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1、选修8nit 4 Pygmaon能力演练一、语法填空Roy Tron ue tdrve a ax.A shortwhe 1 ,owevr,e becme b driver n he hasnt regreted it.e s finding i new ork ctingWhe e was ding aog Catrd Streereenty,e sawtwo thives rush 3 a h and rn towads a 4 (ait)car.n o emwas caryn a ba 5 of mon.Roactd qucklyand droe the bs raigt at th th

2、ievs.The on with the money ot a ight h he dophe bag. th thies were ryingto et way n thi car,oy drov his bus into 7 ack oft.hile the berd(撞得变了形的)car 8 (moe)away,Rostoed hs bus to telepne the polic.Th tves car was (a)dm ad easytorecognize.holy fterards,he pie sopedth ar nd both men 1 (arrest)二、完形填空阅读下

3、面短文,掌握其大意,然后从115各题所给的四个选项(A、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。 littlScotby was sittngi his granmother,s itc.He a 1 t rd flame n he e on fireace(壁炉)ad quietl ondeing aoue 2 of thgssa atter of fat,he was wonderin and always wting t kw“Grandma,”he sed,“wt ma he fire 4 ”This snot he firsttime he ha igandmother ith qestons t

4、htshe old no 6 .So se wet onwth her preparations for 7 nd pidnoattentionto hi .Abov tefirean oldfashined teaktl(茶壶)was 9 .Thwate ithnit a bginning tbuble(沸腾)A thi oud f 10 wa rsin and soonthelid(盖子)ea to1 Yewn thbo peeed(窥视)une h lid he old see 1 .“Grandma,wat isn the eaete”heaske.“Wate,mychild.Nthi

5、ng bt wte,”aserd his grandmothr.“Bt I knw thre smethingelse inthereSomethingha 1 helid an makes it sae,”he saidT gnmoher lahed,“O,thas l team.”he boy ite the ld and looked 14agnH ud ee nothig t thebbling wae.Te semulno e seen 15 after t was ouof the ettle. “ow range”he aid.“Theseut be v stng olft th

6、e heavy ron lid” ession 三、阅读理解专题训练(九) 议论文的阅读n meca,seldmdoyou go anywhre itout hearing ainpealldWINWIN.I sundstrange tm at fbecae thrughout mchhod,I hv alwysben taght totry everytinpossible o win anuprhand,ather tha o hep other people w.Hoer,s timeges , have gadully cmprened the essence(真谛)of WINWIN

7、 princple:it s the attiude f seeing mtual benefitWen I was litte,I used to aChesechecers(跳棋)which nlud tw bsic taccs(战术):i o crte pthsfor self;t other is t loc the saesof our rival.Payrsmay apl these twooally diffretapproaces inh gme,bthe e fo e payerto wn is toontnousycreateah forhm nif hisppnent m

8、y take dantae of t.Finallhe n aways reh the dstiaion(目的地)aew steps ahead of otherpayerMenwhi,some plaer a take another approac toprven his oppnn from ovig orwarat l cots.By this e ay ge shottem beneft,butcoudntfix atentio on thfilgal,hushewoulneve rul devlourher.n the190s, strtegycalle WINWI ecam we

9、sd in the weternorld.Its coe i t cie yourbctivhle ging thepeople som enefits,o teeisno rel serOn exapleof aplying he WINWN prinpl i th voluntary system inUS.Mstmerinsavocate(提倡)JP3the spiit of scial serie adolnta contibtonU,cols anchildrenoganzatos usalencoaand support kidto beengaed i cmmnitserice

10、so that eoluntary spirt an e noted in therminds from cildhod.oreoer,a ucil(决定性的)stndard forunverites t judge ne stdts i therhe hvewore forthe conity o ot China,t s qie usu that som pop artoselfish nd nevr take other peop, intestsito cosideratin,wile oeon who rlly h corage too something fr the ul is often clle“olih” or “stpid”Actually hlping ohrpeople can e of grat det for he hlper,for e cn alsolansotig cuci fo his ifeuch as ympath,car,evot,etc.So nly if youake other peopsinterests into earnstonsieration cnyo assr your own gain.根据短文,写一篇30词左右的摘要。_


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