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1、二维数据场的插值方法1二维数据场描述及处理目的数据场数据(xi,yi,zi), i=l,n,即某特征在二维空间中的n个预测值列表:x坐标y坐标观测数据x坐标y坐标观测数据164648.4784648127164658.9784658130164658.9784648.5128164649.4784658.5127164649.4784649127164649.9584659126164649.9584649.5126164650.4584659.5126164650.4584650126164650.9584660125164650.9584650.5125164651.4584660.512


3、28164649.4784658.5127164655.4584655126164656.9884656.5127164655.9584655.5127164657.4884657126164656.4484656129164648.4784657.5127164654.368884653128处理目的了解该数据场的空间分布情况处理思路网格化 绘制等值线图网格化方法:二维数据插值2空间内插方法Surfer8.0 中常用的插值方法Gridding MethodsInverse Distance to a Power( 距离倒数加权)Kriging (克立格法)Minimum Curvature

4、(最小曲率法)Modified Shepards Method (改进 Shepard 方法)Natural Neighbor (近邻法)Nearest Neighbor (最近邻法)Polynomial Regression (多项式回归法)Radial Basis Function (径向基函数法)Triangulation with Linear Interpolation (线性插值三角形法)Moving Average (移动平均法)Data Metrics (数据度量方法)Local Polynomial (局部多项式法)Geostatistics Analyst Model in

5、 ArcGIS 9广反距离加权插值全局多项式内插(确定性内插方法UH田局部多项式内插 内插方法斗径向基函数方法r克立格内插方法I地统计内插方法j卄日舌亠玫由土千协冋克立格内插2.1 反距离加权插值反距离加权插值(Inverse Distance Weighting,简称IDW),反距离加权法是 最常用的空间内插方法之一。它的基本原理是:空间上离得越近的物体其性质越 相似,反之亦然。这种方法并没有考虑到区域化变量的空间变异性,所以仅仅是 一种纯几何加权法。反距离加权插值的一般公式为:Z(x,y)=工九 Z(x ,y )i i ii=1其中,Z(x )为未知点x处的预测值,Z(x)为已知点x处的值

6、,n为样点的数量,00ii九为样点的权重值,其计算公式为:九=d - p / 工 d - pi i0i0i=1式中d为未知点与各已知点之间的距离,p是距离的幕。样点在预测过程中受参i0数 p 的影响,幂越高, 内插的平滑效果越佳。尽管反距离权重插值法很简单,易于实现,但它不能对内插的结果作精度 评价,所得结果可能会出现很大的偏差,人为难以控制。2.2 全局多项式插值(趋势分析法)根据有限的样本数据拟合一个表面来进行内插,称之为全局多项式内插方 法。一般多采用多项式来进行拟合,求各样本点到该多项式的垂直距离的和,通 过最小二乘法来获得多项式的系数,这样所得的表面可使各样本点到表面之间距离的平方和

7、最小。Z (x, y)二 f (x, y)如果表面平滑、无弯曲,使用一次多项式拟合;有一处弯曲的表面则用二次 多项式进行拟合;若有两处弯曲则需使用三次多项式,依次类推。全局多项式内 插一般适用于表面变化平缓的研究区域,或者仅研究区域内全局性趋势的情况 3。2.3 局部多项式内插局部多项式内插与全局多项式内插相对应,是用多个多项式拟合表面的一种 方法,它更多地用来表现研究区域西部的变异情况。其基本原理与全局多项式内 插相同。The Local Polynomial gridding method assigns values to grid nodes by using a weighted l

8、east squares fit with data within the grid nodes search ellipse.2.4径向基函数方法径向基函数法属于人工神经网络方法,该方法所拟合的表面都必须经过所有 样本数据。径向基函数以某个已知点为中心按一定距离变化的函数,因此在每个 数据点都会形成径向基函数,即每个基函数的中心落在某一个数据点上。径向基 函数适合于非常平滑的表面,要求样本数据量大,如果数据点少,则内插效果不 佳3。同时,径向基函数难以对误差进行估计,也是其缺点之一。常用的径向基函数法,它们分别是:薄盘样条函数(thin-plate spline): B(h)二(h2 xR2

9、)ln(h2 xR2)R . h张力样条函数(spline with tension): B(h) = ln( ) + K (R h)2 + C2 0 E规则样条函数( completely regularized spline):切(-1)n r2nR hR h、-B(h) = ln()2 + E ()2 + Cn!n 21 2 En =1高次曲面样条函数(multiquadric spline): B(h) =Jh2 xR2反高次曲面样条函数(inverse multiquadric spline): B(h) =1h2 x R2各式子中h为表示由点(x, y)到第i个数据点的距离,R参数

10、是用户指定的 平滑因子,K为修正贝塞尔函数,E为指数积分函数,C为Euler常数,其值 01E约为 0.577215。Radial Basis Functioninterpolation is a diverse group of data interpolation methods. In terms of the ability to fit your data and to produce a smooth surface, theMultiquadric method is considered by many to be the best. All of the Radial Bas

11、is Functionmethods are exact interpolators, so they attempt to honor your data. You can introduce a smoothing factor to all the methods in an attempt to produce a smoother surface.Function TypesThe basis kernel functions are analogous to variograms inKriging. The basis kernel functionsdefinethe opti

12、malsetof weights toapply to the data points when interpolating a grid node. The available basis kernel functions are listed in the Type drop-down list in the Radial Basis Function Options dialog.Inverse MultiquadricMultilogMultiquadraticNatural Cubic SplineThin Plate Spline where: h is the anisotrop

13、ically rescaled, relative distance from the point to the nodeR2 is the smoothing factor specified by the userDefault R2 ValueThe default value for R2 in the Radial Basis Function gridding algorithm is calculated as follows:(length of diagonal of the data extent2) / (25 * number of data points)Specif

14、ying Radial Basis Function Advanced Options1. Click on Grid | Data.2. In the Open dialog, select a data file and then click the Open button.3. In the Grid Data dialog, choose RadialBasis Functionin the Gridding Method group.4. Click the AdvancedOptionsbutton to display the Radial Basis Advanced Opti

15、ons dialog.5. In the General page, you can specify the function parameters for the gridding operation. The Basis Functionlist specifies the basis kernel function to use during gridding. Thisdefines the optimal weights applied to the data points during the interpolation. The Basis Function is analogous to the variogram inKriging. Exper



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