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1、JOB TITLE:Director of Rooms / Rooms Division Manager职位名称: 客房总监, 房务部经理 HOTEL JOB BAND:3职位等级: 3级HOTEL LEVEL:IV - V酒店等级: 四-五EFFECTIVE DATE:生效日期:DIRECTLY REPORTS TO: Hotel Manager / Resident Manager /General Manager直属上级: 酒店经理,驻店经理,总经理 INDIRECTLY REPORTS TO: N.A.间接上级:无FUNCTION:Front Office职能:前台DEPARTMENT

2、:Rooms Division部门: 房务部1.KEY RESPONSIBILITIES 主要职责Job Summary (Role Summary) 工作概述(职位概述) Oversees and directs all aspects of Front Office, Housekeeping, Laundry operations and Recreation and Health Club operations.监管和指导前厅部、客房部、洗衣房以及娱乐健身俱乐部的日常工作。Essential Duties and Responsibilities (Key Activities of

3、the role)主要职责(职务的主要工作) Supervises the overall activities of Front Office, Housekeeping, Laundry, Recreation and Health Club operations监督前厅部、客房部、洗衣房、娱乐健身俱乐部的整体工作。 Monitors the personnel of these operations to ensure guests receive prompt, cordial attention and personal recognition监督上述各部门的工作人员,确保及时,礼貌

4、的接待宾客,并使客人感觉得到充分的重视。 Ensures staff, particularly guest contact personnel, are familiar with Priority Club members, known repeat guests and other VIPs and provide special attention and recognition确保员工,特别是直接与客人交往的工作人员熟悉优悦会会员,能够认別出常客及其它贵宾,并对这些特殊客人格外关照。 Coordinates exchange of pertinent information betw

5、een departments within the Rooms Division and directs exchange of information with other departments, notably, Engineering and Security协调房务部各部门之间的相关信息的交流工作,并指导房务部与其它部门,特别是工程部和保安部之间的信息交流。 Consults with Department Heads and General Manager on an ongoing basis to improve business conduct保持与部门负责人及总经理的磋商

6、机制,以改进业务。 Assumes overall responsibility for maintaining presentation standards to ensure facilities and equipment are clean, in good repair and well maintained承担保持外观规范的整体责任,确保各项设施和设备的清洁,正常运转,并得到妥善维护。 Schedules and regularly conducts routine inspections of areas under control计划并实施对所管区域的定期检查。 Maintai

7、ns appropriate standards of conduct, dress, hygiene, uniforms, appearance and posture of Room Division employees确保房务部员工的行为、装束、卫生、制服穿着、外表和仪态的标准。 Conducts comprehensive monthly departmental meetings to include review of procedures and events which warrant special handling and detailed information每月召开综

8、合性部门会议,内容包括对需要特别处理和提供详细信息的程序及活动的总结。 Assist in managing hotel revenue generation and maximization through full utilization of company systems, business processes and specifications. Review and approve/deny all discount and rebate requests.协助为酒店创造营业收入,并通过充分利用公司的系统,商业程序和规定使收入最大化。审批或拒绝所有折扣和退款要求。 Achieve

9、 budgeted revenues, control labor costs and expenses, and maximize profitability within all areas of responsibility. Participate in the preparation of the annual departmental operating budget and financial plans which support the overall objectives of the hotel.完成营业收入预算,控制劳动成本和支出,在职责范围内获取最大的利润。参与编制部

10、门年度运营预算和支持酒店总体目标的财务计划。 Prepare and submit statistical, performance, and forecast analyses and reports as required.编制和提交必要的统计,业绩和预测分析和报告。 Communicate to appropriate departments all pertinent information related to the expected arrival and departure of VIPs and other key guests, or other special guest

11、 needs.与相关部门沟通贵宾和其他重要客人的抵店和离店的相关信息,或其它特殊的客人需求。 Ensure training and procedures are in place for PBX to serve as a central communications point during emergency/crisis situations and that relationships with local fire, police, and emergency personnel are developed and maintained. 确保进行程控交换机的培训并按程序执行,从而

12、在紧急情况下成为中心通讯站。与当地消防,警察和急救人员的保持密切关系。 Promotes Inter-hotel sales and in-house facilities促进店内的销售及推销酒店内的设施。 Monitors and controls the inventories for operating equipment and supplies监察和管理运营所需物的设备和供应品的库存。 Communicates to the General Manager to his/her delegate, and other Department heads, all information

13、 likely to be of interest to them向总经理或其代表和其它部门的负责人通报他们可能感兴趣的所有信息 。 Monitors and controls the Room Division Operation in the areas of revenue expenditure, profitable and performance against budget从收益支出、利润、业绩表现和预算的差异等方面对房务部的运营进行监测和管理。 Works with Human Resources on manpower planning and management need

14、s和人力资源部一起进行人力规划和管理需求。 Works with Director of Finance in the preparation and management of the Departments budget. 和财务总监一起编制和管理部门预算。2.REQUIRED QUALIFICATIONS 资格Required Skills 技能要求 Communication skills are utilized a significant amount of time when interacting with others; demonstrated ability to int

15、eract with customers, employees and third parties that reflects highly on the hotel, the brand and the Company.拥有在与他人交往时大多数时间所使用的沟通技巧;完全代表酒店,品牌和公司与顾客,员工和第三方交往的能力。 Good writing skills具有良好写作技巧 Proficient in the use of Microsoft Office 熟练使用微软办公软件 Problem solving, reasoning, motivating, organizational and training abilities具有解决问题,推理,号召,组织和培训能力 A high energy level and a passion for achieving results充满活力和拥有实现目标的热情 Strong L



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