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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上7000吨加油船技术协议书 7000DWT BUNKER TANKER(BV)TECHNICAL AGREEMENTSUBJECT: SANITARY UNITS项目名称:卫生单元HULL NO. : 船号:索普造船厂(扬州亚华船舶技术开发有限公司): 船东(深圳市光汇石油海运集团有限公司): 瓦锡兰船舶设计(上海)有限公司: 设备厂:江苏海陆装饰有限公司 1. General概述1.1 This agreement is the appendix of contract, and regarded as the integral part of the contra

2、ct. This agreement shall become effective on the date when the contract has been duly executed. 本协议作为合同的附则,是合同的组成部分。本协议将在合同正式实施时生效。1.2 Classification society Rules船级符号: 1.3 Put up banner (Ship registry) 挂国旗(船籍): 1、SINGAPORE FLAG 新加坡旗;2、PANAMA FLAG 巴拿马旗;3、UNITED ARAB EMIRATES FLAG 阿拉伯联合酋长国旗1.4 Rule a

3、nd Regulation规范及规则:All machinery and devices of this vessel shall be constructed in accordance with the following Rules and Regulations (the edition and amendments thereto being in force as of the signing date of this Contract or which notice has at the signing date of the Contract been promulgated

4、and which come into effect after the signing date of this contract but before the delivery of the vessel) 本船设备应满足以下规范及规则(且包括在合同签署时、合同签署日期之后以及交船前生效的版本、修正案或颁布的声明)1) The rules and regulation for classification of sea-going steel ships 2009. 钢质海船入级规范2009.2) The rules and regulation for materials and wel

5、ding 2009. 材料与焊接规范2009.3) The rules for lifting appliances of ships and off shore installations 2007, CCS. CCS2007船舶与海上设施起重设备规范.4) The technical regulations for statutory survey of international seagoing ships 2008, Maritime safety administration of the P.R. China (中华人民共和国海事局2008国际航行海船法定检验技术规则) and

6、the amendments of 2009, 2010.5) The technical regulations for statutory survey of lifting appliances of ships 1999, Register of shipping of the P.R. China. (中华人民共和国船舶检验局1999起重设备法定检验技术规则) 6) International convention for the safety of life at sea consolidated edtion2004(IMO国际海上人命安全公约2004综合文本,包括2003,20

7、04,2005,2006,2007,2008修正案), including the Amendments of 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 and 2008.7) The international convention on load lines, 1966 and as modified by the protocol of 1988, IMO (IMO 1966年国际载重线公约和经1988年议定书修订的1966年国际载重线公约), including the Amendments of 2003, 2006, 2008.8) The internationa

8、l regulations for preventing collisions at Sea 1972, IMO and its amendments of 1981,1987,1989,1993,2001.( IMO 1972年国际海上避碰规则及其1981,1987,1989,1993,2001修正案)9) International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution国际防污染公约(MARPOL)from ships 1973 (Annex I, IV, V & VI for NOx), as modified by the protoco

9、l of 1978 relating thereto consolidated edition 2006.10) International convention on the control of harmful anti-fouling system on ships. IMO国际控制船舶有害防污底系统公约。11) International Tele Communication Convention, 1973 and Radio Regulations, 1974 国际电讯公约及1974年无线电规则and those Amendments of Geneva 1979,1982,198

10、3,1990 and 1992 with GMDSS. 全球海上遇险呼救及安全系统。12) OCIMF, Standards for Manifolds and Associated Equipment, 1991. (for reference only) 1991年石油公司国际海事论坛(OCIMF)关于集油管和相关设备的标准(仅作参考)。13) Rules and Regulations of Authority Government政府主管部门的规范和规则14) Regulation for bunkering vessel of Maritime and Port Authority

11、of Singapore (MPA) 新加坡港务局海上加油船规定。15) ISO 6954 Guidenlines for Vibration on board ship. 船舶振动ISO6954要求.16) IMO Resolution A468 (XII) Code of noise level on board ship.船舶噪声IMO A468 (XII)规则要求1.5 Certificate证书1) The equipments should be delivered with the product certificates issued by the China Classifi

12、cation Society. 设备应持有中国船级社颁发的产品证书。2) Builders Certificate. 船舶建造者证书2. Drawings and documents图纸及文件2.1 Approval drawing认可图:船厂:2 sets hard copy+ 1 set AutoCAD soft copy(2套图纸+1套CAD电子版)船东:2 sets hard copy(2套图纸)+1 套CAD电子版瓦锡兰船舶设计公司:1 sets hard copy+ 1 set AutoCAD soft copy(1套图纸+1套CAD电子版)扬州亚华船舶技术开发有限公司:1 set

13、s hard copy+ 1 set AutoCAD soft copy(1套图纸+1套CAD电子版)2.2 Working drawing工作图:船厂:2 sets hard copy+ 1 set AutoCAD soft copy(2套图纸+1套CAD电子版)船东:2 sets hard copy(2套图纸)1 套CAD电子版瓦锡兰船舶设计公司:1 sets hard copy+ 1 set AutoCAD soft copy(1套图纸+1套CAD电子版)扬州亚华船舶技术开发有限公司:1 sets hard copy+ 1 set AutoCAD soft copy(1套图纸+1套CAD

14、电子版)2.3 Final drawing完工图纸:船厂:4 sets + 2 CD(4套图纸+2套电子副本)2.4 Drawing list or provided drawings including following content: 图纸清单或提供的图纸应包括以下内容:(All plans and documents are to be in English and Chinese所有设计图及文件均以英/中文书写)NoDrawing listAutoCAD DiscAgreementfor contractApprovaldrawingWorking drawingFinaldraw

15、ing1Catalogue and reference drawing目录及相关图纸42Outline size & mounting dimension & Weight list外形参数、安装尺寸及重量表16643Components list构件列表16644System diagram系统图16645Electrical principle diagram电气原理图16646Outer elec. wiring diagram外部电路图16647Spare parts list备件清单1648Test program试验纲要169Test report试验报告410Class certificate & manufacturer certificate船级社及制造商认可1+311System function ins



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