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1、江苏版2022届高考英语一轮复习第一部分基醇点聚焦Unit1Livingwithtechnology知能演练轻松闯关牛津译林版选修7 单项填空1(2018盐城月考)Parents in China often make _ for their children even at _ of their health.Asacrifices; sacrificesBsacrifice; sacrificeCsacrifices; sacrifice Dsacrifice; sacrificesC解析:make sacrifices for “为作出牺牲”; at sacrifice of “以牺牲了

2、为代价”。2She often dreamed of ghost, so she went to the psychiatrist. She would like to _herself of these terrible fears.Aremove BmoveCrid DthrowC解析:remove“除掉”, 通常和介词from连用。 rid oneself of.“使自己摆脱”。 B、D意思不符。 此句意为“她常常梦见鬼, 所以她去看了精神病医生, 她希望能够摆脱这些恐惧感。”3(2018沭阳五校联考)One of the aims of the UN. is to make sure

3、that fresh drinking water is _to everyone by 2018.Avital BinvisibleCupsetting DaccessibleD解析:句意:联合国的目标之一是, 确保到2018年每个人都可以喝上新鲜的饮用水。 vital“至关重要的”; invisible“看不见的”; upsetting“令人沮丧的”; accessible“可得到的”。 4.Some of the points in the test paper are beyond my understanding. Anyway, I cant cheat, for it is ag

4、ainst my _Aprinciples BemotionsCregulations DopinionsA解析:考查名词辨析。 根据题干中的“I cant cheat”可知, 此处表示“作弊是违背我的原则的”, 故选择A。 principle“原则, 原理”; emotion“强烈的情感, 激情”; regulation“规则, 条例”; opinion“意见, 看法”。 5.Any behaviour that is repeated enough times will _ bee a habit and happen automatically.Aeventually Bvirtuall

5、yCdeliberately DinitiallyA解析:考查副词辨析。 句意:任何一个被重复足够多次的行为将最终成为一个习惯而且会自动发生。 这里选择eventually表示“最后, 终于”。 virtually“实际上, 事实上”;deliberately“故意地”;initially“开始, 最初”, 都不符合句意。6According to the study of the ancient ring, can you make a(n) _ guess about what it is made of?Aobvious BcertainCtentative DconservativeC

6、解析:考查形容词辨析。 句意:根据对这个古代戒指的研究, 你能试着猜猜它是什么做的吗? make a tentative guess“做出试探性的猜测”。 tentative“试探性的, 不确定的”; obvious“明显的”; certain“肯定的”; conservative“保守的, 守旧的”。7Its reported that the population in this country is _ in a very uneven pattern.Adistributed BcontributedCconstructed DproducedA解析:句意:据报道这个国家的人口分布很不

7、平衡。 distribute“分布; 分配”; contribute“贡献”; construct“建造; 构造”; produce“生产”。 8.As families move away from their _ munity, their friends of many years, their extended family relationships, the informal flow of information is cut off.Afortable Btemporary Cstable DpreciseC解析:考查形容词辨析。 句意:随着家庭离开他们原来稳定(居住)的社区,

8、 离开他们多年的朋友和大家庭关系, 轻松友好的信息流动被切断了。 从“of many years”可知, 他们在原来的社区居住多年, 应该是稳定的, 故选C, stable“稳定的”。9Its difficult to climb up the mountain. We had to take the only path _up the hillside.Abending BrisingCwinding DwoundingC解析:winding up the hillside为现在分词短语作后置定语。 the only path winding up the hillside意为“唯一的沿着山

9、坡蜿蜒而上的小径”。10I prefer shutting myself in and listening to music all day on Sundays.Thats _I disagree. You should have a more active life.Awhere BhowCwhen DwhatA解析:答语句意:这就是我不同意的地方。 你应该拥有一个更积极的生活。 disagree是不及物动词, 所以用where引导表语从句。11It was not until he called the secretary three times that _ that the pres

10、ident went to New York for an important meeting.Adid he tell Bhe toldCwas he told Dhe was toldD解析:句意:他给那个秘书打了三次电话, 才被告知董事长去纽约参加一个重要的会议了。此题把not.until句型和强调句结构混合起来考查。 当强调not.until从句或短语时, 常将not与until从句或短语连在一起, 此时句子要用陈述语序。 故先排除A选项和C选项。 又因为tell和he之间为动宾关系, 所以答案应为D项。 12How about going fishing this weekend?_

11、Whatever you decide is fine to me.AThat depends. BIts up for you.CIts up to you. DWhy not go camping?C解析:根据后一句“无论你做什么决定对于我来说都可以”可知空格处应是“由你决定(Its up to you)”。 A项“That depends. 视情况而定。”和D项“Why not go camping?为什么不去野营?”与句意不符。 B项结构错误。13Jane preferred to _ to school rather than _ at her aunts.Asend; stay B

12、be sent; stayCsend; staying Dbe sent; to stayB解析:句意:Jane宁愿被送去上学也不愿意待在她婶婶家。 prefer to do rather than do“宁愿而不愿”。 第一空应用被动结构。14Excuse me, may I have a word with Mr. Jackson?Im afraid hes not _ now. Hes having a meeting upstairs.Afortable BsuitableCavailable DacceptableC解析:考查形容词辨析。 句意:打扰一下, 请问我可以和杰克逊先生说句

13、话吗?恐怕他此刻没空。 他正在楼上开会。 根据语境可知, available“有空的”,符合语境。15The Internet users have been warned to _ any messages that ask you to send cash or personal information, no matter how formal they are.Aabandon BrejectCdecline DwithdrawB解析:考查动词辨析。 句意:互联网用户们被警示要拒绝接受任何要求发送现金或个人信息的消息, 不管这些消息有多正规。 A项意为“抛弃, 离弃”; B项意为“拒绝

14、接受”; C项意为“谢绝”; D项意为“撤回, 撤离”。 根据句意可知B项正确。 阅读理解While money cant technically buy happiness,it can buy you a moodlifting, outlookimproving vacation.Havent made plans yet to skip town this winter? These moneysaving travel tips can help you book the destination of your choice and enjoy your time therewith

15、out breaking the bank.FLY THE COOP FASTIf youre planning to set off for an adventure right away, try the GTFO (Get The Flight Out) app.It lists the cheapest roundtrip flights departing from your local airport that day or by the next morning. At press time,airfare was down 12 percent from last August an



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