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1、外语学院大学生英文自荐信Dear Sir:Thank you very much for skimming my letter in yourbusy time. And I am very appreciate than your esteemedpany would give me an opportunity.Firstpleaseallowme tointroducemyself.MyEnglish name is Cathy. I am the graduate student inForeignCollegeof*UniversityofScienceandTechnology.

2、I learn that your pany is recruiting now.I am confident that four years of university study andthesocialpracticecanhelpme toapplyfortheposition in your pany.I have had a solid theoretical foundation becauseofthe fouryearsofEnglishlearning.Theannualinternshipexperiencemake me from theorytopractice,al

3、though I have no formal work experience. However Iam sure that I have a certain degree of understandingof the foreign trade posts and the translation work.And I believe that I have a strong learning ability,and Icanpletelyadapttothenew work ina shorttime.Under the teachersstrictteachingand my person

4、alefforts,Ihaveformeda solidfoundationofprofessional knowledge, mastered the business Englishknowledge. At the the spare time I also actively readthe professional knowledge of the relevant newspapersand magazines, understing the new economic situation,andinitiallyhavea goodmandofEnglishbasicmunicati

5、onand translationability.In addition,Ialsoactivelyparticipateinmunityactivitiesandvolunteerserviceactivities,takepartintheEnglishspeech contest, translation contest, English tonguetwisters and English about the game, also involve inthe strawberry Music Festival, better Xijin ferry andother large act

6、ivities of the volunteer activities.These practiceallowme tochece my knowledge,and alsomake me to have the strong ability of analysis andsolvingproblems,and make me more confidentand mature.Self-confidenceandperseveranceismyprinciple,and calm and optimism is the attitude of myway.Ihavetheconfidenceandhopetogettheopportunitytowork inyourpany. Attacha briefresume.Thank you again for your concern for me. Look forawardto your reply.Sincerely,XX



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