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1、第一节开头偏离主题是写作中的大忌,也是最大的败笔。因此,文章伊始就要注意掌稳,不能偏离航道。前面谈到的审题和打腹稿就是有效避免此类错误的重要法宝。此外,掌握下列原则也是使文章主题鲜明、中心突出的可靠保障。英国博物学家John Ray有句名言:Well begun is half done.良好的开端成功的一半。做事如此,写作又何尝不是如此?中文文章讲究的是凤头、猪肚和豹尾,强调文章的开篇要有神采,要引人人胜;结尾要有力度,能画龙睛,耐人寻味。英文文章也不例外。一篇开宗明义、立意新颖的文章,定会激发阅读者的兴奋点,使之为之一震。下面的开篇“法宝”会助你旗开得胜,马到成功。一、开头的原则英文式的思

2、考方式属于垂直模式,其特点是决不拐弯抹角,有话统统和托出。这种思维模式突出地体现在英文独特的行文方式上。1开篇点题例1 Topic: The iPadOpening: The iPad is one of the most welcome and popular electronic devices ever invented. It is not only esteemed by teachers, research workers, administrators, but also by many students.例2 Topic: The Two-day WeekendOpening:

3、 Since the carrying out of the two-day weekend, college students ave benefited a lot from it. First. .点评:用主题句点明主题,而且one of the most welcome and popular ectronic devices和not only. but also,使文章开门见山,引人人胜。假如文章这样开头:The iPad is an electronic device ever invented是否如同一杯白开水平淡而无味了呢?2易于展开例 1 Topic: My View on

4、OpporturutyOpening: Different people have different opinions as to the view of opportunity. Some people argue that. 例 2 Topic: Why I Want to Go to College?Opening: There are several reasons why I want to go to college. First all,点评:例1中的两个different为下文的展开提供了广阔的空间,作者此有了很大的自由度。先提出别人的观点,再表明自己的态度。可写的容实在很多

5、,发挥的余地也很大。例2则旗帜鲜明地告诉读者:本段将以列举的方式娓娓道来。假如两篇文章分别这样开头:My view on oppoItunity is that.;I want to get a college degree或I want to go to college,则下文展开的空间极为有限,三两语之后便无话可说;无法在有限的篇幅内得以充分的阐述。因此,开篇的主题句既不要写得太笼统,也不能太具体。3吸引读者例 1 Topic: Positive and Negative Aspects of SportsOPening: I feel there are so many benefits

6、 a person gets from participating in sports. No matter what sports you participate in, there are a lot of obvious advantages.例2 Topic: The Two-day WeekendOpening: Many college students wait for the two-day weekend with great anticipation and excitement. They see it as a time to breathe and make use

7、of their free time to either relax or catch up on their studies.点评:例1不仅开篇点题,而且feel一词恰如其分地表达了作者的切,身感受。此处,它与think, believe, suppose等词之间的差别如同“闪电与莹火“。显然,“莹火”的魅力和冲击力根本无法与“闪电”相比。例2的开头虽见不到benefit之类的词语,但是大学生期待双休日的心情却在wait for.great anticipation and excitement生动的描述中跃然纸上。相比之下,The two-day weekend benefits coll

8、ege students a lot这种语句是否会显得苍白无力、呆板枯燥了许多呢?二、开头的技巧开头的好坏,关系到整篇文章。开头的写作方法很多,常用的模板如下。1开门见山,切入正题the Two-Day Weekendthe two-day weekend policy has been adopted for a long time. It has brought many advantages to colleges and universities. Most importantly, it has lightened the burden on students.Reading Boo

9、ksPeople often say that gold and silver are the most valuable things in the world. But I must assert that reading books is more valuable than anything else, because books give us knowledge which in turn gives us the power to make fortune.Motorcycles and City TrafficMotorcycles are becoming increasin

10、gly popular in Chinese cities in recent years. People drive motorcycles to their workplace, to schools, to shopping centers and so on.2. 定义主题,逐步展开English ClubEnglish club are occasions where English teachers and English learners can talk with each other in English on some topics.they offer opportuni

11、ties for the college students to practice their English. So as soon as they appear on the campus, they are welcome.PatriotismPatriotism means the love of ones country. A persons motherland is a place where he is born and bred, a place where his ancestors lived from generation to generation. .先给主题下定义

12、,然后通过举例、逻辑推理等方法加以详细说明。这样会给人,严谨、逻辑清晰、以理服人的印象。3概括开始,逐一论证Road AccidentsIn recent years the number of road accidents has been on the rise in big cities. Whenever ey happen, the people involved are either injured or killed. They cause great lossesNo More Video Games Teenagers are spending far too much ti

13、me and money on video games these days. Video games should be done away with. They are nothing but a waste of time, money and energy事物的共同特点归纳在-起,然后再论述,让人顿生居高临下、纵览全文之感。4间接铺垫,效果不凡What Is a Good Teacher?Some people say that a good teacher should be at first a well-read person. While others claim that h

14、e must be devoted to the education. In my opinion, Large Companies and Small CompaniesUpon graduation from college, young men and women face the first choice in their career life: to go to a large company or a small one? Although many graduates are attracted by the prestige of large companies, I bel

15、ieve the small one will afford more chances of success and. . .先引述别人的看法,再话锋一转表明自己的态度,令人感到观点鲜明、重点突出。5数据引证,言之有据The Average Family ExpensesThe average family income in the United States has increased from $ 12, 000 per year in 1980 to $ 16,000 in 1985. Since this is a considerable increase, the way in

16、which the average family spends its income has also changedLets Speak Mandarin ChineseIn China, there are more than 100 different dialects. The differences between dialects are so enormous that even people from neighboring areas have trouble understanding each other.翔实的数据不但说理性强,也更能征服读者。此种开头多用于图表式作文。6名言、谚语,更胜一筹



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