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1、Unit 2 Ill help to clean up the city parks考评在线第一部分 听力时空(共20分)一、 听录音,选出你所听到的单词。听一遍。(5分)( )1.A.clean B.cheer C. hear( ) 2.A.homeless B.home C.careless( ) 3.A.put up B.clean up C.set up( ) 4.A.take after B.look after C.look out( ) 5.A.run out of B.run C.look out of二、 听录音,选出能回答你所听到句子的最佳选项。听一遍。(5分)( )6.A

2、 Sorry,better not. B No,you mustnt. C.Nothing serious.( ) 7. A Sure.Thank you. B Thats a good idea. C.Yes,please.( )8.A.Youre welcome. B. It doesnt matter. C.See you later.( ) 9.A .No,I did it badly. B.Dont mention it. C.Youd better not.( ) 10. A .I like apples than bananas.B .I like apples best.C .

3、Sure it tastes delicious.三、 听对话,选择所听问题的最佳选项。听两遍。(10分)( ) 11 A. She wants to stay at home.B.She wants to boat in the park.C. She wants to have a car ride to the countryside.( )12. A .Because she likes the countryside. B. Because the air is clean there. C. Because she hasnt gone to the countryside for

4、 a long time.( )13. A .She thinks her mother likes to be only at home. B .She thinks her mother has no such interest. C. She thinks her mother should stay at home to make dinner.( )14 .A Yes,she is. B No,she isnt. C We dont know.( ) 15.A He cant decide how to do it. B.He has decided that all the fam

5、ily will go. C He has decided that the mother should stay at home .第二部分 基础运用(共20分)一、单项选择。(20分)A选出与划线部分意义相同的选项。( )16.We should give out our money to charities.A. give up B. give in C .give away D .give off( ) 17.When you come up with ideas ,tell me as soon as possible. A.keep up with B.catch up with

6、C .think up D. keep in touth with ( )18. He takes after his father. A .looks after B. looks like C .looks for D .follows( )19. Yesterday I fixed it up. A .repaired B .cheered up C. set up D. looked up( )20. Theyre going to set up a food bank. A .set off B .establish C. build D. put upB 从所给的A.B.C.D四个

7、选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。(15分)( )21 .-Where would you like to work? - . A.School work B.Bike C.A food bank D.Repair bikes( ) 22.Could you help the city park? Theyre dirty. A. clean up B. set up C. cheer up D .use up( )23. Im very busy.Id like to kids their school work. A .help,to B. helping,to C .help,with

8、D. help,to ( )24. We need to a plan.Lets have lunch first.A .come up B. come up with C. catch up D. catch up with( )25. What do you like doing? I love . A .play the football B. playing football C. play football D. play the football( )26 .What is she doing? She is Jin . A .calling up B. call C .calli

9、ng D .call up( )27. The volunteer work each of then several hours a week.A .will send B .will take C .will pay D. will cost( )28. She to be a vet when she school.A .want,left B .will want,leaves C. wants,leaves D. will want,will leave( )29. Jim spends every Sunday morning in an animal hospital.A. wo

10、rking B .looking C. reading D .walking ( )30 .A litte girl sang a lot of songs to them up.A .clean B .cheers C .cheer D. cleans( )31._ a volunteer is great. A. Being B. Be C. To D To. being( )32. The three students set up a food bank. A. plan to B. will plan to C. will plan D .plan( )33. Dont the me

11、eting.Because its important.A .put off B .put away C. put on D. put up( )34. What is Jim doing? He is the bike.A .repair B. repairing C. repaired D .repairs( )35 .Jim is very sad .Because he has money.A .ran out B. ran out of C. run out of D. ran out第三部分 综合阅读 (共30分)ADear Madam, We joined your Happy

12、Summer Camp, but we are not happy at all!Where are yourcomfortable rooms? I writing this letter in my tent and its raining again out here.Water is coming through the tent . Everything is set. Is this the river?How can we swim in the river?It is so dirty and the rubbish is here and there.What kind of

13、 fish can live in it ? What about our excellent food?We eat potatoes almost every meal and they were baby cooked! So we arent even full enough. Yes, there is a swimming pool? And it is always closed. There are 20 mountain bikes here.But you see most of them dont work .Everything is bad here ,we cant stay here any longer! Your, Jane根据短文内容完成下列句子。36.Jane is not _ when she is writing the letter.37.Jane and her friends _ swim neither in the river nor



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