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1、 教 学 设 计 单位:柳州市融安县实验中学 姓名:张慧萍 教 学 设 计 表学科:英 语 授课年级:七年级 授课地点:融安县泗顶中学 教师:张慧萍章节名称新标准英语(小学起点)初一下册Module 12 Holiday journey Unit 1 I went to Los Angeles two years ago.计 划学 时40分钟学习内容分析 本节课是一节听说型课,其主要内容是围绕假期旅行这个话题来进行课堂教学。假期旅行这个话题很贴近学生的生活,学生对此内容很感兴趣。通过老师的引导、小组合作学习以及开展游戏活动等来完成教学任务,使学生在轻松、愉快的氛围中获取知识并培养学生热爱生活、


3、:通过体验和分享旅行的快乐,培养学生热爱生活、享受生活的乐观态度。教学重点词汇:spendspent gowent getgot taketood seesaw meetmet swimswam leaveleft has/havehad do-did句型:1. Where did you go.? -I went to .2. How long did it take to get there? - It took about hours to get there.3. How long did spend there? - I spent days there.教学难点1. 掌握本单元的重

4、点词汇。2. 会用所学的重点句型与朋友谈论自己假期旅行。依据的理论1.任务型教学法的“学中用、用中学”的理论。2.交际法。教 具多媒体课件 教 学 过 程教学步骤教 学 内 容设计理念Step 1GreetingT: Good morning boys and girls.S: Good morning.T: Im Miss Zhang, How are you today?S: Fine, thank you. Miss Zhang, And you?T: Im fine too. Thank you.自我介绍,师生互相问候,增进师生感情。使学生克服紧张心理,进入良好的学习状态。Step 2

5、复习T: Are you happy? S: Yes.T: Great. Lets play a game. I say, You do.T: Play basketball. (教师说动作,学生做动作)然后问:T: What did you do just now?S: I played basketball. (板书:playplayed)接着教师用同一方法,复习walkwalked listenlistened引导学生复习有规则动词的过去式的变化方法创设情境,为引入新知作铺垫。Step 3引入新知T: You are great. Today we will learm more .Bo

6、ys and girls, look here. (展示一张幻灯片)This is my student. Yesterday, she did lots of things. Do you want to know what she did yesterday? S: Yes.T: OK. Lets have a look.T: Please look at the picture. What did she do yesaterday?S: SheT: She got to school. (引出:getgot)用此方法,用幻灯片展示一个学生昨天所做的事情,从而教授新知:getgot go

7、went taketood seesaw meetmet swimswam leaveleft has/havehad dodid spendspent图文并茂,吸引学生的注意力。采用直观教学的手段,运用学生熟悉的生活图片导入新知,激发学生的兴趣,和求知欲望。Step 41. Read教完所有的新词,叫学生大声齐读。发现有不会读的词或是读错的,及时更正。2.Practise: Match (连线动词原形和过去)3. Chant (把所学的词编成chant)I say do, You say did. Do do do, did did did.I say take, you say took.

8、 Take take take, took took tookI say see, you say sewSee saw, see saw, see saw saw. . 先叫学生读一遍,然后教师示范,叫学生两人一组,边拍手边读。通过做连线题,巩固所学的生词。两人一组做游戏,培养学生的合作意识,激发学生的学习兴趣,巩固所学知识,使得每一个学生都主动学习,参与到课堂教学活动中。玩一玩是对学生注意力的适当调节,在学中找乐趣,在玩中学知识。Step 5引人重点句型1. T:You are excllent. Sit dowmn, please. Thank you! Boys and girls,

9、listen to me carefully. I went to Beihai last summer.It took about 5 hours to get there.I spent 2 days there.(教师边说边展示图片和句子。)2. 教师教学生读句子,然后齐读。3. T: This is my holiday. What about your holidays? (引出句子,并教读)Where did you go?- I went to Liuzhou.How long did it take to get there?-It took about 3 hours to

10、get there.How long did you spend there?-I spent 2 days there.4. Work in pairs Ask and answer to talk about the holidaysWhere did you go?- I went to_.How long did you take to get there?-It took about _ hours to get there.How long did you spend there?-I spent _ days there.创设情境,把教学的重点和难点自然渗透到交际活动中,让学生在

11、活动中学习运用语言。然后通过操练进一步加深对知识的记忆和理解。有效利用现代化教育技术来拓宽学生学习英语的渠道,辅助教学实践,激发学生的学习欲望。Step 6PresentationT: Betty went to America two years ago. She took a lot of pictures. Lets go to see. whrere is it? - Los Angeles. (依次展示图片,教地点名词California, Hollywood, Santa Monica, Pacific Ocean)展示图片,采用直观教学的手段,加深对新知识的理解。Step 7Pa

12、rt 31.ListeningT: Are these pictures beautiful?S: Yes.T: Great .They are so beautiful. So Betty had a good time there. Now , please listen to the tape and finish your work.(把课文对话分为三节,让学生做听力练习。做完核对答案。)2. Ask the students to read the text together.3. ExerciseFill in the blanksLast summer, I_(have) a h

13、oliday journey.I _ (go) to Beihai with my friends.I _(see)the beautiful sea and _(do) some shopping.I _(spend) three days there.I _(take) many photos.I _(have) a great time.回归课本,通过听、读、写三个方面的指定练习来检验学生的学习效果, 达到学以致用, 解决实际问题的效果。Step 8情感目标Travelling can make our life more colourful.通过体验和分享旅行的快乐,培养学生热爱生活、享受生活的乐观态度。Step 9Summary1. 叫学生总结本节课的重点知识。2. 展示知识点,学生齐读。通过让学生自己总结,检验学生的学习效果。Step 10Homework与朋友谈论一下你的假期旅行,并用一般过去时态把它写下来。学以致用4



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