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1、牛津上海版六年级上册M3 Unit 10 Healthy eating课时练习题Module 3 Food and drinkUnit 10 Healthy eating知识点梳理1. healthy adj.=fit健康的,有益健康的,反义词unhealthy eg. It is healthy to have more fruit.You look healthy today.2. a little少量,一些,后跟不可数名词,a few修饰可数名词e.g. We need a little sugar every day.3. plenty of=a lot of大量的,许多,后面既可跟可

2、数名词复数形式也可跟不可数名词e.g. There are plenty of vegetables in the fridge.There is plenty of milk in the fridge.4. fit adj.=healthy健康的e.g. Tom keeps himself fit by walking.v. 合适,合身e. g. The pair of shoes doesnt fit the little boy.5. than conj. 比,用于比较级eg. Miss Li works harder than last year.I like English bet

3、ter than Chinese.6. asas像一样,如同,中间用形容词或副词否定形式:not as/so+原级+ase.g. The boy is as tall as his father.Tom runs as fast as Jack.7. We need a little sugar every day.need (1)作实义动词,“需要”:need to do sth. /need sth.e.g. We need to wash our hands before dinner.We dont need to hand the work today.(2)作情态动词,后面直接跟动

4、词原形:need do sth.,neednt do sth.e.g. We need do lots of exercise every day.Jack neednt clean the class room today.8. one.the other 指两个中的“一个另一个”eg. I have two apples. One is for Mary, the other is for me.another指三个或三个以上中的“另一个”e.g. Can you show me another hat?9. Your diet is less healthy than my diet.你

5、的食谱不如我的食谱健康. 句中的less+愿级十than= not as/so+原级+as e.g. My mother is less busy than my father.= My mother is not so busy as my father.10. should modal verb应该,后面跟动词原形e. g. We should help each other.You shouldnt put the rubbish here and there.Exercise OneI. Translate the following phrases into English. (翻译

6、下列词组)1. 一些脂肪_2. 大量的蔬菜 _3. 许多米饭 _ 4.一个不健康的饮食习惯_5. 和某人住一起 _II. Choose the best answer. (选择最适当的答案)() 1. Weve got _ rice _ dinner today.A. too many, forB. so many, inC. so much, inD. so much, for() 2. Lets make some pizzas _ tomorrows dinner.A. with B. forC. at D. to() 3. -Whose lemon tea is this?-Its _

7、.A. Bens and KittyB. Bens and Kittys C. Ben and Kittys D. Ben and Kitty() 4. _ rice and vegetables will make a bad diet.A. Too many, enough B. Too many, not enoughC. Too much, not enough D. Too much, enough() 5. It is said that yogurt is _ than milk for people.A. good B. better C. well D. best() 6.

8、Eddie has _ chips and _ steamed chicken. A. plenty of, a little B. a lot of, many C. a little, much D. plenty of, a fewIII. Rewrite the sentences as required. (根据要求改写句子)1. He drinks some 7-up. (改为否定句)He _ _ _7-up.2. Ive eaten a little strawberry ice cream. (就画线部分提问) _ _ strawberry ice cream _ you ea

9、ten?3. Yesterday we went to visit Shanghai Museum. (改为否定句) Yesterday we _ _ to visit Shanghai Museum.4. Mr. Lin had some pizza,chips and ice cream for lunch. (就画线部分提问) _ _ Mr. Lin have for lunch?5. I like prawn best. (改为同义句) Prawn is _ _ _.Exercise TwoI. Fill in the blanks with the given words in th

10、eir proper forms. (用所给单词适当形式填空)1. The dishes are _(taste).2. Its _(health) to drink polluted water.3. She has _(lot) of pen pals from different _(country).4. My brother has two _ ( knife).5. How much _(salty) did you use in this soup?6. Learning to play computers is very _ (help) for us.7. I like fr

11、esh food better than _ (freeze) food.8. Peter only ate two _ (boil) eggs for breakfast.II. Choose the best answer. (选择最适当的答案)() 1. She saw a film _ Saturday evening.A. atB. onC. inD. of() 2. Tomorrow is Tuesday. Why _ you go to school?A. doesB. not C. dontD. doesnt() 3. She _ too much cola last nigh

12、t.A. eatB. ate C. drinkD. drank() 4. Dont have _ sweets.A. too much B. very much C. too many D. a lot() 5. _ sugar do you need? A. How many B. How muchC. HowD. What() 6. We need to have_ vegetables and fruit every day.A. a lot B. lotsC. plenty of D. a little() 7. What do you think _ Mr. Lins diet?A.

13、 over B. withC. forD. of() 8. Its not good to eat too much _ food. A. fresh B. friedC. boiledD. cookedIII. Fill in the blanks with the given words in their proper forms. (用动词的适当形式填空)1. Michael often _ (finish) his homework before nine oclock every evening.2. My mother _(work) in a shop. She _(be) at work now.3. -Where are Ken and Kitty?-They _ (pack) their things in the room. They


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