四人一组,沿用上节课表格,使用“How many do you have?”“I have”句型调查小组成员有多少文具,完成以下表格,进展问答练习,提醒学生尽量用整句话“I have one/two”进展答复。(本节课主要学的是数字6-10,所以可提早告诉学生每样文具尽量准备的数量多点儿)articlename pen pencil ruler eraser book schoolbag pencil-caseLi Ming(设计意图:让孩子们在真实的情境中积极主动地运用语言,从而到达学以致用的目的。)3. Lets pla

6、y.局部。让学生观察画面,读一读,找到同一字母的大小写并连线,看看哪些学生找得最快。五、 Summary找学生总结本节课学到的内容,之后全班齐读板书内容。六、Homework:1.反复边打手势边数1-10,顺着数,倒着数,直至纯熟为止。2.使用“How many.do you have?”句型去询问别人拥有多少物品。课后小结学了这节课,你有什么收获?课后习题完成课后练习题。板书Unit6 How many英语教案模板2 一、Teaching Demands and Aims教学目的二、Teaching important and difficult point教学重点1、words2、sent

7、ences3、grammars三、Teaching Aids教具四、Teaching procedures教学过程Greeting问候warm up热身Review复习New Leon新课Step One:Step Two:Step Three:Follow up叮咛五、Homework作业布置作业的布置一、书面作业1、每节课后老师可适中选择课后习题书本或课外参考书及字母作业。2、低年纪的孩子合适听磁带读课文、画图、连线、写字母等简单作业;每学期两次测试:半期考和期末考试。3、高年纪的孩子要求抄单词、背单词、背课文等书面作业;每节课前可做适当的听写练习;每个月可做适当的单元测试;期间两次大考:

8、半期考和期末考。二、磁带作业1、适时布置条件允答应每周一次:将本周学习的资料录进磁带,下周上交。2、录制要求:首先让学生和老师打招呼,之后报朗读单元,然后录作业资料,最终与老师说再见。如:Hello!Amanda。I am Go go。This is Unit 11?Goodbye!Amanda!3、听音修正:1书面记录:边听边把学生的错音登记在学生手册上。2修正过程:A:打招呼,先表扬肯定,后提出错误,注意错音的跟读B:说悄悄话,增进师生感情交流C:提出问题。D:完毕Say:“ Good bye!”三、 教学1、光阴安排:每月两次的 教学,每生教学光阴不超过8分钟。2、教学资料:1本周学习单

9、词及课文的朗读。2词句的翻译。3疑难解答。4家长的经历交流。英语教案模板3 Teaching aims:Knowledge aims:Students can get the main content of the dialogue though extensive listening。Students can get what book does daniel and sandy likes to read respectively。Students can master the scentence mattern “what are you doing?” “what do you lik

10、e to do?”Ability aims:Students can know how to get the main idea by using extensive listening skills。Students can grasp the intensive listening skills in finding detailed information。Students can improve their speaking skills through dialuge and group discussion。Emotional aims:Students can know the

11、importance of reading and can develop a good habit of reading after learning this unitTeaching key points and difficult points:key points:Scentence pattern:“what are you doing?i am doing ” “what do you like to do? id like to do ”Students can get main idea of listening materialdifficult points:Studen

12、ts can use the listening skills in finding different information of the listening material。Students can know the importance of reading and can try to develop a good resding habit。Teaching procedures:Step1 warming up:2、ask students a question “what do these mottos talk about?”Step 2 pre listening:1、S

13、how several pictures of different book covers,let students to classify these books。2、ask students a question “which book do you want to read and why?”Step3 while listening:Extensive listening1、ask students to listen to the tape for the first time and ask students a question “what are they talking ab

14、out?”books2、How many kinds of books do they mentioned?twoIntensive listening1、ask students to listen to the tape again,ask students a question “what kind of book does daniel like to read and why?”history books,because they can improve his knowledge of the past“what kind of book does sandy like to re

15、ad and why?”novels and plays,because she thinks the history books are boring2、ask students what does daniel and sandy read about respectively?Germany in world war two;the moving story of an ungly man quasimodoStep4 post listening1、ask students to imitate the dialuge in a real situation。2、do a surveyAsk students to do a survey on “what do you like to read and why”in a group of four,then choose some repoters to report。3、discussionAsk students to have a discussion on why do we need to rea


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