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1、Unit 4 A good read一、重点词组:1. raise money for charities.为慈善机构募集资金2. donate sth to people in poor areas/ countries捐款给贫困地区/国家的人3. set up the stage / tent 搭建舞台/ 帐篷4. musical performance 音乐表演5. g ive out souvenirs to the guests 给来宾分发纪念品6. the night before the big event 大型活动的前一天晚上7. pay attention to the ex

2、it of the theatre 注意剧院的出口8. decide to do sth. 决定干某事9. on duty / have many other duties 值班(日)/ 有许多其它职责10. want the audience to hear him 想要观众听得见他的话11. introduce oneself / make an introduction of oneself 自我介绍(两种)12. worry (about) / be worried (about) 担心(.)13. volunteer to do some voluntary work for the

3、 show 志愿为演出做些自愿的工作 14. clap and shout in excitement / excitedly 兴奋地鼓掌大叫15. lots of practice / practice a lot / practice doing sth 许多练习/多练习/练习做某事16. choose me to be the host / actor 选我当主持人/(男)演员17. be sorry for sb.(sth.) / be sorry that +句子 因-而抱歉18. do a very important job / do very important work 做重

4、要的工作19. become a little angry = get a bit angry 变得有点儿生气(两种)20. thank sb. for sth. 因为某事感谢某人21. seem + 形 / seem to do sth / seem that + 句子 似乎 22. make this show possible 使演出成为可能 23. Donations are always welcome. 欢迎捐赠。24. Will it be a success? / Will it be successful? 会成功吗?25a lot of support from local

5、 businesses. 当地企业的大力支持。二、重点译句:A1. I wish I would be the host of the next show. 我希望下一次的演出的主持人是我.2. We should give out leaflets to ask people to donate money.我们应该发分传单号召人们捐款。3. I hope we can have more events like this to raise money for charities. 我希望我们能举办更多像这样的活动来为慈善机构筹款.4Its my job to introduce each

6、star.介绍每个明星是我的工作. 5We started working on the show two months ago. 两个月前我们就着手演出事宜.B1. It doesnt matter that we do not have pop stars in our show. 演出中我们没有明星也没有关系。2. We think its important that all children learn to read and write.我们认为所有的孩子学习读书、识字是重要的。3. The organizers have organized so many organizations in the past few years. 在过去的几年中,组织者已经成立了许多这样的组织.4. I was helping with a charity show because I wanted to raise money for Project Hope. 我正在为慈善演出忙碌,因为我想为希望工程捐款.5.It was exciting but I was also very nervous because of the TV cameras. 这使人兴奋,然而由于(面对)电视镜头我又很紧张.



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