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1、连词和介词短语1. The conference has been held to discuss the effects of tourismthe wildlife in the area.A.inB.on C.at D.with答案B介词的用法比较复杂, 且多为固定搭配,无多少道理可讲, 因而对介词的掌握主要靠平时多观察、多留心、多记忆。本题中的名词effects制约着后面介词的选用。an effect on sth.意为 “对某事的影响/作用”。 “对产生影响”用have an effect/the effects on sb./sth. 例如:The film had quite a

2、n effect on her.2. Was his father very strict with him when he was at school?Yes. He had never praised him _ he became one of the top students in his grade.A. after B. unless C. until D. when答案Cnot neveruntil/till “直才”; “不到不”;依上下文看, 这是一位对孩子要求很严格的父亲, 由此看出他不会轻易表扬人, 直到他成为年级中拔尖的学生才表扬他。正合题意。用after时, 前后时态

3、不对, 因为学生要先优秀后被表扬;B, D与句意不符。答案为C。3. Sally worked late in the evening to finish her report _ her boss could read it first thing next morning.A. so that B. because C. before D. or else答案ASally工作到很晚去完成她的报道, 目的是她的老板能在第二天最早读到它。表目的有:so that/in order that+句子;in order to/so as to do。A合题意。如果用B, 从句中不能用could,可用

4、wanted等词。答案为A。4. The speech by the mayor of Shanghai before the final voting for EXPO 2010 is strongly impressed my memory.A.toB.over C.byD.on答案Dimpresson/uponsb是固定搭配, 给留下印象。答案为D。5. It was because of bad weather the football match had to be put off. A.so B.so that C.why D.that答案D强调状语because of bad w

5、eather. 因为坏天气所以球赛推迟。6. I would appreciate it_ you call back this afternoon for the doctors appointment. A. until B. if C. when D. that答案Bif引导条件状语从句。译文:如果你今天下午对与医生的约会打回电话来, 我会非常感谢。答案为B。7. John shut everybody out of the kitchen _ he could prepare his grand surprise for the party.A. which B. when C. so

6、 that D. as if答案Cso that引导目的状语从句, 表示约翰把每个人都关在厨房外面的目的是能够准备做在聚会上使人们大吃一惊的事。when表示两个动作同时发生;as if的意思是 “似乎”, 与所提供的情境John shut everybody out of the kitchen不相吻合;which引导定语从句时作主语、宾语或表语, 显然不是正确答案。答案为C。8. Excuse me for breaking in, _ I have some news for you. A. so B.and C.but D.yet答案Cbut用于表示歉意的话(如:Im sorry或Exc

7、use me)的后面, 用来引起一个句子, 通常不能翻译为 “但是”。9. It is so nice to hear from her. _, we last met more than thirty years ago. A. Whats more B. That is to say C. In other words D. Believe it or not答案DBelieve it or not是一种口语常用的表达方式, 意思是 “信不信由你”。由于距两人最后一次见面已经有三十多年了, 为了让对方相信这是事实, 用了这种表达方式。Whats more的意思是 “另外;还有”;That

8、is to say的意思是 “这就是说”;In other words的意思是 “换句话说”。答案为D。10. Would you like to come to the dinner party here on Saturday? Thank you. Id love to, _ Ill be out of town at the weekend. A.becauseB.andC. soD.but答案D所提供的情境Ill be out of town at the weekend.说明说话人不能参加宴会。所以用but表示自己虽然乐意参加, 但由于某种情况而不能参加。答案为D。11. What

9、 do you want _ those old boxes? To put things in when I move to the new flat. A.byB.forC.of D.with答案D所提到的情景To put things in when I move to the new flat.说明了箱子的用途。with的意思是 “用”, 后接工具。如:cut with a knife用刀切。答案为D。 12. Luckily, the bullet narrowly missed the captain_an inch. A. by B. at C. toD. from答案A介词by

10、可以和表示数量的词构成短语, 表示尺寸、距离等。译文:幸运的是, 子弹在距离船长一英尺的地方与他擦肩而过, 没有射中他。答案为A。13.He was about to tell me the secret_someone patted him on the shoulder. A.as B.until C.while D.when答案Das, until, while和when均可表时间, 但各有不同:as强调一边一边;while “在期间/同时”, 表转折;when有两种用法:当时, 从句动词不限;就在此时, 忽然, 等于at that time, suddenly。常用的句式有:be do

11、ingwhen(正在做突然);be about to dowhen(正要做突然);常与when连用。译文:他正要告诉我这个秘密, 这时, 有人拍了拍他的肩膀。答案为D。14. Marie Curie took little notice the honours that were given to her in her later year. A. of B. on C. about D. from答案A“take notice of”是 “注意”。译文:居里夫人几乎不关心她晚年所得到的荣誉。15. You are so lucky. What do you mean that?A. forB

12、. in C. ofD. by答案D固定用法(句子)what do you mean 后常跟by that/doing that/saying so?译:你那样/这样讲(说)是什么意思?答案为D。16. This shop will be closed for repairs _ further notice. A. with B. until C. for D. at【答案】B句意:在另行通知前,这家店将停止整顿。until further notice表示“在另行通知前”。17. With new technology, pictures of underwater valleys can be take _ color. A. byB. forC. withD. in【答案】D句意:In color表示“使用彩色”。固定搭配。句意:随着科技的发展,水下沟壑的图片可以做成彩色的。18. Graduation is a good time to thank those who have helped you _ the tough years.A. throughB. upC. withD. from【答案】A句意:一年中,毕业的时候是感谢那些曾经帮助过你的最好时机。19.When asked about their opinio



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