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1、人教版精品英语资料(精校版)八年级上册Unit 3 单元检测题时间:100分钟 满分:100分一、根据句意及汉语提示完成单词。(10分)1、 Whats the matter with her? Nothing s . She has a cold.2、Lang Lang is a (天才的) pianist.He is very famous.3、Dont (触摸) the glass.It may hurt you.4、Its impolite to l at the people in trouble.5、Jimmy was more (努力的)than me so he got bet

2、ter grades.6、B of his parents like taking a walk after supper.7、Ann is f than Sue.She likes telling jokes.8、Its n for us to study hard.9、Can you tell me some (情况)about your new library?10、Please be quiet. Dont talk so l .二、用所给词的适当形式填空。(10分)1、 Please say it again.I didnt hear what you said (clear) .2

3、、 Susan is (good) than me at English.3、 The girl is very quiet and doesnt enjoy (go) to the parties.4、 She likes to have friends who are (difference) from her.5、 I (true) like the coat.I want to buy it.6、 They made us (stay) at home.7、 When we heard the good news, we all (laugh) happily.8、 Its impor

4、tant for us (read)English every morning.9、 Bills backpack is bigger than (I) .10.My friend Emma doesnt write as (good) as her brother.三、单项选择。(20分)1、 I prefer speaking to listening in English learning.Oh, really? I think you should be good at of them.A. both B. neither C. some D.all2.In fact, listeni

5、ng is just as _ as speaking in language learning.A.important B.more important C. more difficult D. more interesting3. _ exercise you take, youll be.A. The fewer; the fatter B. The less; the fatter C. The less; the more fatter D. The more; the fatter 4. _ Mary, good students should have the same veiw

6、s her. A.For;with B.For;as C. With;for D. For;for5. _the car is old, it still runs well.A.Because B.So C. Though D.But6. I am _ . May I have something to eat? OK. Here is some bread.A. thirsty B.hungry C. tired D. sleepy7. Farmers become _ in our hometown in recent years.A. more and more rich B.rich

7、er and richer C.more rich and more rich D.much richer than8. Anna is _ to work out the problems.A.careful enough B.enough carefulC. carefully enough D. enough carefully9.Lin Dan _Li Zongwei and the game in 2012 London Olympic Games.A. beat;win B.won;beat C. beat;beat D. beat;won10. Please speak more

8、 _ . Your father is sleeping.A.loud B.quietC.quietly D. clear11. My younger sister is _ more outgoing than me.A. more B. most C. a little D. little12. Which of the caps will you take?Ill take_ , one for my father,the other for my mother.A. neither B.both C.all D. either13. The boy doest speak _ his

9、sister, but his writing is good.A. as well as B. so good as C. more better than D. more worse than14. We should use_ plastic bags to help protect the enviromment. Lets say goodbye to them.A. fewer B.more C. some D. less15. Should friends be different or the same? _ .A.Yes, they should. B.No, they sh

10、ouldnt.C. They should be the same. D. They should be friends.16. is your brother ?The one on a black bike.A.What B.WhichC. Where D. When17. Which is , an elephant or a tiger ?A.strong B.strongerC.strongest D. the strongest18.John, is Helen your twin brother?Oh, yes. He is twenty minutes _than me.A.h

11、eavier B.biggerC. taller D.older19.The man looks very young._ he is already 70.A. In fact B. First of all C.After all D. At first20.Mr.Brown is good_ children. They all love him.A. at B.with C. for D. in四完形填空。(10分)Henryisalittlefatterthanhewantstobe.He21tolosesomeweight(减肥).Soheisonthediet(节食).Hetri




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