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1、北京语言大学21春汉语写作离线作业2参考答案1. 错位有哪几种形式?( )A.情节错位B.全面采取与突出重点C.人事错位D.意义错位参考答案:BC2. 组成电影剧作的基本单位称作蒙太奇句子。( )A.正确B.错误参考答案:A3. SQL Server is designed to allow thousands of users to access the database at thesameSQL Server is designed to allow thousands of users to access the database at thesame time and is a tr

2、ue client/ server database system.参考答案SQL服务器用于允许成前上万的用户同时访问数据库,是一个真正的客户端/服务器端的数据库系统。4. The Ocean is more_than 4,000 miles.AwiderBwidestCwideDin wideThe Ocean is more_than 4,000 miles.AwiderBwidestCwideDin wide正确答案:C5. On May 5, 2005, at _ World Table Tennis Championship, Kong Ling-hui and Wang Hao w

3、on the gold mOn May 5, 2005, at _ World Table Tennis Championship, Kong Ling-hui and Wang Hao won the gold medal in mens with _ score of 4:1.A) a, aB) /theC) a, /D) the, aDthe World Table Tennis Championship是专有名词,由普通名词构成的专有名词,一般前面要加the;with a score of. 比分是。6. 教案的编写过程,是个知识更新的过程。( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B7. 第三

4、人称代表着有别于作者和读者的小说世界,第一人称代表作者,第二人称代表读者。( )A.正确B.错误参考答案:A8. 书信署名方式同样要看写信人和收信人是什么关系,它和称呼是不对应的。( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:A9. 常见的过渡形式有( )A.过渡段B.过渡句C.关联词语D.没有任何标示参考答案:AB10. What&39;s the matter with you? I didn&39;t pass the test, but I still _. A) hope so BWhats the matter with you?I didnt pass the test, but I stil

5、l _.A) hope soB) hope toC) hope itD) hope thatBI still hope to是I still hope to pass the test. 的省略说法。11. 叙述的要求主要包括哪几个方面?( )A.分头叙述,统一总结B.显示式C.有主有次,详略得当D.生动引人,富于变化参考答案:BCD12. 综合消息中的事实,一般要求有点有面,概貌叙述和典型事例相结合,有横断面、纵断面、纵横合一等综合方式。( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B13. The attention to details assures you that the setting and

6、 service are as perfect asThe attention to details assures you that the setting and service are as perfect as your meal , whether its a quiet dinner for two , or a business lunch. (翻译)参考答案:无论静谧的两人晚餐还是商务午餐,细致入微的服务都会保证这里的环境和服务与您所点的食物一样品质优良。14. 文体从语言风格的角度来分,有( )。A.政论文体B.文艺文体C.科学文体D.公文事务文体参考答案:ABCD15. 广

7、告的“3B”创意原则不包括( )。A.美女BeautyB.通讯C.动物BeastD.身体Body参考答案:D16. Jane always enjoys _ to popular music at home on Friday evenings. A) listening B)Jane always enjoys _ to popular music at home on Friday evenings.A) listeningB) being listeningC) to be listeningD) to listenAenjoy通常后接名词、动名词和代词,C和D选项排除。B选项being

8、 listening表示的是现在进行时态,而句中有always一词,表明这个动作是惯常的动作,所以只能选A。17. Achievement tests are typically administered at (the) _ of a course orAchievement tests are typically administered at (the) _ of a course or aprogram.A. beginningB. middleC. endD. anytime参考答案C18. Can you express _ in English? Ayourself Byou C

9、yours Dyours&39;Can you express _ in English?AyourselfByouCyours DyoursA19. 导语的写作要求有( )。A.突出最有新闻价值的新闻要素B.意见C.吸引读者往下看D.行文简要生动参考答案:D20. 补叙应用的情况是( )A.文章最后,对影响事件发展的关键伏线予以披露B.围绕主题拓展作者的思路C.对叙述中提到的主要事件和人物作补充交代D.揭示文章思想参考答案:AC21. Would you like to have a try once again? _. A) Yes, I like B) No, I don&39;t li

10、kWould you like to have a try once again?_.A) Yes, I likeB) No, I dont like itC) Yes, I want very muchD) Yes, Id like toDwould like to后的内容承前省略,只保留不定式等号to。22. 形式决定内容,形式起主导作用;内容为形式服务,内容对形式又有一定的制约作用。( )A.正确B.错误参考答案:B23. 戏剧文学的文体特点包括( )。A.戏剧冲突是戏剧文学的本质特征B.集中性和整一性是戏剧文学的美学原则C.台词和动作是戏剧文学的基本材料和外在形式D.押韵、对偶,讲究平

11、仄参考答案:ABC24. Anyone seen carrying bags, boxes or (which) _, was stopped by the police.Anyone seen carrying bags, boxes or (which) _, was stopped by the police.whichever25. The population of China is larger than AIndia Bthat of India CIndia&39;s Dthose of IndThe population of China is larger thanAInd

12、iaBthat of India CIndiasDthose of IndiaB26. 可从两门学科的交界处即边缘学科寻找毕业论文的选题突破口。( )A.正确B.错误参考答案:A27. Documentary L/C Irrevocable L/C Confirmed L/C Transferable L/C Standby L/CDocumentary L/CIrrevocable L/CConfirmed L/CTransferable L/CStandby L/CIrrevocable L/C$Documentary L/C$Transferable L/C$Confirmed L/C$

13、Standby L/C28. The scientist played an important part in developing his countrys nuclear power ( ).AThe scientist played an important part in developing his countrys nuclear power ( ).A.processB.profileC.programD.progress答案:C29. 特写消息主要借用电影的“特写镜头”手法加工改写而成的新闻,集中笔墨、重点突出地描写某一重大事件和关键场面和情节。( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B30. 下列属于巴金的散文作品的是( )。A.日出B.小说C.小狗包弟D.拣麦穗参考答案:C31. 下列有关应用文的语言表达不正确的是( )。A.准确规范明晰B.时效性C.不能使用模糊语言D.在表达方式上,以叙述、说明为主参考答案:C32. 精心设计板书的重要性有( )A.让学生看的清楚B.有助于学生对教材的理解C.有助于帮助学生掌握教学内容的基本思路D.具有对一堂课之“龙”“点睛”的作用参考答案:BCD33. We have just received, the survey report from the Dalian Co


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